Wednesday 26 August 2015

New Fishing Adventures in Carmarthenshire...

Fishing in Carmarthenshire

Here in our beautiful corner of south-west Wales, we’re renowned for our rich sea and river fishing opportunities; boasting a wide variety of beautiful beaches, private coves and inland waterways, plus miles of clean, tranquil river fishing on the Tywi, Teifi, Taf, Towy and Cothi.

As such, we’re very excited to announce a host of brand new fishing breaks on offer across the county for aspiring anglers looking for a fishing-themed break. From a brand new Junior Anglers experience and two Fly-Fishing Safaris for adults to a Sea Fishing escape, all breaks include an experienced ghillie guide, as well as fishing permits, river access, equipment and hotel accommodation, making planning an angling adventure totally hassle free!

Details of our fishing opportunities can be found at, with highlights below:

River Splashing and Salmon-Spotting - New Junior Anglers ‘Sea Trout and Salmon’ Package with Golden Grove Fishery and The Cawdor Hotel

This new Junior Anglers package gives children (over 10) the chance to learn all there is to know about sea trout (sewin) and salmon fishing. They must be accompanied by an adult so this is a great chance for a spot of parent/child bonding and the chance for mum or dad to try out fishing too.  Based at the Golden Grove Fishery on the banks of the peaceful River Towy, aspiring Jeremy Wades (of ‘River Monsters’ fame) will spend the whole day with friendly head ghillie Jamie Harris, learning how to pick out the best spots, casting a line and discovering what lurks beneath the river’s surface. Their accompanying adult can spend time perfecting their technique, or learning from scratch too. After a full day’s fishing, the anglers will head to nearby hotel The Cawdor for a delicious, locally-sourced meal and a well-deserved rest.

Price: The Junior Anglers package is available from £150 based on one adult and one child over 10 taking part. The price includes one full day (6 hours) of ghillie guiding, plus all flies, fishing permits and transfers to and from The Cawdor. If additional equipment is required, please advise on booking. Accommodation at The Cawdor is available from £85 per night based on two sharing a twin room on a B&B basis. The package is valid from 01 September to 17 October 2015.

Details: To book a fishing package, visit or call 01494 524411. To book accommodation, visit or call 01558 823500.

Fly Fishing ‘Sea Trout and Salmon’ Safari Package at the Golden Grove Fishery and The Cawdor Hotel

The new Fly Fishing Safari at the Golden Grove Fishery is ideal for adult anglers of all abilities. Whilst beginners learn all there is to know about spotting sea trout and salmon, the more confident get the chance to improve their technique by picking up tips from head ghillie Jamie Harris, whose unrivalled local knowledge and experience as part of the Welsh National Fishing Team and Team Sky will give them the best chance of a catch. Jamie will guide guests along the river, explaining the basics of the river’s unique flora and fauna and picking out the best spots to cast a line. After a relaxing day on the water’s edge, head to The Cawdor in the market town of Llandeilo for a spot of R&R. Opt for a late afternoon tea in the lounge, indulge in fresh fish in the restaurant or simply retreat to one of the individually designed cosy rooms for a well-deserved rest.

Price: A two day Fly Fishing Safari is available from £300pp including two full days (12 hours in total across the two days) of ghillie guiding plus all flies, fishing permits and transfers to and from The Cawdor. If additional equipment is required, please advise on booking. A three day Safari is available on the same basis for £450pp. Accommodation at The Cawdor is available from £85 per night based on two sharing a double room on a B&B basis, or a dinner, bed and breakfast package is available at £99 per person, based on two sharing. The packages are valid from 01 September to 17 October 2015.

Details: To book a fishing package, visit or call 01494 524411. To book accommodation, visit or call 01558 823500.

Fish and Flop - Fly Fishing Break at The Castle Hotel

Located in the charming market town of Llandovery, The Castle Hotel is also offering a brand new Fly-Fishing break guided by one of Wales’s top fly fishing experts Kim Tribe. The hotel has nearly a mile of river situated directly below it, making it the ideal location for a fish-and-flop adventure. Guests will learn everything there is to know about the waters in the area including where’s best to find certain fish, whether that’s stalking wild trout in small upland streams, or landing sewin, trout and grayling in the main rivers. Ideal for beginners, the course includes all kit, permits and guiding, though if you’re already a dab hand at fishing, there’s the opportunity to improve techniques and pick up tips from Kim. After a hard day’s fishing, return to the hotel to unwind by the roaring log fire or enjoy a vibrant meal in the restaurant - where the fish caught in nearby rivers often feature on the menu. The hotel has 15 tastefully decorated bedrooms, all with their own sense of Welsh charm and bags of comfort.

Price: A two day fly fishing break is available from £430pp, including accommodation at The Castle Hotel for one night on a B&B basis, two full days fishing and all fishing kit and permits. A three day fishing break is available n the same basis from £685pp. For more information or to book, visit or call 01550 720343.

Sea Angling Adventure with Ebony May Charter Boat and Stradey Park Hotel

Take to the seas to experience the thrill of sea angling on board the Ebony May charter boat with this sea fishing adventure- the ideal option for keen fishermen looking to try their hand at fishing away from the usual rivers and streams. Chartered from Burry Port, skipper Stuart Denman leads the way for the day-long sea fishing experience, taking groups of up to 10 on board the Ebony May to the best sea-angling spots along the Carmarthenshire coastline and divulging his tips and tricks along the way. Carmarthen Bay and the Gower coastline are particularly renowned for their Bass from April-November, with dolphins, seals and lots of other marine wildlife often spotted in the waters. After a day on the high seas, return to Stradey Park Hotel in Llanelli where cosy rooms, a great spa and fantastic Welsh breakfast await- boasting fantastic views over the Carmarthenshire coastline.

Price: Ebony May is available for a day’s charter (8 hours) from £500 (up to 10 guests can be accommodated on board)- including skipper, fishing guidance, hot drinks and live bait. Boat charter is available from start of May to end of October. Rod hire is available from £7pp. Rooms at Stradey Park Hotel are available from £75 per room per night based on two sharing a double room on a B&B basis.

Details: To book a sea fishing package, visit  or call 07989 326085. To book accommodation, visit or call 01554 758171. 

