Friday 22 March 2013

NEW Farmers Market in Carmarthen from April

This will be set in a new location behind the Clock Tower adjacent to Carmarthen Market, in the town centre. If you are a local producer and/or craftspeople and want to part of this, there is a three-month trial period for free trading. 

For more information or to receive an application form contact Eifion Evans, Carmarthen Market Manager, on 01267 228 841 or email

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Gwydre booked for Easter thanks to PR support from CCC Marketing & Tourism Team

Following a PR request for lambing activities in Carmarthenshire Gwydre Cottage sent the County Council marketing and tourism team a fantastic offer that we were able to share with our media contacts. We are pleased to inform you that we managed to get four great pieces in the press. If we had paid for adverts in the papers, a whole page ad in the Daily Mirror with a daily circulation of around 1,051,314,would have cost £30,300. A full page in the Wallsal Express and Star with a daily circulation of 17,327 would have cost around £1,574. The Shropshire Star has a daily circulation of 15,744 and a full page ad would have cost £623. The Wolverhampton Express and Star has a daily circulation of 37,530 and a full page would have cost around £3,608. The owners of Gwydre cottage are also very pleased with the response, as they have now booked the Easter week and week in August plus they have had several enquiries.
Share your special offers with us we can bring this success to your business email Sarah at

Tuesday 19 March 2013

2013 Carmarthenshire Tourism Summit date announced!

We are pleased to announce that the County Council Marketing & Tourism Team will be at the 2013 Tourism Summit on Wednesday 17th April 2013 at Parc Y Scarlets Stadium, Llanelli. The ever engaging Huw Parsons and experienced tourism professional Sarah Owen from the County Council will cut through all the layers of data and will be presenting four of the best services on offer from promotional to free business development help. Book your place on our workshop now

Four things from the Public Sector that will help you in 2013

Bookings can be made by emailing the Carmarthenshire Tourism Association: or calling: 01269 598140.

It’s the most important event of the year for all involved in tourism and hospitality in Carmarthenshire. Book your place now.

Monday 18 March 2013

Promoting Carmarthenshire in Spain Update

For the last three months the Visit Wales website has been the top referring site for Last week we reported the success of the Spring mailer. This week we are pleased to inform you that the international marketing is also driving visitor traffic to Carmarthenshire.

Visit Wales’ Spanish campaign ran from 25th February - 31st March 2013. The campaign focused around heritage, landscapes, art and culture. Llansteffan castle featured heavily in the heritage elements of the campaign.

A digital campaign ran across key sites in the Catalonia region including a partnership with La Vanguardia which featured a homepage takeover on 1st March, As you will see from the link it includes a ‘carousel’ of very lovely pictures of Carmarthenshire – one features the interior of the Great Glasshouse, David Hardy at the National Botanic Garden has been in contact and was pleased say they have had a recent surge of web referrals to the Garden’s website from Spain which we have successfully traced back to this partnership and this site.

If you would like more information on the Visit Wales Spanish campaign please contact Sarah Owen at

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Laugharne used in new Wales TV tourism commercial

Please use the weblink below to view the new Visit Wales TV advert featuring the Dylan Thomas Boat House & Writing Shed in Laugharne.  

Visit Wales 2013 Spring Campaign - Croeso Cymru 2013 Ymgyrch y Gwanwyn

We are pleased to inform you that Carmarthenshire has been featured in final advert for the Visit Wales 2013 Spring Campaign. The advert features the Dylan Thomas Boathouse in Laugharne, the National Museum Cardiff and Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire.
 To view the advert click HERE  
This advert will run for the next week and then in rotation with the North Wales edit until March 31st.
Rydym yn falch i'ch hysbysu bod Sir Gaerfyrddin wedi ymddangos yn hysbyseb derfynol ar gyfer y Croeso Cymru 2013 Ymgyrch y Gwanwyn. Mae'r hysbyseb yn dangos y "Boathouse Dylan Thomas" yn Nhalacharn, yr Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd a Saundersfoot, Sir Benfro.
I edrych ar yr Hysbyseb cliciwch YMA 
Bydd hyn yn hysbyseb yn rhedeg am yr wythnos nesaf ac yna yn cylchdroi â Gogledd Cymru golygu hyd at 31 Mawrth.

Monday 11 March 2013

The all Wales Coastal Path - 15th April 2013

Carmarthenshire County Council and the South West Wales Tourism Partnership wishes to support communities lying along the coastal path to develop skills and knowledge of how best to welcome visitors and make the most of this tourism opportunity for the region.

