Friday 22 February 2013

March events 2013 - Digwyddiadau mis Mawrth 2013

Ensure your guests know what events are on in March, by  downloading the County Council's monthly "What's On" PDF which is available on the link below. (To print, open the link, right click, and select the print option)

March 2013 events list  

The what's on and events pages on are among the top two most visited pages of the website and are updated daily with a comprehensive listing.
Gwnewch yn siwr bod eichgwesteionyn gwybodpa ddigwyddiadau sydd ymlaenym mis Mawrth,drwylwytho i lawr "BethSy Ymlaen '' misol y Cyngor Sir. Mae'r PDFar gael ary ddolenisod.(I argraffu,agorwch y ddolen, cliciwch dde,a dewiswch yr opsiwnprint)
Digwyddiadau Mis Mawrth 2013

Mae'r thudalennau "beth sydd ymlaen" a digwyddiadau ar ymysg y ddwy dudalen mwyaf poblogaidd y wefan ac yn cael eu diweddaru bob dydd gyda rhestr gynhwysfawr.



Thursday 21 February 2013

Waste Prevention Workshops.- Gweithdai atal Gwastraff

Learn how to prevent waste, cut costs and apply for up to £60,000 worth of support at free workshops in Caernarfon, Haverfordwest and Abergavenny

Small and medium hospitality and tourism businesses can get the holiday season off to a great start by reserving a place at one of three free workshops.

Delegates will learn how simple steps to avoid food and packaging waste can have a big impact on their budget as well as the environment. They’ll also have the chance to find out how to apply for up to £50,000 towards the cost of waste prevention or recycling equipment and up to £10,000 worth of consultancy. All delegates will also receive a free personalised waste prevention plan for their business.

The events will be held at:
·        The Black Boy Inn, Caernarfon 12 March
·        Preseli Venture Eco Lodge, Haverfordwest 13 March
·        Llansantffraed Court, Abergavenny 14 March

Places are limited. To book email
 Dysgwch sut i atal Gwastraff am ddim, dysgwch sut i lleihau costau a gwneud cais am hyd at £ 60,000 gwerth o gefnogaeth mewn gweithdai rhad ac am ddim yng Nghaernarfon, Hwlffordd a'r Fenni
Gall busnesau lletygarwch a thwristiaeth bach a chanolig cael y tymor gwyliau i ffwrdd i ddechrau gwych drwy gadw lle yn un o dri gweithdy rhad ac am ddim.

Bydd cynrychiolwyr yn dysgu sut mae camau syml i osgoi y gall bwyd a gwastraff pecynnu yn cael effaith fawr ar eu cyllideb yn ogystal â'r amgylchedd. Byddant hefyd yn cael y cyfle i gael gwybod sut i wneud cais am hyd at £ 50,000 tuag at y gost o atal gwastraff neu ailgylchu offer a hyd at £ 10,000 o ymgynghori. Bydd pob cynrychiolydd yn derbyn cynllun gwastraff am ddim personol atal ar gyfer eu busnes.

Bydd y digwyddiadau'n cael eu cynnal yn
- Mae Tafarn y Black Boy, Caernarfon 12 Mawrth
- Preseli Venture Eco Lodge, Hwlffordd 13 Mawrth
Llansantffraed Court, Y Fenni 14 Mawrth
Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig. I archebu e-bost sheena.newell @

2013 Bedroom Browser - 2013 Llyfrin lloft.

Carmarthenshire County Council have this year produced a 'bedroom browser.'  We have included every attraction within Carmarthenshire in this useful bedroom guide.

● Bedroom browsers are seen by 95% of visitors staying in Carmarthenshire.  The folders are an excellent means of promoting the area.
● We aim to distribute these to graded and ungraded hotels, guesthouses, bed & breakfasts, pubs, holiday cottages and caravan parks throughout the region.
● We are currently arranging  for the majority of establishments to have the correct quantity of folders for the 2013 season. Accommodation providers will be able to order further supplies throughout the year if needed.
● The laminated folders are attractively designed and well laid out. The durable cover protects the leaflets for the whole year.
● The folders is divided into four areas, and has a useful information section such as "In our opinion the best local restaurant is:..."

