Monday 29 July 2013

The Best Carmarthenshire Breakfast

On 15 July, four chefs from Carmarthenshire came together at Coleg Sir Gar to serve up the best breakfasts which could be produced in B&B’s and accommodation across the county. The Carmarthenshire Farm Group, accommodation businesses either in the farming or tourism industry were invited to taste the dishes and choose four or five that they would like to take forward to pilot to their guests over the summer.

The chefs who took part included: Julian Preda from the Plough Inn in Rhosmaen, Scott Davis from Cnwd in Crosshands, Stewart Williams from Stradey Park Hotel in Llanelli and Marc Scaife from Con Passionata in Carmarthen. They wanted to help demonstrate to the businesses the variety of dishes you can serve to guests by using local produce. The meals ranged from the traditional fry up to high energy breakfast muffins to takeaway.

Fiona Park, owner of Cwmcrwth Farm Cottages and the driving force behind this breakfast initiative said, ‘I believe we have wonderful produce on our doorstep and this is a great opportunity to develop the best breakfast experience Carmarthenshire can offer. It was an excellent event and the chefs produced some great dishes. The most popular dish was Scott from Cnwd’s gorgeous crumpet, piled high with Carmarthenshire cheesy scrambled eggs and smoked sewin on top.’

Ffres, the South West Wales’ Food Tourism initiative are running training courses on cooking these newly designed, unique Carmarthenshire breakfasts, to ensure all businesses are confident in providing the high standard across the board.

For more information, contact or visit,

Ar 15 Gorffennaf, daeth phedwar cogydd o Sir Gaerfyrddin at ei gilydd yng Ngholeg Sir Gâr i wasanaethu ar y brecwastau gorau y gellid eu cynhyrchu mewn Gwely a Brecwast neu llety ar draws y sir. Mae Grŵp Fferm Sir Gaerfyrddin, sef busnesau llety naill ai yn y diwydiant twristiaeth neu ffermio wedi eu gwahodd i flasu prydau a dewis pedwar neu bump y byddent yn hoffi wasanaethu iw gwesteion yn ystod yr haf.

Mae'r cogyddion a fu'n cymryd rhan yn cynnwys: Julian Preda or Plough Inn yn Rhosmaen, Scott Davis o Cnwd yn Cross Hands, Stewart Williams or Stradey Park Hotel yn Llanelli a Marc Scaife o Con Passionata yng Nghaerfyrddin. Maen’t yn awyddus i helpu i ddangos i'r busnesau yr amrywiaeth o prydau a gallwch weini i westeion drwy ddefnyddio cynnyrch lleol. Mae'r prydau bwyd yn amrywio o frecwast wedi ffrio traddodiadol hyd at myffins brecwast egni uchel i'w gymryd allan.

Dywedodd Fiona Park, perchennog Bythynnod Fferm Cwmcrwth a'r grym y tu ôl y fenter frecwast, 'Rwy'n credu bod gennym gynnyrch gwych ar garreg ein drws ac mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i ddatblygu profiad brecwast gorau y gall Sir Gaerfyrddin gynnig. Roedd yn ddigwyddiad ardderchog a roedd y cogyddion wedi cynhyrchu prydau gwych. Y pryd mwyaf poblogaidd oedd gan Scott o Cnwd efo’i  cramwythen hyfryd wedi eu pentyrru yn uchel gyda wyau cawslyd wedi'u sgramblo a sewin mwg ar ei ben. '

Mae Ffres, sef menter Twristiaeth Bwyd De-orllewin Cymru 'yn cynnal cyrsiau hyfforddi ar goginio y prydau a gynlluniwyd, yn ogystal a frecwast unigryw Sir Gaerfyrddin, er mwyn sicrhau bod pob busnes yn hyderus wrth ddarparu gwasanaeth o'r safon uchel ar draws y bwrdd.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â neu ymweliad,

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