Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Dinner Ice Cream for Pooches Launched for Festive Season

Carmarthenshire confectionery launches dog-friendly Yuletide dessert

Peckish pooches needn’t miss out on dessert on Christmas Day thanks to the efforts of a Carmarthenshire confectionery, which has launched a special ‘Christmas Dinner’ flavoured ice cream for dogs as a speciality for the festive season.

Created by Heavenly, a confectionery and dessert specialists found in the boutique town of Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, the Christmas Dinner ice cream offers the flavour combination of turkey, peas, carrots, sage and gravy all in one scoop; with an almond milk base ensuring its pet friendly for your pooch. No more longing eyes staring up at your bulging plate of Christmas pudding - this ice cream will ensure your canine has an indulgent Christmas dessert of his very own.

Heavenly is no stranger to weird and wonderful ice cream flavours. Boasting its own on-site ‘Ice Cream Lab’, the store makes all of its own artisan ice creams using Welsh organic milk and cream (for human consumption), and is able to make any flavour your heart desires at request (as long as they’re given  48 hours notice).

Previous unusual ice cream flavours concocted by Heavenly include Lobster and Fries, Brussels Sprouts, Baked Beans and Worcester Sauce and Chip Butty ice cream. There is, of course, a whole host of more mainstream delicious flavours on offer too- including Lemon Meringue Pie, Jammy Dodger, Fig and Mascarpone and, for those after a true taste of Wales, Bara Brith flavour. Heavenly are also offering a ‘Christmas Pudding’ flavour ice cream for the festive season.

“So much of what we eat on Christmas Day is a no go zone for our dogs, including chocolates and Christmas pudding - it seems it’s just not their day for scraps!” explained Tracey Kindred, owner of Heavenly and maker of the Canine Christmas Dinner Ice Cream. “In fact, many people don’t realise that raisins and grapes are actually toxic to dogs. We wanted to give the poor pooches a break this year and give them their very own Christmas Dinner dessert. Ice cream is the perfect way to give them a treat and making it with almond milk means it’s both lactose-free and low in sugar- as dogs need. Packing in flavours of turkey, gravy and veg, we’re sure this will give them the flavourful festive treat they deserve, and clean bowls all round!”

The Canine Christmas Dinner Ice Cream for Dogs is made to order for collection, available by pre-order only by contacting the store on or by calling 01558 822800. To visit the Heavenly website, go to:

For more information on Carmarthenshire food, establishments and events in the county please visit

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Do you have at least one child aged between 8 – 13? 

Do you go out on family bike rides, or are you interested in doing more leisure cycling with your family?

If you answered yes to the above questions please complete our survey to tell us how you currently use traffic free cycle routes with your family for leisure journeys. Your answers will help to inform an exciting new activity-based Smart Phone app that we’re producing for families, which will aim to enrich daytrips on six popular traffic-free cycle routes in Wales.
You can also help shape the design, features and functionalities of our new app by taking part in one of our focus groups in Cardiff and Port Talbot with your family. To thank you for participating in a focus group, you will receive a free tailored cycling pack with useful maps and resources for your family and a goodie bag for the children.
Click here to complete the questionnaire and to find out how to get involved in the focus groups.


A oes gennych chi o leiaf un plentyn rhwng 8 a 13 oed? 

A fyddwch chi’n mynd allan ar deithiau beic fel teulu, neu a oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud mwy o feicio hamdden gyda’r teulu?
Os gwnaethoch ateb yn gadarnhaol i’r cwestiynau uchod a fyddech cystal â llenwi’r holiadur hwn er mwyn dweud wrthym sut yr ydych ar hyn o bryd yn defnyddio llwybrau beicio di-draffig gyda’ch teulu ar gyfer teithiau hamdden. Bydd eich atebion yn helpu i lywio ap Ffôn Clyfar cyffrous newydd seiliedig ar weithgaredd yr ydym yn ei greu ar gyfer teuluoedd, gyda’r nod o gyfoethogi teithiau dydd ar chwe llwybr beicio di-draffig yng Nghymru.