If you have not yet received your Carmarthenshire bedroom browser allocation, please  contact Michelle Gibbs on
and let her know how many browsers you need for your rooms.

You can also view the bedroom browser on our brochures page (Right hand side column)

Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin wedi eleni cynhyrchu 'llyfrin lloft.' Rydym wedi cynnwys pob atyniad yn Sir Gaerfyrddin yn y canllaw ddefnyddiol ystafell wely yma.

● Mae’r llyfrin ystafell wely yn cael eu gweld gan 95% o ymwelwyr fydd yn aros yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. Mae'r ffolderi yn ffordd ardderchog o hyrwyddo'r ardal.
● Ein nod yw dosbarthu y rhain i westai graddedig a heb eu graddio, gwestai bach, gwely a brecwast, tafarndai, bythynnod gwyliau a pharciau carafannau drwy gydol y rhanbarth.
● Rydym ar hyn o bryd yn trefnu ar gyfer y mwyafrif o sefydliadau i gael y maint cywir o ffolderi ar gyfer y tymor 2013. Bydd darparwyr llety yn gallu cael cyflenwadau pellach trwy gydol y flwyddyn os oes angen.
● Mae'r ffolderi wedi'u lamineiddio, wedi eu cynllunio yn ddeniadol au gosod allan yn dda. Mae'r gorchudd gwydn yn gwarchod y taflenni ar gyfer y flwyddyn gyfan.
● Mae'r ffolderi wedi cael ei rannu'n bedwar ardal, ac yn cynnwys adran gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol fel "Yn ein barn ni mae'r bwyty gorau lleol yw: ..."

Os nad ydych eto wedi derbyn eich dyraniad ystafell wely Sir Gaerfyrddin, cysylltwch â Michelle Gibbs ar a rhowch wybod faint o borwyr syn ei hangen arnoch ar gyfer eich ystafelloedd.

Gallwch hefyd weld y porwr ystafell wely ar ein llyfrynnau dudalen (dde colofn ochr)

Thursday 14 February 2013

True Value of Tourism - Gwir werth Twristiaeth.

Attractions & Activity providers
In conjunction with Visit Wales, we in the Marketing and Tourism department need to continue to collate attraction numbers in order to gain a true value of Tourism in Carmarthenshire.

In order to do this we would like to monitor your visitor numbers on a monthly basis. We are aware that some of you have been providing this information to Visit Wales directly, please continue to do this as the figures will not be duplicated.

We would appreciate it if you could add your visitor figures for 2012 via the survey link

For those of you who have already completed their visitor Figures for Jan - Oct you can enter zero and just fill in Nov & Dec

For information on the current STEAM attraction figures and the value of tourism to Carmarthenshire please log onto:

Thank you very much for your continued support and allowing us to share your valuable information.


Darparwyr Gweithgareddau ac Atyniadau
Ar y cyd â Chroeso Cymru, mae angen i ni yn yr Adain Farchnata a Thwristiaeth barhau i gasglu niferoedd ynghylch atyniadau er mwyn canfod gwir werth twristiaeth yn Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Er mwyn gwneud hyn, dymunwn fonitro niferoedd eich ymwelwyr bob mis. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod rhai ohonoch wedi bod yn rhoi'r wybodaeth hon i Groeso Cymru yn uniongyrchol. A fyddech cystal â pharhau i wneud hynny gan na fydd y ffigurau'n cael eu dyblygu.

Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi pe baech yn ychwanegu eich ffigurau ymwelwyr chi am 2012 drwy ddolen gyswllt yr arolwg:
I'r rhai ohonoch sydd wedi cwblhau eich ffigurau ymwelwyr am Ionawr - Hydref eisoes, gallwch nodi sero, a llenwi misoedd Tachwedd a Rhagfyr yn unig.

I gael gwybodaeth am ffigurau atyniadau presennol STEAM a gwerth twristiaeth i Sir Gaerfyrddin, ewch i:

Diolch yn fawr ichi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus ac am ganiatáu inni rannu eich gwybodaeth werthfawr.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Hwyl Hanner Tymor

Hwyl Hanner Tymor
Er nad oes byth sicrwydd y bydd y tywydd yn sych dros hanner tymor, nid yw hynny'n golygu bod yn rhaid ichi aros gartref gyda'ch plant. Pam na fentrwch allan yn ystod hanner tymor i fwynhau rhai o atyniadau Sir Gaerfyrddin, gan fod digon o bethau i'w gwneud yn y sir beth bynnag fo'r tywydd a hynny heb dalu crocbris.

