Monday 8 September 2014

Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire / Cryfhau Apêl Twristiaeth y Sir Gaerfyrddin Wledig

Do you own or run a tourism property in Carmarthenshire? Would you like money to enhance your Business? We have identified some revenue savings on the ‘Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire’ scheme. The Welsh Government have given approval in principle for a sum of money to be utilised for a revenue equipment grant. Applications for between £1,000 and £5,000 will be considered at a maximum grant intervention rate of 80% of the total eligible costs. For more information on the grant please email by 12th September 2014. Applications must be returned no later than 4pm on Monday 22 September.and should they have any queries they should contact the Project Officer, Grant Cole on 01267 242431 Ydych chi'n berchen ar, neu'n rhedeg eiddo twristiaeth yn Sir Gaerfyrddin? A fyddech chi'n hoffi arian i wella eich busnes? Rydym wedi nodi rhai arbedion refeniw ar y cynllun 'Cryfhau Apêl Twristiaeth Wledig yn Sir Gaerfyrddin '. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi cymeradwyaeth mewn egwyddor am swm o arian i gael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer grant offer refeniw. Bydd ceisiadau am rhwng £ 1,000 a £ 5,000 yn cael eu hystyried ar gyfradd ymyrraeth grant uchafswm o 80% o gyfanswm y costau cymwys. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y grant, e-bostiwch erbyn 12 Medi 2014. Rhaid ir ceisiadau eu dychwelyd dim hwyrach na 16:00 ar ddydd Llun 22 o Mis Medi .Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau cysylltwch â'r Swyddog Prosiect, Grant Cole ar 01267 242431

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