Anturiaethau Pysgota Newydd yn Sir Gaerfyrddin..

Fishing in Carmarthenshire

Yma yn ein cornel fach hardd yn ne-orllewin Cymru, rydym yn adnabyddus am ein cyfleoedd pysgota gwych ar y môr ac ar ein hafonydd. Mae’r sir yn cynnwys amrywiaeth eang o draethau hardd, cildraethau preifat a dyfrffyrdd mewndirol, ynghyd â milltiroedd o bysgota afon glân a heddychlon ar Dywi, Teifi, Taf a Chothi. 

Felly teimlwn gyffro mawr wrth inni gyhoeddi cyfres o wyliau pysgota newydd sydd ar gael ledled y sir i enweirwyr sy’n chwilio am wyliau ar thema bysgota. O brofiad Genweirwyr Ifanc newydd sbon a dau Saffari Pysgota â Phlu i oedolion, i antur Pysgota ar y Môr, mae pob gwyliau yn cynnwys gili-dywysydd, ynghyd â thrwydded bysgota, mynediad i’r afon, offer a llety mewn gwesty, gan olygu bod yr holl antur bysgota yn gwbl ddidrafferth!

Ceir manylion ein cynigion pysgota fan hyn, a dyma’r uchafbwyntiau isod:

Sblash yn yr Afon a Dod i Hyd i Eogiaid – Pecyn ‘Sewin ac Eog’ newydd i Bysgotwyr Ifanc gyda Physgodfa’r Gelli Aur a Gwesty’r Cawdor

Mae’r pecyn newydd hwn i Enweirwyr Ifanc yn rhoi cyfle i blant (dros 10 oed) ddysgu popeth sydd i’w wybod am bysgota sewin ac eog. Rhaid iddynt fod yng nghwmni oedolyn felly mae’n gyfle gwych i ddatblygu perthynas rhiant a phlentyn, ac yn gyfle i’r rhiant roi cynnig ar bysgota hefyd.  Ym Mhysgodfa’r Gelli Aur ar lannau heddychlon Afon Tywi, bydd Jeremy Wades (sy’n adnabyddus am ‘River Monsters’) yn treulio’r diwrnod cyfan yng nghwmni’r prif gili Jamie Harris, yn dysgu sut i ganfod y mannau gorau, sut i fwrw lein a chanfod beth sy’n celu o dan wyneb y dŵr. Gall yr oedolyn dreulio’r amser yn perffeithio techneg, neu’n dysgu o’r dechrau hefyd. Ar ôl diwrnod llawn o bysgota, bydd y pysgotwyr yn mynd i Westy’r Cawdor gerllaw i gael pryd hyfryd o fwyd wedi’u baratoi o gynnyrch lleol, a seibiant haeddiannol.

Pris: Mae’r pecyn Genweirwyr Ifanc ar gael o £150, yn seiliedig ar un oedolyn ac un plentyn dros 10 oed yn cymryd rhan. Mae’r pris yn cynnwys un diwrnod llawn (6 awr) gyda’r gili-dywysydd, ynghyd â’r holl blu, trwyddedau pysgota a chludiant i’r Cawdor ac yn ôl. Os bydd angen offer pellach, rhowch wybod wrth archebu. Mae llety ar gael yn y Cawdor am £85 y nos ar sail dau yn rhannu ystafell twin, gwely a brecwast. Mae’r pecyn yn ddilys o 01 Medi hyd at 17 Hydref 2015.

Manylion: I archebu pecyn pysgota,  ewch i neu ffoniwch 01494 524411. I archebu llety, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01558 823500. 

Pecyn Saffari Pysgota ‘Sewin ac Eog’ â Phlu ym Mhysgodfa’r Gelli Aur a Gwesty’r Cawdor

Mae’r Saffari Pysgota a Phlu newydd yn ddelfrydol i oedolion o unrhyw allu. Bydd dechreuwyr yn dysgu popeth sydd i’w wybod am ganfod brithyll ac eog, a chaiff y rhai mwy hyderus gyfle i wella eu techneg drwy ddysgu dan adain y prif gili, Jamie Harris. Y mae heb ei ail am ei wybodaeth leol, a bydd hynny, ynghyd â’i brofiad fel rhan o Dîm Pysgota Cenedlaethol Cymru a Thîm Sky, yn golygu y bydd gennych y cyfle gorau i ddal pysgodyn. Bydd Jamie yn tywys y gwesteion ar hyd yr afon, yn esbonio elfennau sylfaenol rhai o fflora a ffawna unigryw yr afon ac yn dangos y mannau gorau i fwrw lein. Ar ôl diwrnod hamddenol ar lan y dŵr, cewch fynd i’r Cawdor yn nhref farchnad Llandeilo i ymlacio. Cewch ddewis te prynhawn hwyr yn y lolfa, pysgod ffres yn y bwyty, neu encilio i un o’r ystafelloedd clyd unigryw i gael hoe haeddiannol.

Pris: Mae dau ddiwrnod o Saffari Pysgota â Phlu ar gael o £300 yr un, yn cynnwys dau ddiwrnod llawn (cyfanswm o 12 awr rhwng y ddau ddiwrnod) gyda’r gili-dywysydd, ynghyd â’r holl blu, trwyddedau pysgota a chludiant i’r Cawdor ac yn ôl. Os bydd angen offer pellach, rhowch wybod wrth archebu. Mae tridiau o saffari ar gael am £450 yr un.  Mae llety ar gael yn y Cawdor am £85 y nos ar sail dau yn rhannu ystafell ddwbl, gwely a brecwast, neu swper, gwely a brecwast am £99 yr un, ar sail dau yn rhannu. Mae’r pecynnau yn ddilys o 01 Medi hyd at 17 Hydref 2015.

Manylion: I archebu pecyn pysgota,  ewch i neu ffoniwch 01494 524411. I archebu llety, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01558 823500. 

