Thursday 14 February 2013

True Value of Tourism - Gwir werth Twristiaeth.

Attractions & Activity providers
In conjunction with Visit Wales, we in the Marketing and Tourism department need to continue to collate attraction numbers in order to gain a true value of Tourism in Carmarthenshire.

In order to do this we would like to monitor your visitor numbers on a monthly basis. We are aware that some of you have been providing this information to Visit Wales directly, please continue to do this as the figures will not be duplicated.

We would appreciate it if you could add your visitor figures for 2012 via the survey link

For those of you who have already completed their visitor Figures for Jan - Oct you can enter zero and just fill in Nov & Dec

For information on the current STEAM attraction figures and the value of tourism to Carmarthenshire please log onto:

Thank you very much for your continued support and allowing us to share your valuable information.


Darparwyr Gweithgareddau ac Atyniadau
Ar y cyd â Chroeso Cymru, mae angen i ni yn yr Adain Farchnata a Thwristiaeth barhau i gasglu niferoedd ynghylch atyniadau er mwyn canfod gwir werth twristiaeth yn Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Er mwyn gwneud hyn, dymunwn fonitro niferoedd eich ymwelwyr bob mis. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod rhai ohonoch wedi bod yn rhoi'r wybodaeth hon i Groeso Cymru yn uniongyrchol. A fyddech cystal â pharhau i wneud hynny gan na fydd y ffigurau'n cael eu dyblygu.

Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi pe baech yn ychwanegu eich ffigurau ymwelwyr chi am 2012 drwy ddolen gyswllt yr arolwg:
I'r rhai ohonoch sydd wedi cwblhau eich ffigurau ymwelwyr am Ionawr - Hydref eisoes, gallwch nodi sero, a llenwi misoedd Tachwedd a Rhagfyr yn unig.

I gael gwybodaeth am ffigurau atyniadau presennol STEAM a gwerth twristiaeth i Sir Gaerfyrddin, ewch i:

Diolch yn fawr ichi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus ac am ganiatáu inni rannu eich gwybodaeth werthfawr.

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