Wednesday 23 January 2013

Meet the Council - Cllr Meryl Gravell OBE

The County Council is run through the Cabinet political system with elected members being given Departmental portfolios to strategically oversee. Marketing & Tourism sits within the Regeneration Department and the Executive Board Member is Meryl Gravell who also represents the electoral division of Trimsaran.

Cllr Gravell was Leader of Carmarthenshire County Council from 1999 to May 2012, was elected as the Welsh Local Government Association’s Presiding Officer in 2004. A retired Justice of the Peace and Chair of Trimsaran Village Forum, her achievements in her own community were rewarded in 1997 when she was named Welsh Woman of the Year in the Community.  In 1999 she received further recognition when she was awarded the MBE and more recently the OBE for her services to Wales.

Incredibly passionate about developing Carmarthenshire as a top tourism destination, Cllr Gravell represents Carmarthenshire on the Regional Tourism Partnership and at the top table of the County Council.

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