Monday 13 October 2014

October Half Term in Carmarthenshire

October half-term is set to play host to fun and frolics for all the family across Carmarthenshire; from a spooky sleepover in the National Trust’s ‘4th most haunted house’ and pumpkin carving master classes for those looking to finely tune their skills, to spooky nature nights including bat detecting, torch-lit pond explorations and even some 'potion making'. Highlights of spooktacular half-term events can be found by clicking the link below, alongside accommodation suggestions suitable for families of all ages making Carmarthenshire a perfect option for an Autumn getaway.

Click here

Ma hanner tymor yr hydref yn llawn hwyl a sbri i'r teulu cyfan ar draws Sir Gar; o cysgu mewn TY arswydus (4ydd Ty mwyaf arswydus yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol) i dosbarth meistr pwmpen ar gyfer y rhai sy'n chwilio i fân diwnio eu sgiliau, i nosweithiau natur arswydus gan gynnwys canfod ystlumod, archwiliadau pwll gan goleuo-tortsh a hyd yn oed rhai 'gwneud diod'. Am uchafbwyntiau o ddigwyddiadau hanner tymor-spooktacular sydd yn digwydd yn y sir, hefyd am awgrymiadau llety addas i deuluoedd o bob oed cliciwch ar y ddolen hon.

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