Thursday 24 May 2012

New "Green" Tourism Grant available from Carmarthenshire Council

A new £320,000 grant to aid Tourism businesses in Carmarthenshire is inviting proposals right now for projects costing between £5,000 to £10,000 with grant funding up to 80% of the total cost. Sounds good right so read on Projects could include; Energy efficiencies such as ground source heat pumps, solar thermal energy, photovoltaic’s and alternative energy heating systems using biomass/ wood • Biodiversity of the land/garden to encourage wildlife such as kitchen gardens - help towards fenced area with raised beds for planting(holidaymakers would enjoy seeing that the accommodation provider is growing their own vegetables and herbs etc and might want to get involved with gardening while on holidays whilst the planting encourages wildlife into the garden), woodland management by creating nature trails with interpretation boards to describe the wildlife and plant life on the land • Reed bed water systems to purify water • Solar powered showers on campsites – enable the campsite to promote their environmental efficiency and green credentials If you would like further information, email Sian or Denise on

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