Pysgota ac Ymlacio – Gwyliau Pysgota â Phlu yng Ngwesty’r Castell 

Mae Gwesty’r Castell, yn nhref farchnad hyfryd Llanymddyfri, hefyd yn cynnig Gwyliau Pysgota â Phlu newydd sbon dan arweiniad un o arbenigwyr pysgota â phlu pennaf Cymru, Kim Tribe. Mae gan y gwesty bron i filltir o afon yn uniongyrchol oddi tani, sy’n golygu ei fod yn lleoliad delfrydol ar gyfer antur Bysgota ac Ymlacio. Bydd y gwesteion yn dysgu popeth sydd i’w wybod am ddyfrffyrdd yr ardal, gan gynnwys ble mae’r mannau gorau i ddod o hyd i bysgod penodol, boed hynny’n chwilota am frithyll gwyllt yn nentydd bach yr uwchdir, neu ddal sewin, brithyll a phenllwyd yn y prif afonydd. Dyma gwrs delfrydol i ddechreuwyr, ac mae’n cynnwys yr holl offer, y trwyddedau a’r arweiniad. Ond os ydych eisoes yn hen law ar bysgota, bydd hefyd yn gyfle ichi wella eich technegau a chael cyngor gan Kim. Ar ôl diwrnod caled o bysgota, cewch ddychwelyd i’r gwesty i ymlacio ger y tân coed neu fwynhau bryd da o fwyd yn y bwyty, lle mae pysgod a ddaliwyd yn yr afonydd gerllaw yn aml i’w gweld ar y fwydlen. Mae gan y gwesty 15 o ystafelloedd gwely wedi’u haddurno’n chwaethus, a phob un yn glyd ac yn cynnig teimlad Cymreig.

Pris: Mae dau ddiwrnod o wyliau pysgota ar gael o £430 yr un, gan gynnwys llety yng Ngwesty’r Castell am un noson, gwely a brecwast, dau ddiwrnod llawn o bysgota a’r holl offer a’r trwyddedau. Mae tridiau o wyliau pysgota ar gael o £685 yr un. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, neu i archebu, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01550 720343.

Antur Pysgota Môr gyda Chwch Siarter Ebony May a Gwesty Parc y Strade

Mae Gwesty’r Castell, yn nhref farchnad hyfryd Llanymddyfri, hefyd yn cynnig Gwyliau Pysgota â Phlu newydd sbon dan arweiniad un o arbenigwyr pysgota â phlu pennaf Cymru, Kim Tribe. Mae gan y gwesty bron i filltir o afon yn uniongyrchol oddi tani, sy’n golygu ei fod yn lleoliad delfrydol ar gyfer antur Bysgota ac Ymlacio. Bydd y gwesteion yn dysgu popeth sydd i’w wybod am ddyfrffyrdd yr ardal, gan gynnwys ble mae’r mannau gorau i ddod o hyd i bysgod penodol, boed hynny’n chwilota am frithyll gwyllt yn nentydd bach yr uwchdir, neu ddal sewin, brithyll a phenllwyd yn y prif afonydd. Dyma gwrs delfrydol i ddechreuwyr, ac mae’n cynnwys yr holl offer, y trwyddedau a’r arweiniad. Ond os ydych eisoes yn hen law ar bysgota, bydd hefyd yn gyfle ichi wella eich technegau a chael cyngor gan Kim. Ar ôl diwrnod caled o bysgota, cewch ddychwelyd i’r gwesty i ymlacio ger y tân coed neu fwynhau bryd da o fwyd yn y bwyty, lle mae pysgod a ddaliwyd yn yr afonydd gerllaw yn aml i’w gweld ar y fwydlen. Mae gan y gwesty 15 o ystafelloedd gwely wedi’u haddurno’n chwaethus, a phob un yn glyd ac yn cynnig teimlad Cymreig.

Pris: Mae’r Ebony May ar gael i’w siarteru am y dydd (8 awr) o £500 (mae lle i hyd at 10 o westeion ar y ei bwrdd) – gan gynnwys y capten, arweiniad ar bysgota, diodydd twym ac abwyd byw. Gellir siarteru’r cwch o fis Mai i ddiwedd mis Hydref. Gallwch logi gwialen o £7 yr un. Mae ystafelloedd ar gael yng Ngwesty Parc y Strade o £75 yr ystafell y nos ar sail dau yn rhannu ystafell ddwbl, gwely a brecwast. 

Manylion: I archebu pecyn pysgota môr, ewch i  neu ffoniwch 07989 326085. I archebu llety, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01554 758171.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

The Big Cwtch

The Festival Season wraps up with The Big Cwtch in Carmarthenshire
– A family-friendly party of music, craft, camping and food -

Last September was not only the driest on record and one of the warmest; it was also the inaugural year for The Big Cwtch (big cuddle in Welsh) Summer Party in Carmarthenshire. As the glorious month comes round again, so does the family friendly festival- now firmly on the radar and ready to wow for 2015.

Taking place on Saturday 12th September, the event is set in a stunning lakeside location in the heart of Carmarthenshire and celebrates the great outdoors whilst offering festival goers a vibrant mix of local music, craft and food culture. With family (2 adults, 2 kids) tickets just £70, this is a unique festival that’s affordable, intimate, fun and a fundraiser to boot!

This year’s festival will feature outstanding musical talent from across Wales with over 30 bands and artists performing across two stages, including the fabulous lakeside stage. The line-up includes The Noses who have performed at Glastonbury, Green Man (who were Larmer Tree Festival’s Breakthrough Music Award winner in 2014) and Lost Tuesday Society, who have graced the stage with the likes of Pete Doherty, Alabama 3 and Sister Sledge; with comparisons made to early Fleetwood Mac.

Wander around and you’ll stumble across acoustic sets and solo performances in pop up bars and restaurants throughout the event.

Food and Drink
The Big Cwtch celebrates the fabulous food and drink of South West Wales – goats cheese from the nearby Cothi Valley, smoked fish (caught from a Coracle), pâtés and terrines from Cnwd, proper Welsh chocolate from Nom Nom (Kylie Minogue’s favourite) and a pop up welsh pizza oven, firing out local ingredient-topped doughy deliciousness.

Back by popular demand is last year’s rustic pop-up restaurant ‘cnwd @thelakeside’ from local chef Scott Davis (who has worked for Gary Rhodes and Marco Pierre White and lectures at The Do Lectures).  Tables can be reserved or attendees can pre-order picnic hampers and blankets.