Gallwch hefyd helpu i siapio dyluniad, nodweddion ac ymarferoldeb ein ap newydd drwy gymryd rhan yn un o’n grwpiau ffocws yng Nghaerdydd a Port Talbot gyda’ch teulu. Er mwyn diolch i chi am gymryd rhan mewn gr?p ffocws, byddwch yn derbyn pecyn beicio wedi ei deilwra am ddim gyda mapiau ac adnoddau defnyddiol ar gyfer eich teulu a bag o nwyddau ar gyfer y plant.

Cliciwch yma i lenwi’r holiadur ac i gael gwybod mwy am sut i gymryd rhan yn y grwpiau ffocws.

Tuesday 21 October 2014



Officers from Public Protections Trading Standards Team in Pembrokeshire have been made aware of a scam targeting local holiday accommodation providers.

Known as ‘money muling’, it involves the businesses being contacted by someone seeking to book accommodation, using a business address of an innocent party in Haverfordwest as contact details.

They then deliberately offer over-payment via a French cheque or bank draft and ask the business to refund the difference.

When the original payment turns out to be a fraud, the victim’s money has already gone to the scammer.

The advice to businesses from Pembrokeshire County Council’s Trading Standards team is to be aware of any similar requests for accommodation and not to pass on any sensitive financial information to third parties or get involved with unusual requests involving transferring money.

Please be aware and for advice on similar matters, contact the Citizens Advice Bureau on 03444 772020.


Mae swyddogion o dîm Safonau Masnach Diogelu'r Cyhoedd yn Sir Benfro wedi cael gwybod am sgam sy'n targedu darparwyr llety gwyliau lleol.

Yn rhan o'r sgam bydd rhywun yn cysylltu â busnes i geisio archebu llety, gan roi manylion cyswllt sef cyfeiriad busnes rhywun di-fai yn Hwlffordd.

Yna maent yn fwriadol yn cynnig gordaliad ar ffurf siec neu ddrafft banc o Ffrainc ac yn gofyn i'r busnes ad-dalu'r gwahaniaeth.

Pan welir yn ddiweddarach mai twyll oedd y taliad gwreiddiol bydd y sgamiwr eisoes wedi cael gafael ar arian y dioddefwr.

Cyngor tîm Safonau Masnach Cyngor Sir Penfro yw i bobl fod yn ymwybodol o geisiadau tebyg am lety ac i beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth ariannol sensitif i drydydd partïon na chaniatáu ceisiadau anarferol sy'n ymwneud â throsglwyddo arian.

Byddwch yn ymwybodol o'r peryglon ac i gael cyngor ar faterion tebyg cysylltwch â Chyngor ar Bopeth drwy ffonio 03444 772020.

Monday 13 October 2014

October Half Term in Carmarthenshire

October half-term is set to play host to fun and frolics for all the family across Carmarthenshire; from a spooky sleepover in the National Trust’s ‘4th most haunted house’ and pumpkin carving master classes for those looking to finely tune their skills, to spooky nature nights including bat detecting, torch-lit pond explorations and even some 'potion making'. Highlights of spooktacular half-term events can be found by clicking the link below, alongside accommodation suggestions suitable for families of all ages making Carmarthenshire a perfect option for an Autumn getaway.

Click here

Ma hanner tymor yr hydref yn llawn hwyl a sbri i'r teulu cyfan ar draws Sir Gar; o cysgu mewn TY arswydus (4ydd Ty mwyaf arswydus yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol) i dosbarth meistr pwmpen ar gyfer y rhai sy'n chwilio i fân diwnio eu sgiliau, i nosweithiau natur arswydus gan gynnwys canfod ystlumod, archwiliadau pwll gan goleuo-tortsh a hyd yn oed rhai 'gwneud diod'. Am uchafbwyntiau o ddigwyddiadau hanner tymor-spooktacular sydd yn digwydd yn y sir, hefyd am awgrymiadau llety addas i deuluoedd o bob oed cliciwch ar y ddolen hon.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Ymgyrch Digwyddiadau Busnes: Ysgogi Cyfle Uwchgynhadledd NATO 2014

