Monday 7 May 2012

BIG maps for a BIG County now available FREE

Large A1 & A2 sized laminated "Discover Carmarthenshire" maps depicting the whole of the County including places to go and visit have have been designed and printed by Carmarthenshire County Council ready for May 2012. The request for these came through the Caravanning sector group meeting held with the County Council as the operators in the County felt such large maps would assist their visitors to plan their trip as the the whole range of Carmarthenshire is in one large format. As well as Caravanning sites, the large maps will be put up in other areas of high footfall like town centre car parks and leisure centres (and i noticed a great spot in Llansteffan beach car park yesterday). If you would like a map, please contact the marketing & tourism section of the County Council via

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