There will also be outdoor cooking and tasting experiences including Campfire Cooking, Fish Smoking, Craft Beer Tastings, Fire Pit Talks and demos and the Street Food Alley.

Other award winning food producers present will include:
cnwd, Slow Pig, Cothi Valley Goats, Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company, Big Fish Little Fish,  Blas O'r Tan Pizzas, Mr Nice Pie, Cwrtau Bach Farm Deli, Hedgerose, Mr Churros, Copa Coffi, Nom Nom Chocolates, gin haus deli, Handmade Beer Co., Benporium – Welsh Candy Fleece, Blasus Welshcakes, O'Boyles Ice Cream Traditional Tricycles, Welsh Cottage Cakes, Good & Proper Brownies  and so much more…

Plus, a fabulous lakeside champagne and cocktail bar brought to you by Llandeilo’s ginhaus Deli and friends, and pop up pubs around the site serving local craft beers and ales.

Family Fun
The Big Cwtch offers loads of entertainment and activities for festivalgoers of all ages and provides a safe environment to relax in a beautiful natural playground. Ticket prices take into account ages of children, with under fives free, 5-12 yrs costing just £10 and teens costing £15.
The family line-up includes:

Cwtch Crafts with loads of make and do activities & kids’ workshops including a special guest challenge from BBC 2’s The Great British Sewing Bee Runner Up – Neil Stace, AKA The Sewing Soldier’.

Small World Theatre and nature trails with the amazing ‘Lady Agusta - The Giant Explorer’.
There will also be Circus Tricks and Jester, Bushcraft, Assault Course, Vintage Fairground rides, Ringo Rides, Maypole dancing, Bicycle Powered Giant Strawberry Smoothie Maker, Face Painting, Dressing up tents and loads more festival fun and creative outdoor entertainment, all situated in a beautiful walled garden alongside a health & well-being area and a host of local artisan stalls.

Camping and Glamping
Festivalgoers also have the chance to stay on the beautiful site with dedicated riverside camping fields or in a luxury bell tent. Pitches cost from £10-£25 and glamping in a bell tent from £150-£195.

Adult - £30; Family (2 adults + 2 kids aged 5-12 yrs) - £70; Teen – 13-16 yrs - £15; Child 5-12 yrs - £10. Under 5’s free and concession prices for over 65s, students, disabilities.

Adult Evening - £15; Teen Evening - £5; Under 13s Evening free.

These can be purchased on the website – 

The Festival gates open at 10:30am on 12th September and the music line up starts from 11am- finishing at 23:30. Campers are welcome to arrive from 9am on 12th September and must depart by midday on 13th September. 

Make the most of the weekend and get out and about in the Carmarthenshire countryside – there’s great walking, two of Wales’ longest beaches on the doorstep (Cefn Sidan and Pendine) plus the market towns of Carmarthen, Llandovery, Llandeilo and Newcastle Emlyn; as well as a thriving foodie scene and a whole host of castles, award winning gardens and rugged landscapes to explore.

Monday 17 August 2015

Make this August bank holiday a vintage one!

5 of the best vintage themed activities around Carmarthenshire

Carmarthen does vintage
Saturday 29th August 2015 Carmarthen Town Centre.
Vintage-lovers need look no further for a veritable treasure trove for collectors and those that love to pick up a quirky little bargain or two. Expect a vintage shopper's heaven browsing through the numerous shops and stalls in Carmarthen with clothing, accessories, household goods, memorabilia, quirky ornaments, curious trinkets and vinyl records. The festival also features a popup vintage tea room, vintage hair & beauty lounge, impromptu musical performances, a vintage dog show, sideshows and street theatre from yesteryear plus a variety of workshops on up-cycling and distressing furniture. Not forgetting our little people can join us for a vintage carnival procession or enter a vintage raft in the River Festival ! You can even join the most marvellous nostalgic stroll down memory lane with our vintage treasure trove hunt trail explore King Street, Jacksons Lane, Guildhall Square, Lammas Street, Merlins Walk, Red Street and St Catherine's Walk! For info

Welsh National Vintage Extravaganza
Sunday 30th & Monday 31st August 2015 Pembrey Circuit.
 A wonderful opportunity to see some iconic cars with two days of fantastic action. The Welsh National Vintage Extravaganza event will include a tractor road run, classic motor show and race track action. Visitors can also enjoy a car boot sale, and peruse club and trade stands.  There will also be a range of family entertainment including children's rides at the circuit. For info

Vintage afternoon tea
Available daily (booking advisable) Stradey Park Hotel, Llanelli.
Enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea with a choice of locations including the Rooftop Lounge or the Conservatory, both with stunning panoramic views over the Gower and Carmarthen Bay. For info

2015 Vintage Jabajak wine
Available now, Jabakak Vineyard Restaurant with rooms, Llanboidy.
 Our first ever wine from our very own Vineyard has arrived. It is our White House still white from Phoenix and Seyval and tastes absolutely incredible. Full of sophistication, citrus and elderflower notes crisp and clean. It is a real stunner and the decision to only harvest and make wine from quality mature grapes has more than paid off. 8 Years!!!!! A special thanks to everyone who has been a part of this process - from planting to picking, from mowing to pruning - a massive thank you. Due to the limited supply (1400 bottles) we are only selling through the restaurant at the moment until the Sparkling Blush arrives in the Spring!! We have tasted as a still and is mind blowing! For info

Tin shed Experience
Wed-Sat: 10:30–16:30, Sun: 13:00–17:00, Clifton Street, Laugharne.
Everything is vintage at The Tin Shed Experience,  a quaint and quirky 1940's museum in Laugharne featuring an original WWII  shelter in the garden of their Tin Cottage alongside a Victory Garden. The Tin Shed Experience does not claim to be the biggest museum of its kind, however  they pride themselves on the quality of their exhibits. For info

Gwnewch Ŵyl Banc y mis Awst hwn yn Glasur o Ŵyl!