Cynhelir Gwersylloedd Gwyliau Bizzy Bees ar gyfer plant 8-12 oed yn rhai o Ganolfannau Hamdden Sir Gaerfyrddin  Y gwersylloedd gwyliau hyn yw'r lle perffaith ar gyfer plant yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgolion. Bydd y plant yn brysur drwy gydol y dydd yn gwneud ystod eang o weithgareddau hwyl o dan oruchwyliaeth staff arbenigol a hwyliog. Mae'n bosibl y bydd eich plentyn yn cael cymryd rhan mewn rhai o'r gweithgareddau canlynol yn ystod y gwersylloedd: Polo Dŵr, Trampolinio, Snorcelu, Carate, Criced, Pêl-droed, Rygbi, Nofio a Gemau Olympaidd Bach. Gallwch archebu lle am ddiwrnodau unigol neu'r wythnos gyfan. Mae archebu lle am yr wythnos yn golygu y cewch ostyngiad. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y Bizzy Bees ffoniwch eich canolfan hamdden leol neu fynd i wefan
Os ydych ond yn chwilio am ddiwrnodau allan am ddim, unwaith eto edrychwch ar yr hyn sydd ar gael gan ein canolfannau hamdden. Maent yn cynnig rhaglen nofio ar gyfer plant iau lle gall plant nofio am ddim am 2 awr bob diwrnod drwy gydol gwyliau'r ysgolion.
Os ydych am gael prynhawn mwy addysgol gallwch ymweld ag Amgueddfa Caerfyrddin yn Abergwili, Parc Howard yn Llanelli neu Dŷ’r Castell yng Nghaerfyrddin. Mae mynediad am ddim i'r holl safleoedd hyn sy'n llefydd gwerth ymweld â nhw yn ystod hanner tymor. Amgueddfa arall sy'n werth ymweld â hi yr wythnos hon yw Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru yn Nre-fach Felindre lle cynhelir Cert Celf arbennig yn ystod y gwyliau sy'n canolbwyntio ar weithgareddau creadigol ar gyfer plant:
Gallwch gael diwrnodau allan eraill yn y sir heb ddim neu fawr ddim cost ichi. Cofiwch am ein Parciau Gwledig a'n Traethau ac am rai o'n cestyll, gan gynnwys Llansteffan, Dryslwyn, Caerfyrddin, Castell Newydd Emlyn a Llanymddyfri, lle mae mynediad am ddim. Hefyd mae mynediad am ddim i Gastell Dinefwr os cerddwch i'r safle. Os yw'r tywydd yn sych mae cestyll yn llefydd gwych i dreulio prynhawn difyr â'ch dychymyg yn drên - yr unig bethau sydd eu hangen arnoch yw cleddyfau a tharianau plastig ynghyd â chastell cyfleus, a gallwch oresgyn y byd yn grwn! I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Gestyll yn y Sir, codwch y daflen Cestyll a Gerddi yn eich Canolfan Groeso leol yn Nhŷ'r Castell, Caerfyrddin neu cliciwch yma.
Mae rhai o'n hatyniadau eraill yn gallu bod yn fannau difyr i'ch plant gan fod y rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn cynnal rhyw weithgaredd neu'i gilydd yn ystod wythnos hanner tymor. Gweler y 5 Uchaf yn y rhestr o bethau y gallwch eu gwneud y penwythnos hwn, a bwriwch olwg ar “Beth sy’ mlaen” ar dudalennau Darganfod Sir Gaerfyrddin.
Y 5 uchaf o ran y pethau i'w gwneud yr wythnos hon
1.        Dydd Mercher 13eg Chwefror – dydd Sadwrn 16eg Chwefror
Y Gât, Sanclêr. SA33 4AA
Dewch draw yn ystod hanner tymor i gael gwybod beth sy'n digwydd yn eich ardal chi! Bydd cyfle i gwrdd â phobl o grwpiau, mudiadau a chymdeithasau lleol. Gallwch gymryd rhan mewn gweithdai ac arddangosiadau, a bydd rhywbeth gwahanol bob dydd! Mae yma rywbeth at ddant pawb o bob oedran!!
Ffoniwch 01994 232726

