Thursday 19 September 2013

Are you a Technophobe? Or do you need help developing a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Do you know how to use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn or a blogging site to aid your business’ marketing strategy? Do you know what Tweeting, posting tweets or re-tweeting means?

Having a digital marketing campaign in place has become an essential part of growing a company and developing brand awareness. With so many social media platforms available to use for marketing, it can be difficult to understand where to start and how to identify which one will get you the best results for you business.

Carmarthenshire Tourist Association and Gallu have joined forces to offer one-to-one sessions with Natalie Reynolds, a social media coach to address individual’s specific needs, answering questions and to deal with any social media issues on a one-to-one basis.

The training is taking place on Tuesday 1st October 2013 at the Plough Inn in Rhosmaen.

For more information regarding costs and the topics being addressed, visit:

Ydych chi'n gwybod sut i ddefnyddio Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn neu unrhyw safle blogio i gynorthwyo strategaeth farchnata eich busnes? Ydych chi hyd yn oed yn gwybod beth yw tweet, sut i postio tweets, neu beth yw retweet yn olygu?

Mae cael ymgyrch farchnata digidol yn ei le wedi dod yn rhan hanfodol o dyfu cwmni a datblygu ymwybyddiaeth am eich brand. Fodd bynnag, gyda chymaint o lwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gael i farchnata, mae'n anodd deall ble i ddechrau a sut i nodi y canlyniadau gorau i’ch fusnes.

Carmarthenshire Tourist Association a Gallu wedi dod at ei gilydd i gynnig gwersi un-i-un gyda Natalie Reynolds, hyfforddwr cyfryngau cymdeithasol er mwyn cael afael ar y anghenion penodol, gan ateb cwestiynau a delio ag unrhyw faterion cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar sail un-i-un.

Mae'r hyfforddiant yn cael ei gynnal ar ddydd Mawrth 1 Hydref 2013 yn y Plough Inn yn Rhosmaen.

Am fwy o wybodaeth ynghylch a chostau a'r pynciau yn cael sylw, ewch i:
Neu cysylltwch â:

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Dylan Thomas is Key to Selling Wales to the US

North America continues to be the most important international market for Wales in terms of visitor spend, contributing £41million to the Welsh economy in 2012.

The drive to attract more high spending visitors from North America steps up a notch this week when Visit Wales tourism officials meet top tour operators on territory in the US and Canada to promote Wales to the travel trade. Visit Wales have teamed up with Welsh Rarebits and Southern Wales Tourism to participate in Destination Britain North America which is the most important event of its kind for generating business from the USA and Canada.

Destination Britain North America offers a prime opportunity to work proactively with the travel trade, a direction endorsed in the Welsh Government’s Strategy for Tourism 2013-2020 which identifies North America as a key market for growth. The event, organised by VisitBritain is being held in Las Vegas from the 10th to the 12th September and it attracts around ninety of the top travel trade buyers and media from the US and Canada offering formal one to one business appointments as well as more informal opportunities to promote all that Wales has to offer.

One of the key selling points will be the Dylan Thomas 100 Festival – a yearlong festival of events next year to mark the centenary of the birth of the poet in Swansea. Dylan Thomas has a huge following in the States. There are Dylan Thomas societies across North America, collections of his manuscripts are in US university libraries at Buffalo, New York and Austin, Texas, and former US Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and film star George Clooney are among his many ‘celebrity’ admirers.

Tourism Minister Edwina Hart said:” This is a key event to grow the sales of holidays in Wales through tour operators and travel agents in one of our key overseas markets and provides a great opportunity to ensure Wales is included in their programmes and tours.

For more information, contact:

Gogledd America yw’r farchnad ryngwladol bwysicaf i Gymru o hyd; roedd gwariant yr ymwelwyr oddi yno wedi cyfrannu £41 miliwn i economi Cymru yn 2012.

Yr wythnos hon, bydd swyddogion Croeso Cymru’n dechrau cam newydd yn yr ymgyrch i ddenu rhagor o ymwelwyr ariannog o Ogledd America, drwy groesi’r Iwerydd i gwrdd â phrif gwmnïau teithio UDA a Chanada er mwyn hyrwyddo atyniadau Cymru.Byd Croeso Cymru, ar y cyd â Welsh Rarebits a Thwristiaeth De Cymru, yn cymryd rhan yn ‘Destination Britain North America’ – sef y digwyddiad pwysicaf o’r fath ar gyfer denu busnes o UDA a Chanada.