5 o Weithgareddau Gorau Sir Gaerfyrddin ar thema'r Oes a Fu

Sir Gâr a Phethau'r Oes a Fu
Dydd Sadwrn, 29ain Awst 2015, Canol Tref Caerfyrddin.
Dyma’r union le i’r sawl sy'n dwlu ar drugareddau'r Oes a Fu ddod o hyd i drysorfa go iawn i’r casglwr ac i’r rheini sydd wrth eu boddau'n cael gafael ar fargen fach anarferol neu ddwy. Bydd yn nefoedd i'r siopwyr hynny sy'n hoffi eitemau o'r oes a fu gan roi cyfle iddynt chwilota yn siopau a stondinau niferus Caerfyrddin sy'n gwerthu dillad, cyfwisgoedd, nwyddau'r cartref, pethau cofiadwy, ornaments hynod, trugareddau anarferol a recordiau finyl. Bydd yr ŵyl hefyd yn cynnwys Ystafell De wib a lolfa gwallt a harddwch – y ddwy yn steil yr oes a fu, perfformiadau cerddorol difyfyr, sioe gŵn yn steil yr oes a fu, stondinau, a theatr stryd ar thema’r dyddiau a fu, yn ogystal ag amrywiaeth o weithdai ynghylch celfi ffasiynol-dreuliedig ac uwchgylchu. Cofiwch hefyd y gall y plant ymuno â ni ar gyfer gorymdaith y carnifal o'r oes a fu neu gystadlu â rafft o'r oes a fu yng Ngŵyl yr Afon! Gallwch hyd yn oed hel atgofion wrth fynd am dro hamddenol braf gan gymryd rhan yn ein helfa am drysor o'r oes a fu, ar hyd Heol y Brenin, Lôn Jackson, y Clos Mawr, Heol Awst, Maes Myrddin, Heol Goch a Rhodfa'r Santes Catrin! I gael gwybod rhagor ewch i

Sioe'r Welsh National Vintage Extravaganza
Dydd Sul, 30ain a dydd Llun, 31ain Awst 2015, Cylch Rasio Pen-bre.

Cyfle campus i weld ceir eiconig gyda deuddydd o weithgareddau gwerth chweil. Bydd digwyddiad y Welsh National Vintage Extravaganza yn cynnwys gorymdaith ffordd gan y tractorau, sioe Ceir o Dras a gweithgareddau ar y cylch rasio. Gall ymwelwyr fwynhau sêl cist car hefyd, a chael golwg ar stondinau clybiau a busnesau. Bydd amrywiaeth o adloniant i'r teulu hefyd gan gynnwys reidiau i'r plant ar y cylch rasio. I gael gwybod rhagor ewch i wefan

Te prynhawn traddodiadol
Ar gael bob dydd (argymhellir archebu), Gwesty Parc y Strade, Llanelli.

Dewch i fwynhau te prynhawn hamddenol braf; mae dewis o leoedd yma gan gynnwys Lolfa'r Rooftop Lounge neu ystafell y Conservatory ac o'r ddwy ceir golygfeydd panoramig penigamp draw dros Fro Gŵyr a Bae Caerfyrddin. I gael gwybod rhagor ewch i wefan

Gwin 2015 Jabajak
Ar gael nawr, Bwyty Gwinllan Jabajak gydag ystafelloedd, Llanboidy.

Dyma ichi ein gwin cyntaf un o'n gwinllan ein hunain. Hwn yw White House, ein gwin gwyn, llonydd a wnaed o rawnwin Phoenix a Seyval ac mae iddo flas anhygoel. Mae’n flas cwbl soffistigedig, croyw a glân ac iddo dinc sitrws a blodau'r ysgaw. Mae'n berl o win ac mae'r penderfyniad i gynaeafu dim ond y grawnwin aeddfed o safon i wneud y gwin wedi talu ar ei ganfed. 8 mlynedd!!!!! Diolch arbennig i bawb sydd wedi bod yn rhan o'r broses – o'r plannu i'r casglu, o'r torri porfa i'r tocio – diolch yn fawr iawn. Gan mai hyn a hyn o win sydd ar gael (1,400 o boteli) dim ond drwy'r bwyty yr ydym yn gwerthu'r gwin ar hyn o bryd, tan i'r Sparkling Blush fod yn barod yn y gwanwyn!! Rydym wedi cael cyfle i flasu’r gwin llonydd ac mae'n wefreiddiol! I gael gwybod rhagor ewch i wefan

Tin Shed Experience
Dydd Mercher – Dydd Sadwrn 10:30 – 16:30, Dydd Sul 13:00 – 17:00, Clifton Street, Talacharn.

O’r oes a fu y mae pob dim sydd yn y Tin Shed Experience, sef amgueddfa anarferol a hynod sy’n ymdrin â’r 1940au ac sydd yn Nhalacharn. Mae gan yr amgueddfa loches wreiddiol o'r Ail Ryfel Byd yng ngardd y Tin Cottage ochr yn ochr â'r Victory Garden. Nid yw’r Tin Shed Experience yn honni mai hi yw'r amgueddfa fwyaf o'i math, ond mae’n falch iawn o safon y pethau y mae’n eu harddangos. I gael gwybod rhagor ewch i wefan

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Carmarthenshire’s digital super highway / Uwchdraffordd ddigidol Sir Gâr

Carmarthenshire’s digital super highway

People  from all round the world have been homing in on the Discover Carmarthenshire website in dramatically increasing numbers but the majority of interest is from across Offa’s Dyke, with more than half (51.32%) registering their interest from England.

Whilst last year (2014) a quarter of a million people from around the globe were seeking information about what’s going on in the county and its attractions, to July this year more than 25,000 more visits have been made over previous years. Since January this year a total of 173,625 visits have been made.

Carmarthenshire’s marketing and tourism manager Huw parsons said: "The growth of website visits is extremely heartening, and comes on the back of the hard work and creativity of some extraordinarily talented people in our small team.

“The council manages this website to support the tourism business. It is clearly having an effect. In July alone there were 33,726 visits. That’s double those in 2012.

"The tourism team is now completely focused on our digital activity on a minute-by-minute basis. They spot what our audiences like and respond immediately to ensure what we're providing is the very best content presented in the most engaging ways we can.

“This was most evident in the attraction of healthy numbers of visits last month in July to the most popular sites of Carmarthenshire where parks  gained 9,004 views; What’s On county wide: 7,962 and Pembrey Country Park caravan section, 6,965.”