2.    Wythnos Blychau Nythu 15fed – 17eg Chwefror
Beth am ichi wneud blwch ar gyfer titw tomos las neu robin goch, ac yna mynd â'r blwch i'w osod yn eich gardd! Byddwch yn cael hyfforddiant un ag un gan arbenigwr er mwyn gwneud eich blwch nythu eich hun, a hynny am £5 yr un.
Canolfan Ymddiriedolaeth Adar y Gwlyptir, Llanelli. Manylion cyswllt: 01554 741087
3.      Gwneud a Thrwsio: Cardiau ac Amlenni 16eg Chwefror
Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru, Dre-fach Felindre, SA44 5UP.
Oedolion / £5 / Rhaid archebu.
Manylion cyswllt:  
029 2057 3070

4.    Dydd Sadwrn  16eg Chwefror a dydd Sul 17eg Chwefror 2013 10:00am – 4:00pm
Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru
Penwythnos adnabod adar
Dewch draw i gael golwg ar yr amrywiaeth o adar sydd yn y gerddi.
Gwisgwch esgidiau cadarn a dillad addas i fynd am dro am awr, gan gofio ei bod hi'n ganol mis Chwefror. Bydd swyddogion RSPB Cymru wrth law i estyn cymorth a chyngor ynghylch denu adar i'ch gardd ac ynghylch y bwydydd gorau i'w darparu ar wahanol adegau o'r flwyddyn.
Mynediad i'r Ardd yn £8.50 i oedolion (pris gostyngol: £7) ac yn £4.50 i blant. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y digwyddiad neu ddigwyddiadau eraill ffoniwch 01558 667149, e-bostio neu gael golwg ar 

5.    Diwrnod Rasio Helwyr Cadnoid Dunraven - 17eg Chwefror
Cae Rasio Ffos Las.
Manylion cyswllt :  
01554 811092

Half Term Fun

Half Term fun
Half term isn’t always guaranteed to be dry but that doesn’t mean you need to be stuck indoors with the children. During this half term week why not venture out and about and enjoy some of our Carmarthenshire attractions that won’t break the bank that are suitable for any day even a rainy one.

At some of the Carmarthenshire Leisure Centres they run Bizzy Bees Holiday Camps for children aged 8-12 years old.
The holiday camps are the perfect place for kids to go during the school holidays. They are kept active all day doing a range of fun activities supervised by Fun and expert staff.
Some of the activities your child might find themselves doing during the camps include Water Polo, Trampolining, Snorkelling, Karate, Cricket, Football, Rugby, Swimming and Mini Olympics. You can book either for individual days or for the entire week. Booking for the week gets you a discounted price. For further information on Bizzy Bees you can phone your local leisure centre or visit

If you are just looking for free days out, again take a look at our leisure centres, they offer a Junior free swimming programme entitling children to 2hrs of free swimming per day all through the school holidays.

For a more educational afternoon out why not visit the Carmarthenshire museum in Abergwili, Parc Howard in Llanelli or Castle House in Carmarthen, all are free entry sites and are worth a visit during the half term. Another museum which is worth a visit this week is the National Wool museum of Wales in Drefach – Felindre which has a great Art cart during the holidays which focuses on creative activities for children.

Other cost saving days out in the County not only includes our Country Parks & Beaches but some of our castles too, Llansteffan, Dryslwyn, Carmarthen, Newcastle Emlyn and Llandovery Castle are all free entry sites. Dinefwr castle is also a free entry site if you walk to its location. Castles on a dry day make for a great afternoon of imaginary play, with a couple of plastic swords and shields, the castle and the world can be conquered! For more information on Castles in the County, you can pick up the Castles & Gardens leaflet from your local Tourist Information Centre at Castle House in Carmarthen.

