Wednesday 28 January 2015

Promote your business for FREE as part of Carmarthenshire Tourism Month

Promote your business as part of Carmarthenshire Tourism Month

As part of Wales Tourism Week in March, the County Council, Carmarthenshire Tourism Association and a number of other partners are organising Carmarthenshire Tourism Month as quite simply our County has too much on offer to fit into just 7 days! The aims are to ensure those living and working in the County are a) made proactively aware of and then b) make use of the attractions, things to do, activities, places to eat either when they have friends and family staying or in a normal week for themselves. The County Council and Welsh Government are jointly contributing funds to support this promotion.

So, what's in it for you and how do you get your business involved?

Register your business to be part of this free promotional campaign.  By doing this, you'll have the chance to participate in our On your Doorstep events, and your business will also be included within the promotional activity planned within the media - including the Carmarthen Journal, Llanelli Star, Radio Carmarthenshire and social media.

Planned Promotion in the Media:

Activities will include 5 weeks of features in the Llanelli Star and Carmarthen Journal plus a special Easter "What's on" supplement, five week promotion on Radio Carmarthenshire with weekly thematic focus such as 'things to do when it's raining', and 'things to do outdoors'. We shall be using our public relations people plus all County Council digital channels plus all of us will use #carmstourismmonth in social media posts related to the campaign including daily/weekly posts on Facebook and Twitter. We will also be boosting the social media presence using paid advertising on Facebook to ensure the message reaches our target audience in and around Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire...On your Doorstep Events:

In addition, based on the success of the campaign led by Carmarthenshire Tourism Association in previous years, there will also be On Your Doorstep events on three consecutive Saturdays in the town centres of Carmarthen (Saturday 7th March), Ammanford (Saturday 14th March) and Llanelli (Saturday 21st March). 

We want the events to be interactive and interesting so we'd encourage you not only to hand out leaflets and promotional material - but think of what else you could do to entice people and grab their attention.  For example, at past On your Doorstep events, there's been a potter's wheel, climbing wall, den building, laser shooting, golf driving range, food tasting, children's crafts and activities, giveaways, etc. There is a huge amount of footfall and Radio Carmarthenshire will be broadcasting live from each town.

Register your Interest

As places are limited and on a first come first served basis, please fill in and return the attached exhibitor form:
by no later than Saturday 31st January.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and note that the activities above are just the start point and if you have any ideas or suggestions, let us have them

'Hyrwyddo eich busnes fel rhan o Fis Twristiaeth Sir Gâr'
Yn rhan o Wythnos Twristiaeth Cymru, mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin, Cymdeithas Ymwelwyr Sir Gâr a nifer o bartneriaid eraill yn trefnu Mis Twristiaeth Sir Gâr oherwydd yn syml, mae llawer gormod yn digwydd yn y sir ac nid yw wythnos yn ddigon! Ein nod yw sicrhau ein bod yn denu sylw'r bobl sy'n byw ac yn gweithio yn y sir a'u bod hwythau'n manteisio ar yr atyniadau, gweithgareddau, mannau bwyta naill ai yng nghwmni ffrindiau a theulu sy'n ymweld â nhw neu fel rhan o'u hwythnos arferol eu hunain. Mae'r Cyngor Sir a Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyfrannu arian ar y cyd i gefnogi'r ymgyrch hwn.   

Felly, beth yw'r cynnig a sut y gall eich busnes fod yn rhan ohono?