Dydd Iau 16 Hydref 2014, 6pm – 8pm
Twenty Ten Clubhouse,
Gwesty Hamdden y Celtic Manor, Casnewydd

Mae’n bleser gan Westy Hamdden y Celtic Manor a Croeso Cymru eich gwahodd i ymuno â ni yn y digwyddiad unigryw hwn i ddysgu mwy am ymgyrch Gwaddol NATO Cymru,

Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol Uwchgynhadledd NATO a’r sylw a gafodd Cymru yn ei sgil ar hyd a lled y byd, aeth Croeso Cymru ati’n ddiweddar i wahodd cyrff priodol i dendro ar gyfer datblygu a chynnal ymgyrch digwyddiadau busnes Gwaddol Uwchgynhadledd NATO ar y cyd â phartneriaid ledled Cymru.

Gwesty Hamdden y Celtic Manor a Rhwydwaith Twristiaeth Busnes De-ddwyrain Cymru sydd wedi ennill y contract i gynnal yr ymgyrch hon, a bydd y noson rwydweithio yn rhoi cyfle i bartneriaid o bob cwr o Gymru gael gwybod sut i gymryd rhan yn yr ymgyrch a chodi ymwybyddiaeth am Gymru fel cyrchfan busnes ar gyfer cyfarfodydd, cynadleddau a digwyddiadau.

Bydd Mari Stevens, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Marchnata Croeso Cymru yn cyflwyno’r cyfleoedd i gydweithio sydd ar gael yn dilyn NATO, a’r dymuniadau ynghylch marchnata digwyddiadau twristiaeth busnes Cymru yn y dyfodol.

Bydd Ian Edwards, Prif Swyddog Gweithredu a Vanessa Russell, Cyfarwyddwr Marchnata Gwesty Hamdden y Celtic Manor yn trafod nodau’r ymgyrch gwaddol mewn mwy o fanylder.

Gobeithio y bydd y partneriaid o bob cwr o Gymru’n deall mor werthfawr yw ymgyrch o’r fath. Er mwyn sicrhau y bydd cymaint â phosibl yn dod, bydd gwely a brecwast ar gael yn y Celtic Manor am £75 y noson fesul ystafell. Mae’r cynnig ar gael i bartneriaid o’r diwydiant sydd eisiau llety dros nos yn dilyn y digwyddiad.

Cofiwch, mae nifer yr ystafelloedd sydd ar gael am y pris hwn yn brin felly rhoddir blaenoriaeth i’r rheini sy’n dod yno o’r tu allan i ardal De Cymru.

6.00pm Cyrraedd a derbyniad
6.30pm Croeso a chyflwyniadau
7.30pm Cyfleoedd i rwydweithio
8.00pm Cloi

RSVP erbyn dydd MERCHER 8 Hydref i:
Laurie Keirle
Ff: 01633 410530

Business Events Campaign: Levering The Opportunity Of The NATO Summit 2014

Thursday 16th October 2014, 6pm - 8pm
The Twenty Ten Clubhouse, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport

The Celtic Manor Resort and Visit Wales are pleased to invite you to join us for this unique opportunity to learn more about the NATO Wales Legacy campaign. Following the huge success of the NATO Summit and the massive global coverage this has given Wales, Visit Wales recently went out to tender to invite bids from appropriate organisations to develop and deliver a NATO Summit legacy business events campaign, in conjunction with partners from around Wales.

The Celtic Manor Resort (CMR) & South East Wales Business Tourism Network (SEWBTN) have won the contract to deliver this campaign, and this networking evening will give partners from across Wales the chance to learn how they can engage with the campaign and play a part in raising awareness of Wales as a business destination for meetings, conferences and events. Mari Stevens, Deputy Director of Marketing at Visit Wales will present on opportunities for collaboration following NATO, and aspirations for the future of Wales’ business tourism event marketing. Ian Edwards, COO and Vanessa Russell, Marketing Director at The Celtic Manor Resort will discuss the aims of the legacy campaign in more detail.

