Monday 18 March 2013

Promoting Carmarthenshire in Spain Update

For the last three months the Visit Wales website has been the top referring site for Last week we reported the success of the Spring mailer. This week we are pleased to inform you that the international marketing is also driving visitor traffic to Carmarthenshire.

Visit Wales’ Spanish campaign ran from 25th February - 31st March 2013. The campaign focused around heritage, landscapes, art and culture. Llansteffan castle featured heavily in the heritage elements of the campaign.

A digital campaign ran across key sites in the Catalonia region including a partnership with La Vanguardia which featured a homepage takeover on 1st March, As you will see from the link it includes a ‘carousel’ of very lovely pictures of Carmarthenshire – one features the interior of the Great Glasshouse, David Hardy at the National Botanic Garden has been in contact and was pleased say they have had a recent surge of web referrals to the Garden’s website from Spain which we have successfully traced back to this partnership and this site.

If you would like more information on the Visit Wales Spanish campaign please contact Sarah Owen at

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