Some of our other attractions can keep your little ones busy as most have something going on during the half term week. See Top 5 things to do this weekend and visit the What’s on pages of

Top 5 things to do this week

1.        Wednesday 13th February – Saturday 16th February
The Gate, St Clears. SA33 4AA
This February half term and find out what’s going on in your local area!!
Meet people from local groups, organisations and societies. Take part in workshops and demonstrations, something different every day!
Something for everyone, open to all ages!!
Contact 01994 232726

2.    Nest Box Week 15th – 17th Feb
Build your very own blue tit or robin nest box to take home! You will receive one-to-one expert tuition to make your own nest box, £5 each WWT National Wetland Centre, Llanelli. Contact:  01554 741087

3.      Make and Mend: Cards and Envelopes 16th  Feb
National Wool Museum, Dre-Fach Felindre, SA44 5UP.Adults / £5 / Booking Essential.
Contact:  029 2057 3070

4.    Sat 16th and  Sun 17th  February 2013 10:00am – 4:00pm
National Botanic Garden of Wales
Bird spotting weekend
Visit to see and spot a wide variety of birds seen in the gardens.
 Please wear stout footwear and dress appropriately for an hour’s walk in February weather. RSPB Cymru will also be offering help and advice in attracting birds to your garden and what best to feed them at different times of the year.
Admission to the Garden is £8.50 (concessions £7) for adults and £4.50 for children. For more information about this or other events, call 01558 667149, email  or go to

5.    Dunraven Welsh Fox Hunters Raceday 17th  Feb
Ffos Las Racecourse.Contact:  01554 811092

Dog Day - Dydd Cwn

Did you know the National Botanic Garden of Wales is allowing dogs in its grounds for the first time? On Saturday March 9th, the doors will be open to all responsible dog owners for a one-day trial!

Ydych chi’n gwybod fod y Gerddi Botaneg Genedlaethol yn gadael cwn i fewn am y tro cyntaf? Ar Dydd Sadwrn 9fed Mawrth  fydd y drysau ar agor i perchnogion cwn, am un diwrnod yn unig!

Easter Availability. - Ystafelloedd ar gael ar gyfer Pasg.

Would you like to be featured in National media? Email your Easter availability across now and we will communicate your offer with our national media partners.  Junior Farming Weekends at Cwmcwrth Farm have just been featured in Women's own magazine.  

We are in daily contact with the editors of the national newspapers, travel and tourism publications and some of the best selling magazines. Email now with the dates you have available, the rates you wish to charge and don't forget package your product offering to make sure it stand out amongst the rest.


A fyddwch yn hoffi ymddangos yn y cyfryngau Cenedlaethol? E-bostiwch yr hyn sydd ar gael ganddoch ar gyfer Pasg a byddwn yn cyfathrebu eich cynnig gyda'n partneriaid yn y cyfryngau cenedlaethol. Mae Fferm Cwmcwrth newydd wedi ymddangos yn cylchgrawn "Womens Own"  gyda ei Penwythnosau Ffermio Iau.

Rydym mewn cyswllt dyddiol â golygyddion, teithio y papurau newydd cenedlaethol a chyhoeddiadau twristiaeth, a rhai o'r cylchgronau gwerthu orau. E-bostiwch yn awr  gyda'r dyddiadau sydd gennych ar gael i  hefo eich cyfraddau yr ydych yn dymuno i godi tâl, a pheidiwch ag anghofio eich pecyn cynnig cynnyrch, gwnewch yn siwr ei fod yn sefyll allan ymhlith y gweddill.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Aberglasney appeal for information

Aberglasney is asking for your help.  Its an appeal for information on the people who made Aberglasney what it is today. Essentially they are looking for people’s memories of the place before the time the restoration trust took over and work began on restoring the gardens 15 years ago. Interviews can be arranged in English or Welsh.

Contact Aberglasney by calling 01558 668998, by emailing or by writing to Aberglasney Gardens, Llangathen, Carmarthenshire. SA32 8QH.

Mae "Aberglasney" yn gofyn am eich help. Mae ei apêl am wybodaeth, am y bobl a wnaeth Aberglasney yr hyn ydyw heddiw. Maent yn chwilio am atgofion pobl o'r gerddi cyn yr amser gymerodd yr ymddiriedolaeth adfer drosodd, a dechreuodd y gwaith ar adfer y gerddi 15 mlynedd yn ôl. Gall cyfweliadau eu trefnu yn Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg.
Cysylltwch â Aberglasney drwy ffonio 01558 668998, drwy e-bostio neu drwy ysgrifennu at Gerddi Aberglasne, Llangathen, Sir Gaerfyrddin. SA32 8QH.