Cofrestrwch eich busnes er mwyn cymryd rhan yn yr ymgyrch hyrwyddo hwn yn rhan ac am ddim. Trwy wneud hyn bydd cyfle ichi gymryd rhan yn ein digwyddiadau 'Ar Garreg y Drws' a bydd eich busnes yn cael ei gynnwys yn y gwaith hyrwyddo a gynllunnir ar y cyfryngau - gan gynnwys y Carmarthen Journal, Llanelli Star, Radio Sir Gâr a'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Cynlluniau Hyrwyddo ar y Cyfryngau:
Bydd y gweithgareddau'n cynnwys 5 wythnos o erthyglau nodwedd yn y Llanelli Star a'r Carmarthen Journal ynghyd ag Atodiad arbennig "Beth sy 'Mlaen" adeg y Pasg, pum wythnos o hyrwyddo ar Radio Sir Gâr â thema arbennig bob wythnos e.e. "gweithgareddau yn y glaw' a "gweithgareddau yn yr awyr agored". Byddwn yn defnyddio'n cysylltiadau cyhoeddus a chyfryngau digidol y Cyngor Sir ac yn defnyddio #SirGâr mewn negeseuon am yr ymgyrch ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ynghyd â negeseuon dyddiol/wythnosol ar Facebook a Twitter. Yn ogystal, byddwn yn sicrhau mwy o sylw ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol trwy dalu am hysbysebion ar Facebook er mwyn sicrhau bod y neges yn cyrraedd ein cynulleidfa darged yn Sir Gâr a'r cyffiniau.

Digwyddiadau Sir Gâr...Ar Garreg y Drws:

Yn ogystal, yn dilyn llwyddiant yr ymgyrch sydd wedi cael ei arwain gan Gymdeithas Ymwelwyr Sir Gâr yn y gorffennol, cynhelir digwyddiadau Ar Garreg y Drws, ar dri dydd Sadwrn olynol yng nghanol tref Caerfyrddin (Dydd Sadwrn 7 Mawrth), Rhydaman (Dydd Sadwrn 14 Mawrth) a Llanelli (Dydd Sadwrn 21 Mawrth). 
Rydym am i'r digwyddiadau fod yn rhyngweithiol ac yn ddiddorol felly byddem yn eich annog i ddosbarthu taflenni a deunydd hyrwyddo ond hefyd i ystyried dulliau eraill posibl o ddenu pobl a mynnu eu sylw. Er enghraifft, mae digwyddiadau Ar Garreg y Drws yn y gorffennol wedi cynnwys troell crochenydd, wal ddringo, adeiladu cuddfan, saethu laser, maes bwrw peli golff, blasu bwyd, crefftau a gweithgareddau i'r plant, nwyddau am ddim ac ati. Mae llawer iawn o bobl yn dod i'r digwyddiadau a bydd Radio Sir Gâr yn darlledu'n fyw o bob tref.   

Cofrestru diddordeb
Hyn a hyn o leoedd sydd ar gael a'r cyntaf i'r felin fydd yn mynd â hi felly ewch ati i
lenwi'r ffurflen arddangoswr a atodwyd a'i dychwelyd erbyn dydd Sadwrn 31 Ionawr os gwelwch yn dda.  

Os bydd gennych gwestiwn, mae croeso ichi gysylltu â ni. Sylwch mai man cychwyn yn unig yw'r gweithgareddau a restrwyd uchod. Cofiwch roi gwybod i ni os oes gennych syniadau neu awgrymiadau eraill.

Get Active in Carmarthenshire

One of the best ways to enjoy your time in Carmarthenshire is to get active!
Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking at Brechfa Forest

Carmarthenshire has some of the best mountain biking in the UK. The best place is Brechfa Forest which boasts some fantastic mountain biking facilities. Much like a ski resort, there are routes to suit any ability. With a choice of green, blue, red and black routes, you are sure to find something suitable for your group.

Water Sports
Conoeing on the River Teifi
Whether you want to have a go at sailing, canoeing or rowing, Carmarthenshire has the rivers and facilities to keep you busy for days. The Tywi Boat club is the perfect place to get out on the water. Perched right at the head of the Tywi estuary, the boat club is perfect for sailing or rowing. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced sailor, this RYA accredited centre will make sure you to get the most from your time on the water. The Tywi boat club is also one of the few centres qualified to deliver sailing tuition to disabled sailors.

Horse Riding
Horse Riding at Marros
With some of the longest beaches in the UK and forests covering hundreds of square miles, it’s no surprise that Carmarthenshire is a great place to go horse riding. There are riding stables all over the county.
If you’d like lessons or the chance to hack through some of the most beautiful scenery in Wales, why not drop into Marros Riding Stables or Hills Farm Holiday Stables.

