Monday 3 September 2012

August website stats, & web generated leads, now avaialbe.

If you wish to know how many leads were generated from the Discover Carmarthenshire Website to your website, please e-mail 

To receive these figures you will need to show us where on your website, the link to Discover Carmarthenshire is located.


During AUGUST, 75% (up 2%) of the visits came from search engines
During AUGUST, 26% (up 4%) of the visits were from mobile devices (mainly iPad and iPhone)
During AUGUST, 26% (up 1%) of the visits were return visits

Top 3 most popular sections of the website were -

(1) What's On (17%)
(2) Family (10%)
(3) Activities (9%)
Top 3 visiting countries (outside UK)
(1) United States (50% up on July)
(2) Germany
(3) France

Top 3 referring sites (excluding Corporate site, search engines)


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