Monday 29 October 2012

Free Trainning on Social Networks by Actirelandwales.

SOCIAL NETWORKS è tweet, post, vlog, link.
Thinking about developing your business through social media?

Presented by Brett Aggersberg, this workshop is perfect for developing an understanding of social networks that exist and how they are used for business development. This workshop will help you understand the ever changing world of social media and how you can manage your online time better to drive your business forward.

WHEN: December 6th 2012
VENUE: To be confirmed, within Carmarthenshire
TIME: To be confirmed

If you are a small business based in Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire or Cardiganshire and are interested in the workshops above, please email to register.

 RHWYDWEITHIAU CYMDEITHASU è trydar, post, vlog, cyswllt
Ydych chi’n ystyried datblygu eich busnes drwy’r cyfryngau cymdeithasu?

Wedi’i gyflwyno gan Brett Aggersberg, mae’r gweithdy hwn yn berffaith ar gyfer datblygu dealltwriaeth o’r rhwydweithiau cymdeithasu sy’n bodoli a’r ffordd y maent yn cael eu defnyddio ar gyfer datblygu busnes.  Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn eich helpu i ddeall mwy am y cyfryngau cymdeithasu sy’n newid yn barhaus a sut y gallwch reoli eich amser ar-lein yn well er mwyn symud eich busnes ymlaen.

PRYD: Rhagfyr 6ed 2012
LLEOLIAD: I’w gadarnhau
AMSER: I’w gadarnhau

Os ydych yn fusnes bach yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, Sir Benfro neu Geredigion a bod gennych ddiddordeb yn y gweithdai uchod, anfonwch e-bost at

Mae prosiect ACT yn brosiect a ariennir yn rhannol GAN yr UE o dan Raglen Iwerddon–Cymru 2007-2013 (INTERREG 4A).

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Attractions listing Discover Carmarthenshire / Canllaw Ymwelwyr Darganfod Sir Gar


Carmarthenshire County council are offering all attractions and activity providers in Carmarthenshire FREE line entry listings in the Discover Carmarthenshire Guide. 

The Discover Carmarthenshire holiday guide is sent to people requesting information on visiting the County, it is also the main printed publication available in all the Tourism offices in Wales. The Information will also be used on our website and any future promotional publications

To receive this free line entry please complete the following visitors survey CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE SURVEY ON LINE  or call Lowri  on 01267 224699
We also have a limited number of photo enhancing spaces available in the next edition of our Visitor Guide.    A page layout of the space available is shown below
If you wish to have one of these spaces, please complete the following.
1) Attraction / Activity - free advertising opportunity form CLICK HERE   
2) The Photo enhancing Opportunity form CLICK HERE. Send the form to Lowri Jones Castle House, Carmarthen Castle, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire. SA31 1AD


Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn cynnig cyfle i holl atyniadau a darparwyr gweithgareddau Sir Gaerfyrddin gael rhestru eu henwau AM DDIM yng Nghanllaw Darganfod Sir Gâr.

Anfonir canllaw gwyliau Darganfod Sir Gâr at bobl sy’n gofyn am wybodaeth ynghylch ymweld â’r Sir, a hwn hefyd yw’r prif gyhoeddiad printiedig sydd ar gael yn holl swyddfeydd Twristiaeth Cymru. Defnyddir y wybodaeth ar ein gwefan ac mewn unrhyw gyhoeddiadau hyrwyddo yn y dyfodol yn ogystal.

I gael rhestru eich enw am ddim, gofynnir i chi lenwi’r arolwg canlynol i ymwelwyr CLICIWCH YMA I GWBLHAU’R AROLWG AR-LEIN  neu ffoniwch Lowri  ar 01267 224699

Mae gennym hefyd nifer cyfyngedig o lefydd gyda ffotograffau ar gael yn y rhifyn nesaf o’n Canllaw Ymwelwyr. Dangosir isod gynllun o’r hyn sydd ar gael

Os hoffech gael un o’r llefydd hyn, gofynnir i chi gwblhau’r canlynol.
1) Cyfle hysbysebu am ddim attyniadau  Cliciwch yma
2) Cyfle i gynnwys Ffotograff, Cliciwch yma. (Ar ôl ei llofnodi, anfonwch eich ffurflen at
Lowri Jones, Tŷ’r Castell, Castell Caerfyrddin, Caerfyrddin, Sir Gaerfyrddin. SA31 1AD

Thursday 18 October 2012

2013 Bedroom Browser now available

Carmarthenshire County Council have this year produced a 'bedroom browser.'  We have included every attraction within Carmarthenshire in this useful bedroom guide.