Walking the Carmarthenshire countryside
Whether you feel like a seaside stroll or a walk up some of the highest mountains in southern Britain, Carmarthenshire has it all.
There are so many beautiful walks all over Carmarthenshire. The only question is how many you can fit in!
Waterfalls, beaches, cliff tops or mountains? It’s all here, you’ve just got to choose.
Some of the most spectacular walks in the county are in the Brecon Beacons National Park. The park includes some of the most dramatic scenery in England and Wales. Though it is shared with our neighbouring county, Powys, no visit to Carmarthenshire is complete without visiting these wonderful mountains.

Fishing in Carmarthenshire
If you are interested in fishing, Carmarthenshire is heaven. On the miles of clean, deserted beaches you can catch prawns or mussels from rock pools or try your luck casting a line from the shore. To anyone into angling, Carmarthenshire’s rivers should need no introduction. The Cothi, Tywi and Teifi are all rich with sewin (sea trout) and salmon. They all offer a peaceful and inspiring setting to while away the day. For more information visit our guide to Fishing in Carmarthenshire.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Our favourite snowdrop walks in Carmarthenshire

Snowdrops are the first bulbs to bloom and show signs of life after the winter months, flowering between January and March. Creating carpets of white, these delicate plants are a reminder that spring will soon be on its way. According to a legend, if you listen really carefully, you can hear the ringing of the bells - they ring together to wake up sleeping nature.

You’ll find beautiful snowdrop displays in woodlands and on river banks and they’re a much-loved sight in gardens too. To help you spot them we’ve chosen some of our best places for snowdrops in Carmarthenshire.

Carmarthenshire has great nature reserves and at this time of year they are bursting back to life with spring leaves, and fantastic shows of snowdrops and other wild flowers such the elusive Crocus. You’ll also spot animals and birds, and it’s always worth keeping an eye out for the red kite overhead with its easily spotted forked tail. Visit the reserves to take in the sights and smells, they are great places for a walk with the children, romantic walks and even your dog will love it! Why not make an afternoon of it and call in one of the fantastic and varied restaurants or pubs for a well deserved meal after your walk.

Dinas Nature Reserve Rhandirmwyn, near Llandovery
Take a relaxing walk along way-marked paths through wet and oak woodlands to the fast-flowing River Tywi, circle the mountain, and visit Twm Sion Cati’s cave (a local Robin Hood character). The woods are one of the best in Carmarthenshire for snowdrops. You can spot Red Kites as they circle above looking for prey (they have forked tails) as well as many other birds and animals. Great views are seen from the walk as the river Tywi crashes through the valley. Why not call in "The Old Oak " in Rhandirmwyn in the village for great food. The reserve has a RSPB car park, and interpretation boards with visitor information, a £1 donation for parking can be put in the honesty box. Grid Ref SN787470. For Further information contact Carmarthen TIC on 01267 231557.

Stay -

Castle Woods at Dinefwr Park and Castle, near Llandeilo

This well known reserve is made up of ancient mixed and oak woodland with one of the best spots for viewing Snowdrops in the county. Recently featured in Red magazine as one of the best in the UK. After you marvel at the snowdrops why not take a walk to the castle for great views over the Tywi Valley. Why not call in the tearoom at Newton house for homemade cakes and a cup of tea or even treat yourself to lunch in one of Llandeilo’s fantastic pubs or hotels. Grid Ref SN625221. Parking is at the National Trust’s Dinefwr Park and Castle car park where visitor information and walk leaflets can be found at the reception office. For further information contact Dinefwr Park and Castle on 01558 824512 or see or Carmarthen TIC on 01267 231557. Castle Walk

Stay – Cawdor Hotel, Llandeilo

Carmel Woods Nature Reserve, Llandybie

Nature reserve built around a massive quarry near Llandybie, is a great best place to see Snowdrops in Carmarthenshire, best seen January to March.! Also at the reserve is the intriguing disappearing turlough lake fed only by underground water - it vanishes in the summer! Above you’ll spot Red Kites circling for prey, (they’re the ones with forked tails) as well as many other species of birds and animals. Early Primroses (Primula vulgaris) and Lesser Celandines (Ranunculus ficaria) light up the path edges from the end of February, and the birdsong is an absolute joy. This reserve is home to many kinds of woodland birds, and the turlough is a welcome refuge for wildfowl during the winter months. A car park can be seen off the A476, near SA14 7TL or near the village of Pentregwenlais near Llandybie. Grid Ref SN589161. For Further information contact Carmarthen TIC on 01267 231557.

