Friday 23 August 2013

Promoting Late Deals with Visit Wales

Visit Wales recently launched a campaign to promote special offers from the trade at the beginning of the Summer Holidays. There has been a massively positive response that clearly shows an appetite for deals and there is still room for more late bookings, therefore they have extended their campaign. Here at DiscoverCarmarthenshire we would like to encourage our local Welsh businesses to get involved if they haven’t already.
Visit Wales sent out an email to 325,884 contacts on their consumer database – these were people who had previously shown an interest in Wales. The email included links to their website and invited consumers to look at the range of late deals available in Wales. The email generated great interest. This promotion included a direct mail campaign using a Wallace & Gromit themed postcard which was sent to 265,382 contacts from their database, which has delivered a very good response to date.

The success of this campaign could greatly help your business. YOU can get involved, for more information, visit: or contact:

Mae Croeso Cymru wedi lansio ymgyrch i hyrwyddo cynigion arbennig gan y fasnach ar ddechrau gwyliau'r haf. Cafwyd ymateb aruthrol sy'n dangos yn glir awydd am archebion hwyr, ac felly maen’t wedi ymestyn eu hymgyrch. Yma at DarganfodSirGar hoffem annog busnesau Cymreig lleol i gymryd rhan os nad ydynt wedi gwneud eisoes.

Roedd Croeso Cymru wedi anfon e-bost i 325,884 o gysylltiadau ar eu cronfa ddata defnyddwyr - rhain oedd bobl a oedd wedi dangos diddordeb yng Nghymru o'r blaen. Roedd yr e-bost yn cynnwys dolenni at eu gwefan i wahoddi defnyddwyr i edrych ar yr amrywiaeth o cynnigion hwyr ar gael yng Nghymru. Gynhyrchir yr e-bost diddordeb mawr. Maen’t hefyd yn gwneud ymgyrch bost uniongyrchol, lle anfonwyd allan cerdyn bost Wallace & Gromit i 265,382 o gysylltiadau ar eu cronfa ddata, sydd wedi cyflwyno ymateb da iawn hyd yn hyn.

Gallai llwyddiant yr ymgyrch hon helpu eich busnes chi yn fawr iawn. Gallwch CHI fod yn rhan o hyn! Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i: neu cysylltwch â:

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