● Bedroom browsers are seen by 95% of visitors staying in Carmarthenshire.  The folders are an excellent means of promoting their area.
● We aim to distribute these to graded and ungraded hotels, guesthouses, bed & breakfasts, pubs, holiday cottages and caravan parks throughout the region.
● We will arrange for the majority of establishments to have the correct quantity of folders for the season. Accommodation providers will be able to order further supplies throughout the year if needed.
● The laminated folders are attractively designed and well laid out. The durable cover protects the leaflets for the whole year.
● The folders is divided into four areas, and has a useful  "Top Twelve section" for information such as "In our opinion the best local restaurant is:..."
If you know of any other accommodation provider (Graded or non-graded) please let them know they may also have these folders for their rooms, they just need to complete the form below.

To receive your free bedroom guides please complete the following on line survey, we will then arrange for these to be delivered to your accommodation. (NOTE If you have previously completed the Bed stock survey on line or via post please do not do another, as we already have your details, and will arrange delivery of the browser soon)


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Ffos Las. Scarlets, sports Special offers.

Carmarthenshire is now firmly placed as a mecca for sports fans from all over the world with a variety of World class sporting facilities on our doorstep, including  Ffos Las Racecourse, Parc Y Scarlets Rugby Stadium and Pembrey Circuit to name but a few. Are you the landlord or landlady of a Pub or provider of accommodation nearby? Do you have special offers you’d like to tell visitors to the racecourse, stadium or circuit about? Are you interested in providing packages for visitors? If so we want to hear from you, tell us what you can offer sports fans from and visiting Carmarthenshire! Contact us on

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Launch of the Twrch Trwyth Trail

Re: Launch of Twrch Trwyth Trail

Cwmaman Town Council, is inviting you to their exciting launch of the Twrch Trwyth trail to be held on Friday October 26th and a guided walk which is taking place on Saturday October 27th. 

The launch event consists of a walk from Ammanford to Garnant along the RiversideWalk/Cycleway followed by an opening ceremony and a buffet at Ysgol y Bedol which is located at Folland Road, Garnant. For those persons not interested in the walk, it is possible to come directly to the opening ceremony at the school at 12.30pm.

The event begins on Friday October 26th at Ysgol y Bedol, Folland Road Glanamman at 9.30 am; please park any vehicles in the Bowls Car Park situated directly opposite the school..  Walkers will be transported by a bus to the start of the trail in Ammanford or for those not wishing to walk the whole route, it will be possible to be dropped off half way along the route. The route is a tarmac path for approximately 4 miles and will take you back to Ysgol y Bedol Garnant whereby  there will be the official opening of the trail by the Mayor of Cwmaman and Chairman of Carmarthenshire County Council at approximately 1.00pm. A buffet lunch will be provided for all and there will be an opportunity to obtain one of the presentation packs of featured walks and a specially written booklet on the history of the Amman Valley which have been specially produced to market the featured walks in the area.

The theme of the walks is the Twrch Trwyth – “Hela’r Twrch – Hunting the Boar” with the individual trails including interpretation panels, and the booklet “The Amman Valley Through Time” carrying the story of the hunting of the boar by King Arthur and providing the accompanying history of the area in an imaginative and informative format which will be of interest to all age groups. In addition, a quiz has been developed for children taking part in any of the walks with a prize available for completion of the questions.

On the Saturday (26th October) there is a guided tour on one of the featured walks to Hen Fethel in Glanamman by Paul Sambrook and Jenny Hall who will lead the walk, and provide an outline of the history and archaeology of the area.  The walk will commence from the Car Park, Cwmamman Road, Glanaman (Glanaman Square) at 10am.All are welcome to attend and there is no charge for the event.

If you wish to attend one or both of the events, in order that suitable arrangements for both transport and food can be organised. Please contact Dai on 07971 026493 or email at 

Monday 15 October 2012

Discover Carmarthenshire Visitor Guide.

Carmarthenshire County council are offering all accommodation providers in Carmarthenshire FREE line entry listings in the Discover Carmarthenshire Guide. 

The Discover Carmarthenshire holiday guide is sent to people requesting information on visiting the County, it is also the main printed publication available in all the Councils Tourism offices. The Information will also be used on our website and any future promotional publications

To receive this free line entry please complete the following bedstock survey CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE BEDSTOCK SURVEY ON LINE  or call Michelle on 01554 744376

We also have a limited number of photo enhancing spaces available in the next edition of our Visitor Guide.    A page layout of the space available is shown below
If you wish to have one of these spaces, please complete the following.
1) The accommodation providers free advertising opportunity form Click here 
2) The Photo enhancing Opportunity form Click here. (Please send a signed form to, Hywel Davies, Delta Lakes Enterprise Centre, The Avenue, Delta Lakes, Llanelli, SA15 2DS)

Eisteddfod 2014

2014 Eisteddfod to be held in Llanelli

Llanelli will play host to the National Eisteddfod when it visits Carmarthenshire in August 2014. The festival is returning to the county for the first time since Llanelli 2000.
The Eisteddfod Maes is situated at the Festival Fields, Millennium Coastal Park, Llanelli, and the Eisteddfod will also be using the new theatre at Y Ffwrnes and draw the town centre into the festival.
Preparations for the Eisteddfod will start with a public meeting will be held at Ysgol y Strade, Llanelli at 7pm on Thursday November 8, and there is a warm welcome for anyone wanting to find out more about the Eisteddfod’s visit in August 2014.  For more information on the National Eisteddfod go to

Eisteddfod 2014 i’w chynnal yn Llanelli

Tref Llanelli fydd cartref yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol pan fydd yn ymweld â Sir Gaerfyrddin ym mis Awst 2014. Mae’r Eisteddfod yn dychwelyd i’r sir am y tro cyntaf ers Llanelli 2000.
Lleolir Maes yr Eisteddfod yn y Meysydd Gŵyl, Parc Arfordirol y Mileniwm, Llanelli. Bydd yr Eisteddfod hefyd yn defnyddio’r theatr newydd yn Y Ffwrnes gan sicrhau fod canol y dref yn allweddol i’r ŵyl.
Bydd y paratoadau ar gyfer yr Eisteddfod yn dechrau gyda chyfarfod cyhoeddus yn Ysgol y Strade, Llanelli am 7pm nos Iau 8 Tachwedd, ac mae croeso cynnes i bawb i ddod i glywed mwy am ymweliad yr Eisteddfod â’r ardal ymhen ychydig dan ddwy flynedd.  Ewch i am ragor o wybodaeth am yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Meet the Council Rhys Anthony

Meet the Council – Rhys Anthony

Carmarthenshire County Council has 9,500 employees that work in over 100 different services, one of these is Tourism and Marketing. 

Rhys was born and raised in Carmarthenshire, and is ultra passionate about the county. Rhys has worked within the Economic Development division of the County Council for five years, he began his time working at both the Llanelli & Carmarthen tourist information centres, before being promoted to his existing role, after impressing everyone with his incredible encyclopaedia like knowledge of Carmarthenshire.

After gaining a degree in Welsh History from the University of Wales Aberystwyth & a Postgraduate Diploma in Heritage Tourism Management from the University of Wales Trinity St David’s, Rhys worked for a management consultancy & a period as an antiques dealer. Rhys’s main job duty is to research and prepare ideas that will gain editorial coverage in online and printed media in England as well as organising the familiarisation trips for travel writers & reporters when they come to Carmarthenshire. As all members of the marketing tourism section do, Rhys also assists at the various county council events throughout the year. Currently Rhys is researching ideas for Winter & Spring tourism trails to appeal to niche markets including an antiques trail, a pottery trail and a paranormal trail. Rhys is always looking for new ideas and is available via email at  

Cwrdd â'r Cyngor - Rhys Anthony

Mae gan Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin 9,500 o weithwyr sy'n gweithio mewn mwy na 100 o wahanol wasanaethau, ac un o'r gwasanaethau hyn yw Twristiaeth a Marchnata. 

Cafodd Rhys ei eni a'i fagu yn Sir Gaerfyrddin ac mae'n hynod frwd dros y sir. Mae Rhys wedi gweithio yn is-adran Datblygu Economaidd y Cyngor Sir am bum mlynedd, ond dechreuodd ei gyfnod gyda'r Cyngor yng nghanolfannau croeso Llanelli a Chaerfyrddin lle bu i'w wybodaeth anhygoel am Sir Gaerfyrddin wneud argraff ar bawb.  Wedyn cafodd ddyrchafiad i'w swydd bresennol. 

Ar ôl ennill gradd mewn Hanes Cymru ym Mhrifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, a Diploma Ôl-radd mewn Rheoli Twristiaeth Treftadaeth ym Mhrifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant, gweithiodd Rhys i gwmni ymgynghoriaeth rheoli ac fel deliwr hen bethau am gyfnod. Prif ddyletswydd Rhys yw ymchwilio a pharatoi syniadau a gaiff sylw golygyddol yn y cyfryngau argraffedig a digidol yn Lloegr, yn ogystal â threfnu teithiau i ohebwyr ac ysgrifenwyr teithio pan fyddant yn ymweld â Sir Gaerfyrddin. Yn yr un modd â phob aelod o'r adain twristiaeth a marchnata, mae Rhys yn cynorthwyo yng ngwahanol ddigwyddiadau'r cyngor sir drwy gydol y flwyddyn.  Ar hyn o bryd mae Rhys yn ymchwilio i syniadau ar gyfer llwybrau twristiaeth yn y Gaeaf a'r Gwanwyn er mwyn apelio i farchnadoedd arbenigol yn cynnwys llwybr hen bethau, llwybr crochenwaith, a llwybr paranormal. Mae Rhys wastad yn chwilio am syniadau newydd a gellir cysylltu ag ef drwy'r e-bost:  

Monday 8 October 2012

RDP Community Inclusion Grant

BETTER BROADBAND! Come along to Bryn Chapel Hall in Llangynin to find out options for improving your broadband.
Suppliers Bluewave, TFL and Telemat will be there as will officers for RDP Sir Gâr's Rural Community Inclusion grant who can fund broadband schemes for your community.
Thursday 1st November 3-7pm - drop in any time, ALL WELCOME
For details call: 01267 242337 or email

GWELL BAND EANG! Dewch i Neuadd Capel y Bryn yn Llangynin i gael gwybod beth yw'r opsiynau o ran gwella eich band eang.
Bydd y cyflenwyr Bluewave, TFL a Telemat yno, ynghyd â swyddogion grant Cynhwysiad Cymunedau Gwledig RDP Sir Gâr, sy'n gallu cyllido cynlluniau band eang ar gyfer eich cymuned.
Galwch heibio ddydd Iau 1af Tachwedd rhwng 3pm a 7pm - MAE CROESO I BAWB
I gael manylion, ffoniwch 01267 242337 neu anfonwch neges e-bost at:

Celebrating Culture grant.

RDP Sir Gar’s  Celebrating Culture  Widening access to quality cultural events with a 100% grant of up to £5k for events such as festival, gigs, workshops and history projects that promote welsh language, culture or heritage. Contact Non Gwilym at Menter Bro Dinefwr 01558 825336.  

The village school at Llanfihangel-ar-arth is used by its villagers, they have been organising events in the building for over 8 years. The building was purchased by villagers – with the help of the Church in Wales – last year. Now the society which runs the building as a community centre – Cymdeithas Neuadd yr Ysgol – has received a grant of almost £5000 from RDP Sir Gar’s Dathlu Diwylliant to organise an action-packed year of activities.

Grant Dathlu Diwylliant RDP Sir Gâr - Yn ehangu mynediad i ddigwyddiadau diwylliannol o safon drwy grant o 100% hyd at £5,000 ar gyfer digwyddiadau megis gwyliau, gigs, gweithdai, a phrosiectau hanes sy'n hybu'r iaith Gymraeg neu ddiwylliant/treftadaeth Cymreig. Cysylltwch â Non Gwilym ym Menter Bro Dinefwr drwy ffonio 01558 825336.

Mae ysgol y pentref yn Llanfihangel-ar-arth yn cael ei defnyddio gan y pentrefwyr ac maent wedi bod yn trefnu digwyddiadau yn yr adeilad am 8 mlynedd a hwy. Prynwyd yr adeilad gan y pentrefwyr y llynedd gyda chymorth yr Eglwys yng Nghymru. Bellach mae Cymdeithas Neuadd yr Ysgol, sy'n defnyddio'r adeilad fel canolfan gymunedol, wedi cael grant o bron £5000 gan Ddathlu Diwylliant RDP Sir Gâr er mwyn trefnu blwyddyn yn llawn gweithgareddau.

Strenghtening the Tourism Appeal Grant

RDP Sir Gar’s Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire (STARC) “Changing Consumer Needs & Expectations” grant is open to micro-enterprises involved in the tourism sector in rural Carmarthenshire. The aim of the initiative is to improve their tourism product to meet specific market gaps and demands.
Applications are being invited now and anyone interested should contact Denise Harries on (01267) 242396/

The Ceridwen Centre’s Old Dairy was licensed for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies on 31st March 2011. They recently received an RDP Sir Gâr Strengthening the Tourism Appeal of Rural Carmarthenshire (STARC) grant to commission the construction of a unique pair of linked wedding tipis from local craftsmen together with the flooring and the dance floor.

Monday 1 October 2012

New Online Guide

Discover Carmarthenshire launches new online guide.

We are pleased to announce the new online guide for the main marketing area guide  are sure that it will be as successful as the last VCAB version. We plan to display all our marketing campaigns on the issu site, you will soon be able to view our campaigns on a book shelf/library effect allowing you to can select the title you want.

The new issue site also enable us to provide you with statistical information to support your advert. If you are interested to receive statistical data on your advert please contact