Thursday 24 May 2012

Carmarthenshire goes multi-lingual with new on-line brochures

With the world getting smaller, the huge county of Carmarthenshire is promoting itself in their own languages to the people of China (卡马森郡), the Netherlands (Carmarthenshire ... zoveel plaatsen en bezienswaardigheden ... zoveel keuzes), Italy (Carmarthenshire è la contea più grande nel Galles meridionale e si estende dalla Baia di Carmarthen nel sud fino ai panorami montuosi del Parco Brecon Beacons occidentale e le montagne della Cambria a nord) and France (Le Carmarthenshire ........ Tellement d’endroits...... tellement de choix) Tourism brochures have been translated into a number of foreign dialects including French and Mandarin as consumers demand and expect information in their own languages at a press of a button. The Mandarin brochures has already been utilised as the County Council met with a tourism delegation from the Yinzhou District in China last week as well as equipping a Welsh Government delegation that is travelling to China this week. Carmarthenshire is the only region to have this information to hand. If you would like to input the translated documents onto your own websites or brochures please email and we can email them over in either the designed brochure or word document formats.

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