Monday 4 February 2013

B4300 Tree Felling - Torri Coed

The County Council intend carrying out tree felling works along the B4300 road at Cystanog Bends and it will be necessary to close the road to facilitate the work. The work is programmed to commence on Saturday 9th February 2013 and the road will be closed for a period of 5 days.

The alternative route for west bound traffic will be to proceed in an easterly direction along the B4300 to its junction with the B4310, turn left at the junction and continue along the B4310 through Nantgaredig, turn left on the A40 Trunk Road and continue along the A40 to Towy Bridge Roundabout, take the first exit and continue in an easterly direction along the B4300 (Llangunnor Road / Capel Dewi Road) to return to a point west of the closure. Vice versa for east bound traffic. The alternative route will be signposted during the closure period.

Apologies in advance for any inconvenience the closure may cause.

Mae'r Cyngor Sir yn bwriadu gwneud gwaith torri coed ar hyd y ffordd B4300 yn Troeon Cystanog a bydd angen cau'r ffordd er mwyn hwyluso'r gwaith. Mae'r gwaith wedi ei raglennu i ddechrau ar ddydd Sadwrn 9 Chwefror, 2013 a bydd y ffordd ar gau am gyfnod o 5 diwrnod.

Y llwybr amgen ar gyfer traffig tua'r gorllewin fydd mynd i gyfeiriad y dwyrain ar hyd y B4300 hyd at ei chyffordd â'r B4310 y, trowch i'r chwith wrth y gyffordd a pharhau ar hyd y B4310 trwy Nantgaredig, trowch i'r chwith ar Gefnffordd yr A40 a pharhau ar hyd yr A40 i "Tywi Bridge Roundabout" cymerwch yr allanfa gyntaf ac yna parhewch i gyfeiriad y dwyrain ar hyd y B4300 (Heol Llangynnwr / Capel Dewi Road) i ddychwelyd at bwynt cau gorllewin. gyrrwch i'r gwrthwyneb i draffig tua'r dwyrain. Fydd y llwybr amgen yn cael eu cyfeirio yn ystod y cyfnod cau.

Ymddiheuriadau ymlaen llaw am unrhyw anghyfleustra y fydd hyn yn ei achosi.

Friday 1 February 2013



TUESDAY 26TH FEBRUARY (10.00am – 3.30pm)


A chance to meet representatives from Visit Wales, hear from inspirational speakers and an opportunity to network with tourism business operators from across South West Wales at this FREE regional tourism event…

Each year, Visit Wales takes to the road for a series of free tourism industry events across Wales, with one held in each region of the country.

Last year, the South West Wales event was held in Pembrokeshire and the previous year in Swansea Bay…and this year is the turn of Carmarthenshire to be host! The day event will be held at Ffos Las Racecourse, and we at the Carmarthenshire Tourist Association, are working with Visit Wales by helping organise some elements of the day and to help spread the word to you!

This year, the focus will be on Improving the Visitor Experience and brings together experts from Wales’ tourism industry to focus on what it takes to ensure that our guests receive the warmest of welcomes when they come and visit.

We’re pleased to be joined by colleagues from the National Trust and Cadw, in addition to Iestyn George, journalist and Wales View magazine editor who will be sharing with us some of his experiences of working in tourism and writing about tourism in Wales. 

Lunch will be followed by a choice of workshop sessions in the afternoon, where we’ll be looking at food tourism, digital marketing and a regional session to focus on the issues important to your area.

As well as tourism business operators and industry representatives from Carmarthenshire – those from Pembrokeshire, Swansea Bay – or beyond - are also invited to come and join us at this important day. So, it’s a fantastic chance to meet and network with those involved in tourism across the region.

This is a FREE event

To Book a Place

Although a free event, booking in advance is essential. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please book by no later than Thursday 21stFebruary.

Registering your place is easy:

-      Book at your convenience online on the Gallu website (follow the link) 

-      Or call the team at Carmarthenshire Tourist Association on 01269 598140

-      Or email: