Monday 8 October 2012

Strenghtening the Tourism Appeal Grant

RDP Sir Gar’s Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire (STARC) “Changing Consumer Needs & Expectations” grant is open to micro-enterprises involved in the tourism sector in rural Carmarthenshire. The aim of the initiative is to improve their tourism product to meet specific market gaps and demands.
Applications are being invited now and anyone interested should contact Denise Harries on (01267) 242396/

The Ceridwen Centre’s Old Dairy was licensed for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies on 31st March 2011. They recently received an RDP Sir Gâr Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire (STARC) grant to commission the construction of a unique pair of linked wedding tipis from local craftsmen together with the flooring and the dance floor.

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