Carmarthenshire executive board member for regeneration and tourism, Cllr Meryl Gravell, said it was fascinating to see that website visits were registered from Australia to the States and Germany to Brazil.

“It is hugely encouraging that there is so much interest from within the UK too,  with England visits pipping those from Wales by 16,675 to 15,532 in July.

“London calling scored 6,173 in July with Bristol registering 1.398; Birmingham 758, Manchester 311, Leeds 268 and Worchester 242.

“It shows there is lots of interest in our glorious county for people’s leisure time from both residents and visitors and exceptional partnership working of our hard working tourism staff council with businesses to push forward a healthy visitor economy.”

A Facebook campaign started in February this year has linked through more traffic to Discover Carmarthenshire. The embryonic Discover Facebook has zoomed to 7,600 followers, Pembrey Country Park page holds 3,600 and the main council feed at 3,400. All the messages then feed into features on the website.

Uwchdraffordd ddigidol Sir Gâr

Mae pobl o bedwar ban byd wedi bod yn ymweld â gwefan Darganfod Sir Gâr, ac mae eu niferoedd yn cynyddu'n ddramatig ond mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r diddordeb wedi dod o dros Glawdd Offa gyda mwy na hanner (51.32%) y rhai a ddangosodd ddiddordeb yn y wefan yn dod o Loegr.

Er bod chwarter miliwn o bobl o amgylch y byd wedi chwilio am wybodaeth y llynedd (2014) am yr hyn oedd yn digwydd yn y sir a'i hatyniadau, eleni hyd at fis Gorffennaf bu mwy na 25,000 yn fwy o ymweliadau â'r wefan nag yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Oddi ar fis Ionawr eleni, bu cyfanswm o 173,625 o ymweliadau.

Dywedodd Huw Parsons, Rheolwr Marchnata a Thwristiaeth Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin: "Mae'r cynnydd yn nifer yr ymweliadau â'r wefan yn galonogol iawn ac yn deillio o waith dyfal a gallu creadigol y bobl ddawnus tu hwnt sydd yn ein tîm bach.

"Mae'r Cyngor yn rheoli'r wefan hon i gefnogi'r busnes twristiaeth. Mae'n amlwg ei bod yn cael effaith. Ym mis Gorffennaf yn unig, roedd 33,726 o ymweliadau. Mae hynny'n ddwywaith y nifer yn 2012.

"Nawr mae'r tîm twristiaeth yn canolbwyntio'n llwyr ar ein gweithgaredd digidol a hynny funud wrth funud. Maen nhw'n sylwi ar yr hyn y mae ein cynulleidfaoedd yn ei hoffi ac yn ymateb ar unwaith er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn darparu'r cynnwys gorau oll wedi'i gyflwyno yn y ffordd fwyaf diddorol y gallwn.

"Roedd hyn i'w weld yn fwyaf amlwg wrth inni ddenu niferoedd da o ymweliadau'r mis diwethaf, ym mis Gorffennaf, i safleoedd mwyaf poblogaidd Sir Gaerfyrddin lle edrychwyd ar y tudalennau parciau 9,004 o weithiau; Beth sy' mlaen yn Sir Gaerfyrddin 7,962 o weithiau ac adran carafannau Parc Gwledig Pen-bre 6,965 o weithiau.”

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Meryl Gravell, yr Aelod o'r Bwrdd Gweithredol dros Adfywio a Thwristiaeth, Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin, ei bod yn hynod ddiddorol gweld bod pobl o Awstralia i'r Unol Daleithiau, ac o'r Almaen i Frasil, wedi ymweld â'r wefan.

"Mae'n hynod o galonogol fod cymaint o diddordeb o fewn y Deyrnas Unedig hefyd, gyda'r 16,675 o ymweliadau o Loegr ym mis Gorffennaf fymryn yn uwch na'r nifer o Gymru, sef 15,532.

"Ym mis Gorffennaf cofrestrwyd 6,173 o ymweliadau o Lundain a 1,398 o Fryste; 758 o Birmingham, 311 o Fanceinion, 268 o Leeds a 242 o Gaerwrangon.

"Mae'n dangos bod llawer o ddiddordeb yn ein sir fendigedig o ran amser hamdden pobl, a hynny gan breswylwyr ac ymwelwyr. Mae hefyd yn amlygu gwaith partneriaeth penigamp a dyfal ein staff twristiaeth yn y Cyngor gyda busnesau i hybu economi ymwelwyr ffyniannus."

Mae ymgyrch Facebook a gychwynnwyd ym mis Chwefror eleni wedi ennyn mwy o ymweliadau â gwefan Darganfod Sir Gâr. Mae nifer dilynwyr cyfrif Facebook newydd Discover wedi codi i 7,600 yn gyflym. Mae gan dudalen Parc Gwledig Pen-bre 3,600 o ddilynwyr ac mae gan brif ffrwd y Cyngor 3,400 o ddilynwyr. Yna mae'r holl negeseuon yn cyfrannu at erthyglau ar y wefan.

Monday 3 August 2015

Bag a Last-Minute Summer Break in Carmarthenshire
-Boutique hotels, coastal cottages and family-friendly glampsites with late availability throughout the summer holidays-

Families, couples and groups in search of a last-minute getaway this summer have plenty to choose from here in Carmarthenshire; with bags of activities and accommodation options on offer to suit those in search of a fun-filled escape on UK shores. From boutique hotels in Dylan Thomas’ hometown to coastal cottages and uber-cool glampsites, there’re still a host of accommodation options available throughout the summer holidays - with many even offering fantastic discounts.

Plus with a spectacular coastline, beautiful beaches and glorious countryside, Carmarthenshire proves that you don’t have to go far for a blissful break this summer! Here are just a handful of the brilliant breaks on offer...

Hotel Hideaways...

Charming Hotel on Outskirts of Boutique Market Town- The Plough Rhosmaen, Llandeilo

This attractive modern hotel sits on the outskirts of the pretty market town of Llandeilo- famed for its bustling high street of independent retailers selling everything from artisan chocolates and deli goods, to ‘upcycled’ furniture and speciality gins. The Plough offers 23 sleek, comfortable rooms ideal for a couples’ mini break or family getaway, complete with an AA Rosette award-winning restaurant serving up an impressive menu. With sweeping views over the Towy Valley and the Brechfa Forest on its doorstep, this is the ideal base for those looking for an active break in the  country.

