Friday 17 May 2013

Are you proud of your Welsh heritage?

Heritage and Vintage Trails in Carmarthenshire
Over Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th May, daily telegraph writer Sophie Campbell joined the Marketing and Tourism team as a freelance writer.
Sophie has been employed to visit areas of Carmarthenshire to research and produce a Heritage and Vintage Trail to promote the wonderful places of interest on offer.

She visited many places within Carmarthenshire, for example The Coracle Museum at Cenarth falls in Newcastle Emelyn, a beautiful, picturesque part of the country, set in the grounds of the 17th century mill beside the salmon leap falls.

Cenarth Falls
 Sophie spent time at the Museum of Childhood in Llangeler where visitors can take a stroll down memory lane and see toys from the past, the National Botanic Garden of Wales where they have an amazing collection of over 8000 different plant varieties, spread across 560 acres of stunning countryside. The gardens have also been voted the number 1 ‘Wonder of Wales’, ’Most Romantic Garden’, ‘Best Children’s Garden’ & ‘Best Afternoon Tea’ by the Western Mail.

the National Botanic Garden of Wales
 Our writer visited Stradey Castle in Llanelli where it is possible to take a heritage tour by the present owner, Patrick Mansel Lewis and learn all about the castle’s fascinating history.

The inside of Stradey Castle

Sophie outside Stradey Castle

 She finished her journey at the Dylan Thomas Boathouse in Laugharne which is set in a cliff overlooking the glorious, ‘heron priested’ Taf Estuary. The boathouse offers a mesmerizing visit including memorabilia, interpretation, bookshop and tea room.

The Dylan Thomas Boathouse in Laugharne

The places mentioned above are just a taste of the copious locations throughout Carmarthenshire that boast heritage, Sophie stopped at many other settings on her journey which will form the full trail.

For more information regarding the trail or any of the places mentioned above, visit

Dros Dydd Llun 13, Dydd Mawrth 14 a dydd Mercher 15 Mai, ymunodd dyddiol telegraff awdur Sophie Campbell y tîm Marchnata a Thwristiaeth fel awdur ei liwt ei hun.

Sophie wedi cael ei gyflogi i ymweld ag ardaloedd o Sir Gaerfyrddin i ymchwilio a chynhyrchu Treftadaeth a Llwybr Vintage i hyrwyddo lleoedd gwych o log ar gael.

Mae hi'n ymweld â llawer o leoedd yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, er enghraifft, yr Amgueddfa Cwrwgl yng Nghenarth syrthio yn Newcastle Emelyn, yn, rhan hardd hardd o'r wlad, a sefydlwyd ar dir y felin o'r 17eg ganrif ger yr eog naid yn disgyn. Treuliodd Sophie amser yn Amgueddfa Plentyndod yng Llangeler lle gall ymwelwyr fynd am dro i lawr lôn cof a gweld teganau o'r gorffennol, Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru lle mae ganddynt gasgliad anhygoel o dros 8000 mathau o blanhigion gwahanol, wedi eu gwasgaru ar draws 560 erw o cefn gwlad trawiadol.

 Mae'r gerddi hefyd wedi cael eu pleidleisiodd y rhif 1 'Wonder of Wales', 'Gardd y rhan fwyaf o Rhamantaidd', 'Gardd Orau i Blant' a 'Te Prynhawn Gorau' gan y Western Mail.

Mae ein awdur ymweld â Chastell y Strade yn Llanelli lle mae'n bosibl i fynd ar daith dreftadaeth gan y perchennog presennol, Patrick Mansel Lewis a dysgu popeth am hanes diddorol y castell a'r Dylan Thomas Boathouse yn Nhalacharn sy'n cael ei osod mewn glogwyn yn edrych dros y gogoneddus, ' Aber Afon Taf crëyr glas priested '. Mae'r cwt cychod yn cynnig ymweliad hudol cynnwys pethau cofiadwy, dehongliad, siop lyfrau ac ystafell de.

Mae'r lleoedd y sonnir amdanynt uchod yn unig blas o'r lleoliadau helaeth ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin sy'n brolio treftadaeth, rhoi'r gorau i Sophie mewn llawer o leoliadau eraill ar ei daith a fydd yn ffurfio llwybr llawn.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y llwybr neu unrhyw un o'r lleoedd y sonnir amdanynt uchod, ewch i

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