Thursday 4 July 2013

The Twizy Due to Make its Debut in Llandovery

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about ‘Tracy’ the Twizy Eco Car and a trip around Brecon. From August 5th, the Eco Car is coming to Llandovery. The state of the art electric car will be available to hire by the day and will be based at The Level Crossing for two weeks.

The Level Crossing is a community owned bunkhouse, bistro, and bar located next to Llandovery railway station. The new venture is aimed at walkers and cyclists for who there is secure storage and washing facilities for mountain bikes. It is based on the doorstep of the Western Brecon Beacons and the Cambrian Mountains; there is something for everyone to enjoy here- Mountains, lakes, castles, gardens and market towns.

This innovative little car provides a ‘green’ springboard for exploring the beautiful and stunning area, including the Black Mountain and could benefit tourism in Carmarthenshire greatly, now and in the future as more and more people are becoming conscience over the environmental impact of their holiday choices. More tourists are beginning to embrace sustainable holidays.

For more information, contact:

Ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, ysgrifennais blog am 'Tracy' y Car Twizy Eco a’i thaith o amgylch Aberhonddu. O 5 Awst, mae'r Car Eco yn dod i Lanymddyfri. Bydd y car trydan ar gael i'w llogi gan y dydd, a bydd yn seiliedig ar y groesfan wastad am bythefnos.

Mae'r groesfan wastad yn eiddo i'r gymuned, efo bynciau, bistro a bar wedi ei lleoli nesaf at orsaf reilffordd Llanymddyfri. Mae'r fenter newydd wedi ei anelu at gerddwyr a beicwyr ar gyfer pwy mae storio diogel a chyfleusterau ymolchi ar gyfer beiciau mynydd. Mae'n seiliedig ar y stepen drws o Fannau Brycheiniog a Mynyddoedd Cambria, mae rhywbeth i bawb ei fwynhau gyda mynyddoedd, llynnoedd, cestyll, gerddi a threfi marchnad.

Mae'r car bach arloesol yn darparu sbringfwrdd 'gwyrdd' ar gyfer archwilio'r ardal hardd a thrawiadol, gan gynnwys y Mynydd Du ac a allai twristiaeth elwa yn fawr yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, yn awr ac yn y dyfodol wrth i fwy a mwy o bobl dod yn gydwybodol am effaith amgylcheddol eu dewisiadau gwyliau. Mae mwy o dwristiaid yn dechrau i gofleidio gwyliau cynaliadwy.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â:

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