Price: Stay for 5 nights and pay for 4 throughout August- 5 night stay now available from £190pp (was £238pp) based on two sharing a double room on a B&B basis. To book visit or call 01558 823 431.

Super-Stylish 16th Century Hotel Overlooking Estuary- The Corran, Laugharne

Hidden deep in the marshlands of Carmarthenshire, this boutique hideaway is a picturesque base for those wishing to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and relax in the welsh countryside this summer. Rooms are colourful and stylish, each individually decorated, with a luxurious on-site spa and delicious meals inspired by specialities of the region served up in the hotel’s own restaurant. The beaches of Pendine and Llansteffan are just a short drive away, with an abundance of country walks on offer straight from the front door.

Price: From £175 per room per night throughout August based on two sharing on a B&B basis. To book visit or call 01994 427 417.

Campers and Glampers...

Wild Tipi and Bell Tent Glamping- Cwm Ty Coed, just south of Carmarthen

Perfect for families, Cwm Ty Coed offers a quirky glamping experience amidst 30 acres of rolling wildflower meadow and ancient woodland. Ideal for an out-of-the-ordinary escape this summer, guests have bell tents and tipis to call home; stylishly adorned with natural flooring, sheepskin rugs, twinkling lanterns and wood-burning stoves. Activities for kids are ten-a-penny, including zipwires, a games cabin and an outdoor cinema, whilst well-equipped kitchens, picnic tables and outdoor fire-pits make alfresco dining easy for the grown-ups. The bustling market town of Carmarthen is just three miles away and the beaches of Llansteffan and Cefn Sidan just a short drive- ideal for those looking for a taste of the great outdoors this summer.

Price: Prices start from £80 per night or £240 for a 3 night break throughout August, based on four sharing a Bell Tent on a self-catering basis- minimum stay of two nights applies. To book visit or call 01994 484 688.

Cottage Escapes...

Grand Coastal Cottage in Dylan Thomas’ Hometown- Great House, Laugharne

Built in the early 1700s, the Grade II* listed Great House is undoubtedly one of the finest Georgian townhouses in Wales- the ideal base for those in search of a classic country escape with the coast in easy reach.  Sleeping up to 12 across 5 bedrooms, the house boasts enviable period features- think panelled rooms, original fireplaces and enormous four-poster beds- with sleek bathrooms and its own outdoor heated swimming pool. The quirky coastal town of Laugharne, offering great watering holes, a fantastic castle and stunning sea views, is on your doorstep; with the beautiful beach of Pendine just a 10 minute drive away.

Price: From £1319 (£110pp) for a 7 night stay in August 2015, based on up to 12 sharing on a self-catering basis. To book visit or call 0844 5005 101.

Spacious Stone Cottages in the Heart of the Teifi Valley- Waunifor, Pencader

Somewhat of a hidden gem in the heart of the Teifi Valley, Waunifor offers six traditional and homely stone self-catering holiday cottages full of character and unique features; sleeping from 2 to 10 people. Found along a quiet country lane just outside of the town of Llandysul, this is the perfect countryside getaway for couples, families or groups looking for a tranquil escape- set amidst beautiful gardens complete with babbling stream and wildflower meadow. What’s more- dogs are welcome, too.

Price:  Save 20% on all remaining August stays at Waunifor- 7 night stay now available from £280 (was £350) based on two sharing Duckpond Cottage on a self-catering basis. To book visit or call 01559 395437. 

Cyfle i gael gwyliau munud olaf yr haf hwn yn Sir Gâr
Gwestai bach moethus, bythynnod ar yr arfordir, a safleoedd gwârsylla sy’n croesawu teuluoedd
– lleoedd munud olaf ar gael drwy gydol gwyliau'r haf.

Yma yn Sir Gaerfyrddin mae digon o ddewis i deuluoedd, parau a grwpiau sy'n chwilio am wyliau munud olaf yr haf hwn; gyda llwyth o weithgareddau a dewisiadau llety ar gael sy'n addas ar gyfer y rheini sy'n chwilio am ddihangfa hwyliog ar lan y môr yn y Deyrnas Unedig. O westai bach moethus yn y dref a fu'n gartref i Dylan Thomas, i fythynnod ar yr arfordir a gwersylloedd tra ffasiynol lle gellir gwersylla mewn steil, mae llwyth o ddewisiadau llety eto ar gael drwy gydol gwyliau'r haf – gyda llawer ohonynt hyd yn oed yn cynnig gostyngiadau gwych.

Hefyd, gydag arfordir anhygoel, traethau hardd a chefn gwlad godidog, mae Sir Gaerfyrddin yn brawf pendant nad oes yn rhaid ichi fynd ymhell i gael gwyliau dedwydd yr haf hwn! Dyma rai yn unig o'r gwyliau gwych sydd ar gael...

Gwestai sy'n Gyfrinachau Gwerth eu Rhannu...

Gwesty dymunol ar gyrion tref farchnad lle ceir busnesau boutique
Y Plough, Rhos-maen, Llandeilo
Mae'r gwesty modern a deniadol hwn ar gyrion tref farchnad hardd Llandeilo, sy'n enwog am ei stryd fawr llawn siopau annibynnol sy'n gwerthu popeth dan haul, o siocledi gan gynhyrchwyr sy’n feistri ar eu crefft, a nwyddau deli, i gelfi wedi'u huwch-gylchu a diodydd jin arbenigol. Mae gan y Plough 23 o ystafelloedd cysurus a chwaethus o ffasiynol, sy'n ddelfrydol i bâr ar wyliau byr neu i deulu ar wyliau. Hefyd mae gan y Plough fwyty sydd wedi ennill safon Rhoséd yr AA ac sy'n cynnig bwydlen sy'n wledd a hanner. Gyda golygfeydd eang dros Ddyffryn Tywi a Choedwig Brechfa ar garreg y drws, mae hon yn ganolfan ddelfrydol i'r rhai sy'n chwilio am wyliau o weithgareddau egnïol yn y wlad.