Stay -

Green Castle Woods, near Carmarthen

Visit these mixed oak woods, with rich wildflower meadows and wetland areas and wander along the way marked trails through the wood. Between January and March swathes of Snowdrops and other wildflowers may be seen carpeting the woodland floor. Great views towards Carmarthen, the Tywi Valley, and towards Ferryside across the estuary. The new All Wales Coast Path passes through the reserve. Grid Ref SN391167. A free visitor car park and information boards are located off the B4312 between Carmarthen and Llansteffan. For Further information contact Carmarthen TIC on 01267 231557.

Stay - Tan y Lan Fach Cottages, Llangain 

Crychan Forest, near Llandovery

Nestled between the Brecon Beacons and the Cambrian Mountains in the north of Carmarthenshire, Crychan Forest offers miles of way marked trails along grassy tracks and forest roads. From January to March sees the forest floor carpeted by thousands of stunning snowdrops. Wildlife includes many species such as badgers, foxes, roe deer, goshawks, buzzards, and the graceful red kite. The forest is served by ample car parking at four sites and welcomes walkers, cyclists and horse riders, on its various family friendly way-marked trails. The reserve is located to the North East of Llandovery on the A483. Grid Ref SN848410. Further information contact Carmarthen TIC on 01267 231557.  

Stay – Castle Hotel, Llandovery

Cwm Rhaeadr, Cilycwm Woods, near Llandovery

Located in the Tywi valley north of Llandovery, Cwm Rhaeadr forest has great displays of snowdrops and other flowers under the forest canopy. The waymarked trails take you through the best bits of the forest, through massive trees and along bright glades. Walkers who follow the Waterfall walk will gain glimpses of the waterfall through the trees as they are taken along valley sides as they are taken into the further reaches of the forest. There is even an accessible walk giving access to the forest for all abilities including wheelchair users. Adrenalin junkies may like to try the challenging red graded mountain bike course describes by MBR magazine as "one of the best trails........ anywhere in the UK". The forest is well placed for the visitor with great food at the Neuadd Fawr Inn in Cilycwm and numerous establishments just south down the road in Llandovery, or to the North in Rhandirmwyn! Grid ref: SN765422. Leaflets detailing the various trails are available from Carmarthen Tourist Information Centre. The forest has a visitors car park with interpretation boards just through the village of Cilycwm. For further information contact Carmarthen TIC on 01267 231557.

Snowdrop Day at the National Botanic Garden of Wales

Everybody’s favourite spring flower is the centre of attention for a special day at the National Botanic Garden of Wales on Saturday January 31 – and it’s FREE.
Galanthus is a much-loved harbinger of spring and here at the Garden there is a mile of snowdrops to explore but Snowdrop Day is so much more than walk in the park. There will be talks, trails, a book signing, family activities and a demonstration on how to grow and care for snowdrops as well as tips on incorporating them into your garden design.
Award-winning horticultural writer and much-garlanded show garden designer Naomi Slade will be on hand to help you out with all you ever wanted to know about snowdrops. Naomi is a frequent radio guest and contributes regularly to many national newspapers and magazines, including The Guardian, The Telegraph, Kitchen Garden Magazine, House and Garden and the official organ of the Royal Horticultural Society: The Garden. Her book The Plant Lover’s Guide to Snowdrops, has just been published by Timber Press and will be available in the Garden gift shop. When she is not talking, leading walks and demonstrating, Naomi will be signing copies of her new book.
As part of the Garden’s FREE January promotion, there is no admission charge for this event.
For more information about this and other events at the Garden, call 01558 667149 or email