A Sense of Place programme has been set up on the 15th April (venue to be confirmed) to work with communities and the trade to gather key information to help you make sense of what about your area will be attractive and  interesting to visitors and walkers. If you are interested to learn more about this programme and the opportunities along the coastal path please email


Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin a Partneriaeth Twristiaeth De Orllewin Cymru  yn dymuno cefnogi cymunedau syn gorwedd ar hyd y llwybr arfordirol i ddatblygu sgiliau a gwybodaeth o sut orau i groesawu ymwelwyr a gwneud y gorau o'r cyfle twristiaeth hwn ar gyfer y rhanbarth.

rhaglen "Naws am le" wedi cael ei sefydlu ar 15 Ebrill (lleoliad i'w gadarnhau) i weithio gyda chymunedau a'r fasnach i gasglu gwybodaeth allweddol i'ch helpu i wneud synnwyr or ardal, ar hyn fydd yn ddeniadol a diddorol i ymwelwyr a cherddwyr. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb i ddysgu mwy am y rhaglen a'r cyfleoedd ar hyd y llwybr arfordirol e-bostiwch os gwelwch yn dda

Eisteddfod 2014


Today (25 February), the National Eisteddfod announced that the Proclamation Festival will be held in Carmarthen on 29 June this year.

The Gorsedd procession and the Proclamation Ceremony itself will form part of a family day, which is a taste of what’s to come at the Eisteddfod, held in Llanelli from 1-9 August 2014.

Eisteddfod Organiser, Hywel Wyn Edwards, said, “I am delighted to announce that the Executive Committee, with representatives from across the county, and the Gorsedd Board have agreed that the Proclamation Festival for the Carmarthenshire National Eisteddfod will be held in Carmarthen.

“The Gorsedd and representatives from a wide range of local societies and organisations will form a procession through the town, and the ceremony itself will be held in Carmarthen Park during the afternoon.  We will publish more details closer to the date, and I hope that many local residents will be able to join us in Carmarthen to enjoy the first official event of the 2014 Eisteddfod.”

If you would like your society or organisation to take part in the procession, senfd an email to or ring 0845 4090 300 to speak to Sioned Edwards before 30 April.

For more information on the Carmarthenshire National Eisteddfod, go online –


Heddiw (25 Chwefror), cyhoeddodd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol mai yn nhref Caerfyrddin y cynhelir Gŵyl y Cyhoeddi ar 29 Mehefin eleni.

Yn unol â’r arferiad ers rhai blynyddoedd, bydd gormdaith yr Orsedd a Seremoni’r Cyhoeddi’i hun yn rhan o ddiwrnod cyfan o hwyl i’r teulu, sy’n ragflas o’r hyn i ddod pan gynhelir yn Eisteddfod yn Llanelli o 1-9 Awst 2014.

Meddai Trefnydd yr Eisteddfod, Hywel Wyn Edwards, “Mae’n bleser cyhoeddi bod y Pwyllgor Gwaith lleol, sy’n cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o bob rhan o’r sir, a Bwrdd yr Orsedd, wedi cytuno mai yn nhref Caerfyrddin y cynhelir y Cyhoeddi ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Gâr.

“Bydd yr Orsedd a chynrychiolwyr o bob math o sefydliadau a chymdeithasau lleol yn gorymdeithio drwy’r dref a chynhelir y seremoni’i hun ym Mharc Caerfyrddin yn ystod y prynhawn.  Byddwn yn cyhoeddi mwy o fanylion yn nes at yr amser, a gobeithio y bydd nifer fawr o drigolion yr ardal yn heidio i Gaerfyrddin er mwyn mwynhau digwyddiad mawr cyntaf Eisteddfod 2014.”

Os hoffech chi gofrestru ar ran sefydliad neu gymdeithas leol i fod yn rhan o’r orymdaith swyddogol, anfonwch ebost at neu ffoniwch 0845 4090 300 i siarad gyda Sioned Edwards cyn 30 Ebrill.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Gâr, ewch i wefan yr Eisteddfod,


Wednesday 6 March 2013

Visit Wales spring campaign update 5th March 2013

Carmarthenshire County Council invests into the Visit Wales promotional campaign in order to ensure the County has coverage in the National tourism campaigns (alongside the 13 marketing areas across Wales). Just had update that Carmarthenshire has received 1,700 requests for the printed Carmarthenshire fulfilment guide featuring all accomodation and thinsg to do and that the links from Visit Wales to is the best it has reached thus far. The campaign is still in it’s infancy and we are hoping to exceed the requests we received during the 2012 Autumn campaign which generated almost 3,000 requests for Carmarthenshire.  

Like more info, email Sarah at