Thursday 18 July 2013

Swansea Bay City Region Launch

Plans to transform South West Wales into an economic powerhouse have taken a major step forwards today with the launch of the first city region in Wales.

Business leaders and local authorities have joined forces with the Welsh Government to create the Swansea Bay Region to help give the area a major economic boost.

Economy Minister Edwina Hart gave the keynote speech and said, “The fact that partners have already worked together to develop an economic regeneration strategy provided an excellent foundation for the development of the City region.”

She continued, “The Swansea Bay City Region Economic Regeneration Strategy identifies a collective approach – the region coming together - to deliver an ambitious plan for economic growth. I am pleased to see a clear vision underpinned by detailed economic analysis of the region.”

David Phillips the leader of Swansea Council said, “These are tough economic times. But as a city region, we will pool resources, expertise and experience to create a profile that will encourage economic development and investment. We don’t have to wait for the economy to turn, we can do it now.”

For more information about the Swansea Bay City Region’s Launch Event, contact:

Mae cynlluniau i drawsnewid De Orllewin Cymru yn bwerdy economaidd wedi cymryd cam mawr ymlaen heddiw gyda lansiad y rhanbarth ddinas gyntaf yng Nghymru.

Arweinwyr busnes ac awdurdodau lleol wedi ymuno â Llywodraeth Cymru i greu Rhanbarth Bae Abertawe i helpu i roi hwb economaidd mawr i'r ardal.

Rhoddodd Gweinidog dros yr Economi Edwina Hart brif araith a dweud, "Mae'r ffaith bod partneriaid eisoes wedi gweithio gyda'i gilydd i ddatblygu strategaeth adfywio economaidd yn darparu sylfaen ardderchog ar gyfer datblygiad y rhanbarth y Ddinas."

Aeth yn ei blaen, "Y Strategaeth Economaidd Rhanbarth Dinas Bae Abertawe Adfywio yn nodi dull gweithredu ar y cyd - y rhanbarth yn dod at ei gilydd - i ddarparu cynllun uchelgeisiol ar gyfer twf economaidd. Yr wyf yn falch o weld gweledigaeth glir hategu gan ddadansoddiad economaidd manwl y rhanbarth. "

Dywedodd David Phillips arweinydd Cyngor Abertawe, "Mae hwn yn gyfnod economaidd anodd. Ond fel rhanbarth dinas, byddwn yn rhannu adnoddau, arbenigedd a phrofiad i greu proffil a fydd yn annog datblygiad economaidd a buddsoddi. Nid oes rhaid i ni aros am yr economi i droi, gallwn wneud hynny nawr. "

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y Digwyddiad Lansio Rhanbarth Dinas Bae Abertawe, cysylltwch â:

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