We hope that partners from all regions of Wales will recognise the value of engaging with this campaign. To ensure maximum representation, The Celtic Manor Resort is pleased to offer a preferential bed & breakfast rate of £75 per room, for industry partners requiring overnight accommodation after the event. Please note that a limited number of rooms are available at this rate and priority will be given to those travelling from outside the immediate South Wales area.

Itinerary 6.00pm
Arrival and reception 6.30pm
Welcome and presentations 7.30pm
Networking opportunities 8.00pm Close

RSVP by WEDNESDAY 8th October to: Laurie Keirle E: T: 01633 410530

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Information to grow your business / Gwybodaeth i dyfu eich busnes.

48m tourism days were made by British residents to destinations in Wales in January – June 2014, generating an expenditure of £1224m. The volume of trips is up 19% in comparison with the first half of 2013 and related expenditure up 3%. The domestic tourism market has also demonstrated significant growth for Wales with an increase of 14.6% total volume of trips to Wales during January through to May. Of the 40.86million trips taken in GB during January – May 2014, 8.5% of these were to Wales, a substantial increase from the 7.2% share recorded in the same period in 2013. Expenditure has risen by 9.9%. Knowing the volume and the economic value for tourism is an essential for developing effective policies for managing tourism within local areas. With the Carmarthenshire Destination Managment Plan currently being written it is vital that we gather effective data. Tourism is not a statutory service and we need to keep it high on the political agenda. Tourism economic impact studies play an invaluable role in supporting tourism services and can justifiy investment in initiatives to support the tourism industry. The Marketing and Tourism section of the County Council will shortly be undertaking some key tourism research that will require input from the trade. The Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor (STEAM) provides a base for the local economic impact of tourism (from both staying and day visitors) for monitoring trends. To maximise the benefits of STEAM we will need to work with you on the following inputs: • information on occupancy percentages each month for each type of accommodation • bed stock of each type of accommodation • attendance at attractions/major events by month • Tourist Information Centre (TIC) visitors by month. Collecting accurate data like this will enable us to report on the • distribution of visitor spending • revenue generated by the main categories of visitor • annual number of visitor days spent in the area by category of visitors • total count