Bydd modd manteisio ar Destination Britain North America i sefydlu cysylltiadau cadarn â’r farchnad dwristiaeth. Mae Strategaeth Dwristiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2013-2020 yn nodi Gogledd America fel un o’r marchnadoedd allweddol ar gyfer twf.VisitBritain sy’n trefnu’r digwyddiad, a gynhelir yn Las Vegas 10-12 Medi. Mae’n denu tua naw deg o brynwyr mwyaf y diwydiant twristiaeth a chyfryngau UDA a Chanada. Dyma gyfle heb ei ail i gynnal cyfarfodydd busnes un-i-un yn ogystal â hyrwyddo popeth sydd gan Gymru i’w gynnig mewn ffordd fwy anffurfiol.

Un o’r prif atyniadau a hyrwyddir eleni fydd Gŵyl Canmlwyddiant Dylan Thomas, sef rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir drwy gydol y flwyddyn i ddathlu 100 mlynedd ers geni’r bardd yn Abertawe.

Mae Dylan Thomas yn boblogaidd dros ben yn yr Unol Daleithiau; mae cymdeithasau Dylan Thomas yn bodoli ledled Gogledd America ac mae yno gasgliadau o’i lawysgrifau yn llyfrgelloedd prifysgolion Buffalo, Efrog Newydd ac Austin Texas. Mae’r cyn Arlywyddion Bill Clinton a Jimmy Carter, yn ogystal â’r seren ffilm George Clooney, ym mhlith ei ddarllenwyr brwd.

Dywedodd y Gweinidog Twristiaeth, Edwina Hart: ”Dyma ddigwyddiad hollbwysig ar gyfer denu rhagor o ymwelwyr ar wyliau i Gymru, drwy gwmnïau ac asiantwyr teithio yn un o’n prif farchnadoedd tramor ni. Mae’n gyfle gwych i sicrhau eu bod nhw’n cynnwys Cymru yn eu teithiau a’u rhaglenni i ymwelwyr.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â:

Discover Carmarthenshire launches new heritage trails in South West Wales

To help visitors uncover the county’s hidden heritage gems, Discover Carmarthenshire has launched three brand new trails, aimed to offer a ‘heritage light’ overview to be enjoyed by all age groups.


The trails are found online at  and make it easy to navigate the best sites and attractions of the county’s heritage highlights, giving an informative snapshot summary of each attraction, as well as a selection of audio links with interviews from the experts and tales of the past. The trails are available to view and print out

The three trails are organised geographically and feature sites such as horticultural heritage spots such as Aberglasney House and Gardens (the house opened to the public for the first time this year), the iconic Museum of Speed at Pendine Sands where Malcolm Campbell first set a new land speed record in 1924, as well as the world’s only Museum showcasing the ancient mode of water transport - the coracle.

The three trails:
1) Central : A gardener’s delight – discover two of the Carmarthenshire’s horticultural hotspots with a dose of heritage thrown in and a visit to a castle with a herd of ancient breed White Park Cattle. Visit Aberglasney House & Gardens one of Wales finest gardens, known as ‘a garden lost in time’, National Botanic Garden of Wales in Llanarthne with its dramatic Norman Foster designed glasshouse and Newton House at Dinefwr Park, filled with 18th century period furniture and rare paintings.

2) South : A trail focusing on pioneers in land speed, aviation and literature as well as a visit to one of the county’s latest private houses to open its impressive art collection to the public. Tour Stradey Castle and see swooping views down to Carmarthen Bay, visit literary legend Dylan Thomas’ Boathouse in his former home town of Laugharne and then race to Pendine Museum of Speed at Pendine Sands to see Babs, the restored car that Godfrey Parry-Thomas clocked 170mph in, in 1926.

3) North West:  An eclectic journey revealing the secrets of the coracle and wool industries as well as an opportunity to relive childhood memories whatever your age.  Learn about the history of coracles at the National Coracle Centre at Cenarth Falls learn about the way they were used to guide the sheep along the river to clean their wool on our audio link: with an interview with Martin Fowler, the museum curator. See the ‘Fleece and Fabric’ exhibition at the National Wool Museum and round up the North West trail by reliving your childhood memories at the West Wales Museum of Childhood, to see toys and games collected from all time periods.

