Tuesday 10 September 2013

Dylan Thomas is Key to Selling Wales to the US

North America continues to be the most important international market for Wales in terms of visitor spend, contributing £41million to the Welsh economy in 2012.

The drive to attract more high spending visitors from North America steps up a notch this week when Visit Wales tourism officials meet top tour operators on territory in the US and Canada to promote Wales to the travel trade. Visit Wales have teamed up with Welsh Rarebits and Southern Wales Tourism to participate in Destination Britain North America which is the most important event of its kind for generating business from the USA and Canada.

Destination Britain North America offers a prime opportunity to work proactively with the travel trade, a direction endorsed in the Welsh Government’s Strategy for Tourism 2013-2020 which identifies North America as a key market for growth. The event, organised by VisitBritain is being held in Las Vegas from the 10th to the 12th September and it attracts around ninety of the top travel trade buyers and media from the US and Canada offering formal one to one business appointments as well as more informal opportunities to promote all that Wales has to offer.

One of the key selling points will be the Dylan Thomas 100 Festival – a yearlong festival of events next year to mark the centenary of the birth of the poet in Swansea. Dylan Thomas has a huge following in the States. There are Dylan Thomas societies across North America, collections of his manuscripts are in US university libraries at Buffalo, New York and Austin, Texas, and former US Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and film star George Clooney are among his many ‘celebrity’ admirers.

Tourism Minister Edwina Hart said:” This is a key event to grow the sales of holidays in Wales through tour operators and travel agents in one of our key overseas markets and provides a great opportunity to ensure Wales is included in their programmes and tours.

For more information, contact: marketing@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

Gogledd America yw’r farchnad ryngwladol bwysicaf i Gymru o hyd; roedd gwariant yr ymwelwyr oddi yno wedi cyfrannu £41 miliwn i economi Cymru yn 2012.

Yr wythnos hon, bydd swyddogion Croeso Cymru’n dechrau cam newydd yn yr ymgyrch i ddenu rhagor o ymwelwyr ariannog o Ogledd America, drwy groesi’r Iwerydd i gwrdd â phrif gwmnïau teithio UDA a Chanada er mwyn hyrwyddo atyniadau Cymru.Byd Croeso Cymru, ar y cyd â Welsh Rarebits a Thwristiaeth De Cymru, yn cymryd rhan yn ‘Destination Britain North America’ – sef y digwyddiad pwysicaf o’r fath ar gyfer denu busnes o UDA a Chanada.

Bydd modd manteisio ar Destination Britain North America i sefydlu cysylltiadau cadarn â’r farchnad dwristiaeth. Mae Strategaeth Dwristiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2013-2020 yn nodi Gogledd America fel un o’r marchnadoedd allweddol ar gyfer twf.VisitBritain sy’n trefnu’r digwyddiad, a gynhelir yn Las Vegas 10-12 Medi. Mae’n denu tua naw deg o brynwyr mwyaf y diwydiant twristiaeth a chyfryngau UDA a Chanada. Dyma gyfle heb ei ail i gynnal cyfarfodydd busnes un-i-un yn ogystal â hyrwyddo popeth sydd gan Gymru i’w gynnig mewn ffordd fwy anffurfiol.

Un o’r prif atyniadau a hyrwyddir eleni fydd Gŵyl Canmlwyddiant Dylan Thomas, sef rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir drwy gydol y flwyddyn i ddathlu 100 mlynedd ers geni’r bardd yn Abertawe.

Mae Dylan Thomas yn boblogaidd dros ben yn yr Unol Daleithiau; mae cymdeithasau Dylan Thomas yn bodoli ledled Gogledd America ac mae yno gasgliadau o’i lawysgrifau yn llyfrgelloedd prifysgolion Buffalo, Efrog Newydd ac Austin Texas. Mae’r cyn Arlywyddion Bill Clinton a Jimmy Carter, yn ogystal â’r seren ffilm George Clooney, ym mhlith ei ddarllenwyr brwd.

Dywedodd y Gweinidog Twristiaeth, Edwina Hart: ”Dyma ddigwyddiad hollbwysig ar gyfer denu rhagor o ymwelwyr ar wyliau i Gymru, drwy gwmnïau ac asiantwyr teithio yn un o’n prif farchnadoedd tramor ni. Mae’n gyfle gwych i sicrhau eu bod nhw’n cynnwys Cymru yn eu teithiau a’u rhaglenni i ymwelwyr.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â: marketing@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

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