of all visitors annually • full-time employment generated by visitor spending • relationship of direct and indirect impacts • data available to determine employment generated. If you would like a copy of the 2013 STEAM report or require more information please contact Sarah Owen on 01267 224894 Cafodd 48m o ddiwrnodau twristiaeth i’w wneud gan drigolion Prydain i gyrchfannau yng Nghymru ym mis Ionawr-Mehefin 2014, gan gynhyrchu gwariant o £1224m. Mae nifer y teithiau wedi cynyddu 19% o'i gymharu â hanner cyntaf 2013 a gwariant cysylltiedig i fyny 3%. Mae'r farchnad dwristiaeth ddomestig hefyd wedi dangos twf sylweddol i Gymru gyda chynnydd o 14.6% gyfanswm cyfaint y teithiau i Gymru yn ystod mis Ionawr hyd at Fai. O'r 40.86million teithiau a gymerwyd ym Mhrydain Fawr yn ystod Ionawr-Mai 2014, roedd 8.5% o'r rhain i Gymru, cynnydd sylweddol o 7.2% o gyfran a gofnodwyd yn yr un cyfnod yn 2013. Roedd gwariant wedi codi gan 9.9%. Mae gwybod y cyfaint a gwerth economaidd twristiaeth yn hanfodol ar gyfer datblygu polisïau effeithiol ar gyfer rheoli twristiaeth mewn ardaloedd lleol. Gyda'r Cynllun Rheolaeth Cyrchfan yn cael ei hysgrifennu ar hyn o bryd mae'n hanfodol ein bod ni yn casglu data effeithiol. Mae astudio effaith economaidd twristiaeth yn chwarae rôl amhrisiadwy wrth gefnogi gwasanaethau twristiaeth. Trwy amcangyfrifon incwm a chyflogaeth a ddarperir ganddynt y cyfiawnhad a'r rhesymeg ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol i fuddsoddi mewn mentrau i gefnogi'r diwydiant twristiaeth. Bydd adran Marchnata a Thwristiaeth y Cyngor Sir yn cynnal rhywfaint o ymchwil twristiaeth allweddol a fydd yn gofyn am fewnbwn gan y fasnach yn fuan. Mae'r Monitor Gweithgarwch Economaidd Twristiaeth Scarborough (STEAM) yn rhoi sylfaen dangosol o effaith economaidd leol o dwristiaeth (gan y rhai sydd yn aros ac ymwelwyr dydd) ar gyfer monitro tueddiadau. Er mwyn gwneud y gorau o fanteision STEAM bydd angen i ni weithio gyda chi ar y mewnbynnau a ganlyn: • gwybodaeth am ganrannau meddiannaeth bob mis ar gyfer pob math o lety • stoc gwelyau yn bob math o lety • presenoldeb mewn atyniadau / digwyddiadau mawr fesul mis • ymwelwyr yn ôl mis yn Canolfanau Croeso (TIC). Bydd casglu data cywir fel hyn yn ein galluogi i adrodd ar y • dosbarthu wariant ymwelwyr • refeniw a gynhyrchir gan y prif gategorïau o ymwelwyr • nifer blynyddol o ddyddiau ymwelwyr a wario yn yr ardal yn ôl categori o ymwelwyr • cyfrif gyfanswm yr holl ymwelwyr bob blwyddyn • cyflogaeth lawn-amser a gynhyrchir gan wariant ymwelwyr • perthynas o effeithiau uniongyrchol ac anuniongyrchol • data sydd ar gael i benderfynu ar gyflogaeth a gynhyrchir. Os hoffech gael copi o'r adroddiad STEAM 2013 neu os oes angen rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Sarah Owen ar 01267 224894

