Thursday 21 February 2013

Waste Prevention Workshops.- Gweithdai atal Gwastraff

Learn how to prevent waste, cut costs and apply for up to £60,000 worth of support at free workshops in Caernarfon, Haverfordwest and Abergavenny

Small and medium hospitality and tourism businesses can get the holiday season off to a great start by reserving a place at one of three free workshops.

Delegates will learn how simple steps to avoid food and packaging waste can have a big impact on their budget as well as the environment. They’ll also have the chance to find out how to apply for up to £50,000 towards the cost of waste prevention or recycling equipment and up to £10,000 worth of consultancy. All delegates will also receive a free personalised waste prevention plan for their business.

The events will be held at:
·        The Black Boy Inn, Caernarfon 12 March
·        Preseli Venture Eco Lodge, Haverfordwest 13 March
·        Llansantffraed Court, Abergavenny 14 March

Places are limited. To book email
 Dysgwch sut i atal Gwastraff am ddim, dysgwch sut i lleihau costau a gwneud cais am hyd at £ 60,000 gwerth o gefnogaeth mewn gweithdai rhad ac am ddim yng Nghaernarfon, Hwlffordd a'r Fenni
Gall busnesau lletygarwch a thwristiaeth bach a chanolig cael y tymor gwyliau i ffwrdd i ddechrau gwych drwy gadw lle yn un o dri gweithdy rhad ac am ddim.

Bydd cynrychiolwyr yn dysgu sut mae camau syml i osgoi y gall bwyd a gwastraff pecynnu yn cael effaith fawr ar eu cyllideb yn ogystal â'r amgylchedd. Byddant hefyd yn cael y cyfle i gael gwybod sut i wneud cais am hyd at £ 50,000 tuag at y gost o atal gwastraff neu ailgylchu offer a hyd at £ 10,000 o ymgynghori. Bydd pob cynrychiolydd yn derbyn cynllun gwastraff am ddim personol atal ar gyfer eu busnes.

Bydd y digwyddiadau'n cael eu cynnal yn
- Mae Tafarn y Black Boy, Caernarfon 12 Mawrth
- Preseli Venture Eco Lodge, Hwlffordd 13 Mawrth
Llansantffraed Court, Y Fenni 14 Mawrth
Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig. I archebu e-bost sheena.newell @

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