Wednesday 7 August 2013

Encouraging Your Children to Interact With Nature

With all the technological advancements and new gadgets available to our children, do you have trouble getting your children to play outside?

National Trust are currently half way through their 'Project Wild Thing' campaign which is an ambitious, feature-length documentary that takes a funny and revealing look at a complex issue, the increasingly disparate connection between children and nature. 

For your child to get involved and be in with the chance of directing and starring in their very own nature film, all they need to do is complete 25 of the '50 things to do before your 11 3/4 activities and log them at   before 1 September 2013.

When your young adventurer completes 25 of the '50 things,' you will be sent an email so that they can enter the prize draw to direct and star in their very own nature film. You can also claim your National Trust family visit pass, so you can visit one of over 200 of our National trust places.

For more information visit: or contact

Gyda'r holl datblygiadau technolegol a theclynnau newydd sydd ar gael i'n plant, a ydych yn cael trafferth cael eich plant i chwarae y tu allan?

Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol yn hanner ffordd ar hyn o bryd drwy ymgyrch eu 'Wild Thing Project' sydd yn, ddogfen nodwedd-hyd uchelgeisiol sy'n cymryd golwg ddoniol a dadlennol ar fater cmplex, y cysylltiad yn gynyddol wahanol rhwng plant a natur.

Ar gyfer eich plentyn i gymryd rhan a chael y cyfle o gyfeirio a serennu yn eu ffilm eu natur eu hunain, y cyfan sydd angen ei wneud yw cwblhau 25 o'r '50 bethau i'w gwneud cyn eich 11 3/4 gweithgareddau ac yn eu logio ar cyn 1 Medi 2013.

Pan fydd eich anturiaethwr ifanc yn cwblhau 25 o'r '50 pethau, 'byddwn yn anfon e-bost fel y gallant fynd i mewn i'r raffl i gyfarwyddo a serennu yn eu ffilm eu natur eu hunain. Gallwch hefyd hawlio eich teulu Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ewch i basio, er mwyn i chi ymweld ag un o dros 200 o'n lleoedd Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.

Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i: neu cysylltwch

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