Thursday 11 July 2013

Taste Local Opportunity for Food and Tourism Businesses

Taste Local has launched a ‘Learning Journey Bursary’ which is open to all food, drink, and hospitality and tourism businesses within the rural wards of South West Wales. There are forty bursaries at an 80% funding rate with a maximum of £800 per business available. Businesses are being urged to get in touch if they would like to apply for a bursary to join others in the sector on a visit to Puglia in Italy as groups on 23rd September for 4-5 days.

Several local businesses have already been successful in their applications to undertake Taste Local Learning Journeys to Italy as a means of developing and growing their own businesses including Teifi Cheese, Nomnom, Con Passionata and Lwynhelyg Farm Shop.

The different groups will be visiting cheese producers, confectionary businesses, cookery schools and restaurants, vine yards and food trails/ farm shops/preserves in the region.

Taste Local Co-ordinator, Lowri Edwards said, ‘We only have a few bursaries still available so it is really important that anyone interested gets in touch as soon as possible. Businesses can apply for individual bursaries too if they do not want to go as part of a group.’

For more information, visit or contact

Mae Blas Lleol wedi lansio ' Bwrsariaeth Dysgu a Teithio ' sydd yn agored i holl busnesau bwyd, diod, a lletygarwch twristiaeth ac o fewn y wardiau gwledig de-orllewin Cymru.

Mae deugain o fwrsariaethau ar gyfradd ariannu o 80% gydag uchafswm o £ 800 ar gael. Mae busnesau yn cael eu hannog i gysylltu â ni os ydynt am wneud cais am fwrsariaeth i ymuno ag eraill yn y sector a ymweliad â Puglia yn yr Eidal fel grwp ar 23 Medi am 4-5 diwrnod.

Mae nifer o fusnesau lleol eisoes wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn eu ceisiadau i ymgymryd Flas Siwrneiau Dysgu Lleol i'r Eidal fel ffordd o ddatblygu a thyfu eu busnesau eu hunain, gan gynnwys Caws Teifi, Nomnom, Con Passionata a Siop Fferm Llwynhelyg.

Bydd y gwahanol grwpiau yn ymweld â chynhyrchwyr caws, busnesau melysion, ysgolion coginio a bwytai, iardiau winwydden a llwybrau bwyd / siopau ffermydd .

Dywedodd Lowri Edwards, Cyd-gysylltydd Blas Lleol 'Dim ond ychydig o fwrsariaethau sydd ar gael o hyd, felly mae'n wirioneddol bwysig bod unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb yn cysylltu cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Gall busnesau wneud cais am fwrsariaethau unigol hefyd os nad ydynt am fynd fel rhan o grŵp.'

Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i neu cysylltwch

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