Friday 26 September 2014

Rainbow Run

This Saturday, September 27th Pendine is excited to host the Rainbow Run. Based on the Indian Holi festival of colour, it’s a fun and crazy way to spend a few hours, whilst helping a great cause: Ty Hafan! The Carmarthen based Civil Enforcement Officer will on site tomorrow and will be on patrol to assist with the event. It is not a race, nor is it about speed or fitness; it’s about celebration, have fun with friends and family and smile for your Tŷ Hafan. Ar Ddydd Sadwrn, 27 Medi, Mae Pentywyn yn falch i gynnal y Rainbow Run. Yn seiliedig ar y’r ŵyl “Holi” Indiaidd o liw, mae'n ffordd hwyliog a gwallgof i dreulio ychydig oriau, wrth helpu achos da: Ty Hafan! Bydd un o Swyddogion Gorfodi Sifil, fel arfer yn seiliedig yng Nghaerfyrddin ar y safle yfory a byddan nhw ar ddyletswydd i gynorthwyo gyda'r digwyddiad. Nid yw'n ras, ac nid yw'n ymwneud a chyflymder neu ffitrwydd; mae'n ymwneud â dathlu, cael hwyl gyda ffrindiau a theulu i gyd ar gyfer Tŷ Hafan.

Monday 8 September 2014

Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire / Cryfhau Apêl Twristiaeth y Sir Gaerfyrddin Wledig

Do you own or run a tourism property in Carmarthenshire? Would you like money to enhance your Business? We have identified some revenue savings on the ‘Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire’ scheme. The Welsh Government have given approval in principle for a sum of money to be utilised for a revenue equipment grant. Applications for between £1,000 and £5,000 will be considered at a maximum grant intervention rate of 80% of the total eligible costs. For more information on the grant please email by 12th September 2014. Applications must be returned no later than 4pm on Monday 22 September.and should they have any queries they should contact the Project Officer, Grant Cole on 01267 242431 Ydych chi'n berchen ar, neu'n rhedeg eiddo twristiaeth yn Sir Gaerfyrddin? A fyddech chi'n hoffi arian i wella eich busnes? Rydym wedi nodi rhai arbedion refeniw ar y cynllun 'Cryfhau Apêl Twristiaeth Wledig yn Sir Gaerfyrddin '. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi cymeradwyaeth mewn egwyddor am swm o arian i gael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer grant offer refeniw. Bydd ceisiadau am rhwng £ 1,000 a £ 5,000 yn cael eu hystyried ar gyfradd ymyrraeth grant uchafswm o 80% o gyfanswm y costau cymwys. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y grant, e-bostiwch erbyn 12 Medi 2014. Rhaid ir ceisiadau eu dychwelyd dim hwyrach na 16:00 ar ddydd Llun 22 o Mis Medi .Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau cysylltwch â'r Swyddog Prosiect, Grant Cole ar 01267 242431

Thursday 4 September 2014

Be inspired by 'Cornwall without the crowds'

Carmarthenshire was featured in the Bristol Post Weekend this August. This delightful piece written by Mark Taylor follows in the footsteps of Wales’ most famous poet Dylan Thomas. Featuring all the best bits to see and do in the area, no wonder Dylan made this his home that inspired so much of his famous works.

New event comes to Carmarthenshire

Big Cwtch Summer Party Held in the private grounds of Glanrannell Park House in Crugybar, Carmarthenshire – a beautiful lakeside location. The Big Cwtch Summer Party will feature up and coming welsh bands and performers (some signed/some soon to be signed) … alongside a fantastic local food experience with top chefs, food producers and pioneering street food stalls from across Wales. Plus a kids field and lots of sideevents and features. Confirmed line up to date: Bands: Walled Garden & Acoustic Stage: Son of One Eye * Rude em Outs * Taylor and Marie (featuring Jodie Taylor) * World vs World * Last Chancers * Denim Snakes * John Adams * The Raspberry Jam * Aseti ETMI * Lost Tuesday Society * Mathew Frederick * Dominic Norcross Trio * Laura Jayne * Elen Davies * Gillie Ione.... Plus; The Big Cwtch Food Experience: CNWD Pop Up Restaurant with top local chef Scott Davis, Demos and tastings from Wrights Emporium, Hemp Hut, Ethical Chef, Gladfryn Kitchen, Blas o'r Tân - Wood-fired Pizza Oven, Heavenly Ice Cream (official ice-cream seller), Gin Haus, Prices Gate (official water supplier) … and many more producers coming on board… Facebook: Twitter: @TheBigCwtch Website:

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Carmarthenshire Walking Festival

Commonly dubbed the 'Garden of Wales', Carmarthenshire is home to spectacular walking terrain, from dramatic coastal cliffs along the sparkling shores of the Wales Coastal Path, to the lush hidden forests of Brechfa. There are also plenty of ancient pathways to follow, around century-old ruins, revealing the county’s rich and dramatic history. Throughout September there is an extensive timetable of walks taking in both the Countryside and Coast of Carmarthenshire. The walks are suitable for all ages and abilities, so don your walking boots and head outdoors to discover the spectacular walks on offer in the county. For more details of each of the walks follow the link

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Interested in working in Tourism & Marketing?

Carmarthenshire County Councils ‘Work Ready’ Programme is now in place, offering valuable work experience, apprenticeships and graduate development opportunities within the Local Authority. As part of this programme we are pleased to be able to offer 2 apprenticeship opportunities within the Tourism and Marketing team x 2 (Llanelli Area) For more information and how to apply: Good luck!