Y Pris: Gellir aros am 5 noson am bris 4 noson drwy gydol Awst – nawr mae'r prisiau i'r rhai sydd am aros 5 noson yn dechrau o £190 y pen (£238 y pen oedd y pris) yn seiliedig ar 2 yn rhannu ystafell ddwbl ar sail Gwely a Brecwast. I archebu lle, ewch i neu ffoniwch
01558 823 431.

Gwesty Llawn Steil sy'n dyddio o'r 16eg ganrif ac sydd â golygfeydd draw dros yr aber –
The Corran, Talacharn
Mewn rhan dawel fach o forfa yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, mae'r gyfrinach hon o westy yn lle hardd i'r rhai sy'n dymuno dianc o brysurdeb a bwrlwm bywyd y ddinas i ymlacio yng nghefn gwlad Cymru yr haf hwn. Mae'r ystafelloedd yn lliwgar ac yn llawn steil a phob un wedi'i haddurno'n unigryw. Mae sba moethus ar y safle ac mae bwyty'r gwesty'n cynnig prydau bendigedig a ysbrydolwyd gan seigiau a bwydydd arbennig y rhanbarth. Nid yw traethau Pentywyn a Llansteffan nepell i ffwrdd yn y car, ac mae yma ddigonedd o lwybrau cerdded cefn gwlad ar eich cyfer ar garreg y drws.

Y Pris: Mae'r prisiau'n dechrau o £175 yr ystafell am noson drwy gydol mis Awst, i ddau sy'n rhannu ar sail Gwely a Brecwast. I archebu lle, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01994 427 417.

I'r rhai sy'n Gwersylla a Gwârsylla....

Gwârsylla yn y Gwyllt mewn Tipi a Phabell Cloch – Cwm Tŷ Coed, fymryn i'r de o Gaerfyrddin
Mae Cwm Tŷ Coed, sy'n berffaith i deuluoedd, yn cynnig profiad gwârsylla gwahanol ynghanol coetir hynafol a dôl donnog, 30 erw sy'n llawn blodau gwyllt. Mae'n ddihangfa ddelfrydol ac anghyffredin yr haf hwn. Yn gartref i'r gwesteion bydd tipis a phebyll cloch wedi'u haddurno â steil gan ddefnyddio lloriau naturiol, matiau croen dafad, llusernau i lewyrchu, a stofiau ar gyfer llosgi coed tân. Mae pob math o weithgareddau i'r plant, gan gynnwys gwifrau gwibio, caban gêmau a sinema awyr agored. Hefyd mae'r ceginau sy'n cynnig pob cyfleuster angenrheidiol, y byrddau picnic, a'r cylchoedd tân awyr agored yn golygu mai mater hawdd ydyw i'r oedolion drefnu bwyta yn yr awyr agored. Cwta dair milltir i ffwrdd mae tref farchnad brysur Caerfyrddin a dim ond siwrnai fer yn y car yw hi i draethau Llansteffan a Chefn Sidan – delfrydol felly i'r rhai sydd am gael bod yn yr awyr agored yr haf hwn.

Y Pris: Mae'r prisiau'n dechrau o £80 y noson neu £240 am wyliau tair noson ym mis Awst, yn seiliedig ar 4 yn rhannu pabell gloch ar sail hunanarlwyo – rhaid aros o leiaf 2 noson.  I archebu lle, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01994 484 688.

Bythynnod Gwyliau Bendigedig...

Bwthyn Glan Môr Crand yn y dref lle bu Dylan Thomas yn byw – Great House, Talacharn
Yn ddi-os, mae'r Great House, sy'n adeilad rhestredig Gradd II*, a adeiladwyd yn y 1700au cynnar, yn un o'r tai tref Sioraidd gorau yng Nghymru – y man delfrydol i'r rhai sy'n chwilio am glasur o ddihangfa yng nghefn gwlad nid nepell o'r arfordir. Mae lle i hyd at 12 gysgu ym mhum ystafell wely'r bwthyn. Mae yma nodweddion cyfnod sy’n rhai i'w chwennych – dychmygwch ystafelloedd â phaneli pren, lleoedd tân gwreiddiol a gwelyau pedwar postyn anferth – gydag ystafelloedd ymolchi swanc. Mae gan y lle ei bwll nofio awyr agored ei hun, wedi'i wresogi, hefyd. Ar garreg y drws, mae tref glan môr anghyffredin Talacharn, sydd â thafarndai gwych, castell campus a golygfeydd godidog o'r môr; gyda thraeth hardd Pentywyn 10 munud i ffwrdd yn y car.

Y Pris: Yn dechrau o £1,319 (£110 yr un y noson) os ydych yn aros 7 noson ym mis Awst 2015, os bydd hyd at 12 o bobl yn rhannu ar sail hunanarlwyo. I archebu lle, ewch i neu ffoniwch 0844 5005 101.

Bythynnod Cerrig sydd â Digonedd o Le ac sydd yng nghanol Dyffryn Tywi – Waunifor, Pencader
Dyma ichi beth yw gem gudd yng nghanol Dyffryn Tywi. Mae Waunifor yn cynnig 6 bwthyn cerrig cartrefol a thraddodiadol ar gyfer gwyliau hunanarlwyo sy'n llety llawn cymeriad a nodweddion unigryw; mae lle i 2–10 o bobl gysgu. Ar lôn dawel yn y wlad a hynny heb fod nepell o dref Llandysul, dyma i chi'r lle perffaith yng nghefn gwlad i barau, teuluoedd neu grwpiau sy'n chwilio am ddihangfa dawel yng nghanol gerddi hardd lle gellir mwynhau murmur y nant a'r gweirglodd blodau gwyllt.
A mwy na hynny – mae croeso i'r ci hefyd.

Y Pris: Gallech arbed 20% ar bob cyfle i aros sy'n weddill yn Waunifor ym mis Awst – mae cyfle ar gael i aros 7 noson gyda'r prisiau'n dechrau o £280 (£350 oedd y pris) os yw 2 yn rhannu Duckpond Cottage ar sail hunanarlwyo. I archebu lle, ewch i neu ffoniwch 01559 395437.