Wednesday 29 May 2013

Touring with Towergate Competition

Touring with Towergate have chosen four locations
throughout the UK from hundreds of suggestions from
caravanners as they are running a competition to win
a week’s holiday at one of the destinations and Pembrey
in Carmarthenshire has been included as a choice for
its history and folklore.

Four families will be taking caravan holidays at the
same time and the public will be asked to vote via social
media as to who is having the better time. The families
will be encouraged to blog and take photographs of their
holiday and hopefully tag Discover Carmarthenshire at
every opportunity.

The other three locations of choice are: Norfolk for its
wildlife and walking, Cornwall for its beaches and great
food and Cumbria for its beautiful scenery and relaxing
surroundings. But let’s face it, Carmarthenshire has all
these assets combined and plenty more!!!!

If you want the chance to win a week’s holiday in one of the
locations listed above, enter the competition at
and your family could be enjoying a week’s stay in a luxury
holiday park, as well as taking part in the fantastic
activities on offer.

You can also follow the tour on Twitter @towergate
and Facebook

For more information, contact

Cystadleuaeth Teithio Towergate

Mae Teithio gyda Towergate wedi dewis pedwar lleoliad ledled y D.U. o gannoedd o awgrymiadau gan garafanwyr gan eu bod yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i ennill wythnos o wyliau yn un o'r cyrchfannau, mae Phen-bre yn Sir Gaerfyrddin wedi cael ei gynnwys fel dewis am ei hanes a llên gwerin.
Bydd pedwar o deuluoedd yn cymryd gwyliau carafán ar yr un pryd a bydd y cyhoedd yn cael ei ofyn i bleidleisio trwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol o ran pwy sy'n cael yr amser gwell. Bydd y teuluoedd yn cael eu hannog i blogio a chymryd lluniau o'u gwyliau a ddefnyddio tag Darganfod Sir Gaerfyrddin ar bob cyfle.

Mae'r tri lleoliad arall o ddewis yw: Norfolk am ei fywyd gwyllt a cherdded, Cernyw am ei thraethau a bwyd gwych a Cumbria am ei golygfeydd hardd ac amgylchedd hamddenol. Ond mae’n rhaid wynebu y gwir, mae gan Sir Gaerfyrddin yr holl asedau hyn gyda'i gilydd a llawer mwy hefyd!!!!

Os ydych am y cyfle i ennill wythnos o wyliau mewn un o'r lleoliadau a restrir uchod, fynd i mewn i'r gystadleuaeth yn  ac fe allech chi a'ch teulu mwynhau arhosiad wythnos mewn parc gwyliau moethus, yn ogystal â chymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau gwych sydd ar gael.

Gallwch hefyd ddilyn y daith ar Twitter @ Towergate a Facebook / TowergateCaravanInsurance

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â

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