Tuesday 12 August 2014


More communities in Wales will get high speed fibre broadband by summer 2015 as part of the Superfast Cymru roll-out, the Welsh Government and BT announced today. Monmouthshire, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Conwy are among the areas that are set to benefit as a result of today’s announcement which also includes the commencement of work in 35 exchange areas earlier than originally anticipated. Superfast Cymru will help the Welsh Government achieve its overall aim of extending fibre broadband to 96 per cent of homes and businesses in Wales by the end of the project in spring 2016. Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology Ken Skates said: “By the time Superfast Cymru is completed in 2016 Wales will be one of the most connected countries in the world. It is a huge undertaking with 3,000 green roadside cabinets to be installed and around 17,500kms of optical fibre cable to be laid.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Visitors flock to Carmarthenshire as Temperatures soar

With temperatures approaching 30C over the past few weeks it’s no wonder visitors have been flocking in their thousands to the 80 miles of Carmarthenshire coastline famous for having two of the largest beaches in the UK. Businesses in Carmarthenshire have been reporting booming trade as a result of the tropical temperatures and with this being the start of summer school holidays it is hoped that it continues throughout August.Holiday parks from Loughor to Pendine have been reporting increased sales compared to this time last year Visitor to the county Ken Peacock who is staying at Gateway Holiday Park in Llanelli said ‘I live near Heathrow so I could be in the Costa Del Sol quicker than Costa Del Carmarthenshire but we love it here!. There is so much to do for the kids and the weather means we can make the most out of the beaches and parks’ Tourism officer Elinos Walters said ‘People are deciding not to travel abroad as they have everything they need here on your doorstep. Sand, sea and most importantly sun. Top attractions such as the Millennium Coastal Park and Pembrey Park and Beach have welcomed thousands of visitors in the last 2 weeks and we are hoping this continues’. 2013 tourism figures show the value of tourism in Carmarthenshire reaching over a third of a billion pounds to the local economy making it one of the top three industries. This compares to the 1999 figures which were approx £141 million. With over 6,000 people employed in the sector with many more indirectly employed, Carmarthenshire is now one of the largest visitor areas in Wales. For more information visit

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Good afternoon,

We thought you would be interested to know that between April to June 2014 Carmarthenshire has had coverage in 43 publications with a total AVE value of £167,952.74. Examples of some of the publications and the circulation figures include:

Publication                    Circulation
Woman’s Weekly            307,086
The Independent             63,907
The Sunday Times           839,077
The Sunday Mirror           928, 697                 10,732,836

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who contributed to this excellent exposure, and to ensure that we remain to put Carmarthenshire on the map as a top class tourism destination.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Catering Opportunities at County Council Events

Good afternoon The County Council is involved in two events this summer in which we have been asked to arrange the catering provision on behalf of the partnerships we have in place. Please note there will be free water, a tea tent serving hot drinks run by community volunteers at both events and possibly a licensed bar at Cwmaman but we shall not look to allow any other catering establishment on the parkland we have been allocated to run the events. Cwmaman Big Day Out, Saturday 28th June, Garnant Park From approx 10am till 6pn. Already booked: Fun fair, climbing wall, carnival parade through the streets, live music, Scarlets rugby, cooking displays, birds of prey. Number of mobile units approx 1 fast food, 1 sweet and 1 ice cream van Ammanford Big Day Out, Saturday 12th July, Ammanford Recreation Ground From approx 9am till 6pm. Already booked: 30 team plus five-a-side junior football competition, new adult rugby tournament, Fun fair, live music, climbing wall, carnival parade through the streets, Scarlets rugby, main arena entertainment, Number of mobile units approx 2 fast food, 1 sweet and 1 ice cream van If you would like to be considered to be part of these events (either one or both), please email by 12noon on 16th May 2014 outlining which catering units you would like to bring, the financial contribution you would like to make and a price list of what you would be charging on the day. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us

Friday 11 April 2014

A new visitor Laugharne Township Guide has been designed and printed by Carmarthenshire council’s marketing tourism team in conjunction with local business people. It’s brimful of Laugharne’s attractions, restaurants, shops and accommodation with a really useful map with highlights and cross references places of interest. The Guide is available throughout the county. Get your copy email