To explore Carmarthenshire’s heritage trail and find out more  about the myths and legends to be uncovered in the county visit

Er mwyn helpu ymwelwyr i ddatgelu trysorau treftadaeth cudd  y sir, mae Darganfod Sir Gar  wedi lansio tri llwybr newydd sbon , gyda'r bwriad i gynnig trosolwg 'ysgafn treftadaeth' i'w mwynhau gan bob grŵp oedran .

Mae'r llwybrau ar gael ar-lein ar ac maent yn gwneud yn hawdd i fynd o gwmpas y safleoedd ac atyniadau gorau treftadaeth y sir , gan roi crynodeb ciplun llawn gwybodaeth am bob atyniad , yn ogystal â detholiad o gysylltia sain gyda chyfweliadau gan yr arbenigwyr a straeon o'r gorffennol . Mae'r llwybrau ar gael i'w gweld ac argraffu at

Mae'r tri llwybr wedi cael eu trefnu yn ddaearyddol a safleoedd nodwedd megis mannau treftadaeth garddwriaethol megis Tŷ a Gerddi Aberglasne (agorwyd y tŷ i'r cyhoedd am y tro cyntaf eleni), Amgueddfa eiconig Cyflymder ar Draeth Pentywyn lle roedd Malcolm Campbell wedi torri y record cyflymder tir yn 1924 , yn ogystal,  ymwelwch a’r  Amgueddfa Cwrwgl, yr unig yn y byd sydd yn arddangos y dull hynafol o gludiant dŵr - y cwrwgl.

Y tri llwybr :
1 ) Canolog : Llawenydd i garddwyr - darganfodwch dau o'r mannau poeth garddwriaethol Sir Gaerfyrddin gyda dos o dreftadaeth wedi taflu i mewn ac ymweliad â chastell gyda Gwartheg Parc Gwyn o brid hynafol. Ewch i Tŷ a Gerddi Aberglasne, un o erddi gorau Cymru, a elwir yn ' gardd ar goll mewn amser ', Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru yn Llanarthne gyda'i tŷ gwydr dramatig a’i gynllinio gan Norman Foster a Thŷ Newton ym Mharc Dinefwr, yn llawn dodrefn cyfnod 18fed ganrif a paentiadau phrin.

2 ) De: Mae llwybr canolbwyntio ar arloeswyr mewn cyflymder tir, awyrennau a llenyddiaeth yn ogystal ag ymweld ag un o dai preifat diweddaraf y sir i agor ei chasgliad celf trawiadol i'r cyhoedd. Gwnewch taith tywys Castell Strade a gwelwch golygfeydd sydd yn disgyn i lawr i Fae Caerfyrddin, ewch i Boathouse chwedl llenyddol Dylan Thomas ' yn ei hen dref enedigol o Talacharn ac yna rasio i Amgueddfa Cyflymder Pentywyn ar Draeth Pentywyn i weld Babs, y car gwnaeth Godfrey Parry –Thomas clocio 170mya, yn 1926 .

3 ) Gogledd Orllewin: Taith eclectig i datgelu cyfrinachau y diwydiannau cwrwgl a gwlân yn ogystal â chyfle i ail-fyw atgofion plentyndod beth bynnag yw eich oedran . Dysgwch am hanes cwryglau yn y Ganolfan Genedlaethol Cwrwgl yn agos at Rhaeadr Nghenarth a dysgu am y ffordd y maent yn cael eu defnyddio i arwain y defaid ar hyd yr afon i lanhau eu gwlân ar ein cyswllt sain : gyda chyfweliad gyda Martin Fowler , curadur y amgueddfa. Gweler yr arddangosfa ' Fleece a Ffabrig ' yn Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru ac o amgylch hyd y llwybr Gogledd Orllewin drwy ail-fyw eich atgofion plentyndod yn Amgueddfa Plentyndod Gorllewin Cymru, i weld teganau a gemau a gasglwyd o bob cyfnod amser .

I archwilio llwybr treftadaeth Sir Gaerfyrddin a chael gwybod mwy am y mythau a chwedlau sydd i'w datgelu yn yr ymweliad sir gwelwch