Friday 23 January 2015

Tourism Business Support Roadshows/ Sioau Teithiol Cymorth Busne Twristiaeth

Calling all tourism businesses! Over the coming weeks, a series of Roadshows will be popping up in a town near you, with a selected team of tourism experts, business support organisations, and local attractions who are all on-hand to offer you support, advice or opportunities to grow your tourism & hospitality business.
Come and see us on…
Monday 26th January, at Con Passionata, Carmarthen
Tuesday 27th January, at The Castle Hotel, Llandovery
Tuesday 10th February, at the Ashburnham Hotel, Burry Port
Thursday 12th February, at Gwesty’r Emlyn Hotel, Newcastle Emlyn

All Roadshows run from 11am – 3pm. These are FREE events - just call in at any time, or contact if you’d like to book an appointment with any of the exhibitors.
Organised by Carmarthenshire Tourism Association, these roadshow events are a great opportunity for anyone currently involved in tourism & hospitality – or anyone thinking of setting up a tourism business – to find out about the variety of support and opportunities available, and have a chance to put your questions and queries directly to industry experts.

We’ll be there exhibiting as the County Council Tourism Team – come and see us to pick up lots of local resources and leaflets that you can share with your guests, and to update us on your business’s latest news and developments.
Exhibitors include:
Carmarthenshire Tourism Association
Carmarthenshire County Council  Tourism Team
Visit Wales
Business Wales

We’ll also be joined by a variety of local attractions and activity providers who are keen to build stronger links with Carmarthenshire’s accommodation providers – have a chat to see how you can work together!
All Roadshows run from 11am – 3pm. Just call in at any time, or contact Lowri on 01269 598140 or if you’d like to book a 1 to 1 appointment with any of the exhibitors.


Yn galw pob busnes twristiaeth! Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, bydd cyfres o Sioeau Teithiol fod yn neidio i fyny mewn tref yn eich ardal chi, gyda thîm o arbenigwyr a ddewiswyd twristiaeth, sefydliadau cymorth busnes, ac atyniadau lleol sydd i gyd wrth law i gynnig cefnogaeth, cyngor neu gyfleoedd i dyfu eich busnes twristiaeth a lletygarwch.

Dewch i'n gweld ni ar ...

Dydd Llun 26ain o Ionawr, yn Con Passionata, Caerfyrddin

Dydd Mawrth 27 Ionawr, yng Ngwesty'r Castell, Llanymddyfri

Dydd Mawrth 10 Chwefror yng Ngwesty'r Ashburnham, Porth Tywyn

Dydd Iau 12 Chwefror yng Ngwesty Gwesty'r Emlyn, Castell Newydd Emlyn

Mae pob Sioeau Teithiol yn rhedeg o 11:00-15:00. Mae'r rhain yn ddigwyddiadau AM DDIM - galwch heibio unrhyw bryd, neu cysylltwch os hoffech drefnu apwyntiad gydag unrhyw un o'r arddangoswyr.

Trefnwyd gan Gymdeithas Twristiaeth Sir Gaerfyrddin, digwyddiadau sioe deithiol hyn yn gyfle gwych i unrhyw un sy'n ymwneud ar hyn o bryd mewn twristiaeth a lletygarwch - neu unrhyw un sy'n ystyried sefydlu busnes twristiaeth - i gael gwybod am yr amrywiaeth o gefnogaeth a chyfleoedd sydd ar gael, a chael cyfle i roi eich cwestiynau ac ymholiadau yn uniongyrchol at arbenigwyr y diwydiant.

Fe fyddwn ni yno arddangos fel y Tîm Twristiaeth Cyngor Sir - dewch i'n gweld ni i godi llawer o adnoddau a thaflenni lleol y gallwch rannu gyda'ch gwesteion, ac i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni am newyddion a datblygiadau diweddaraf eich busnes.

Arddangoswyr yn cynnwys:

• Cymdeithas Twristiaeth Sir Gaerfyrddin

Tîm Twristiaeth Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin

Croeso Cymru

Busnes Cymru

Byddwn yn ymuno hefyd gan amrywiaeth o atyniadau lleol a darparwyr gweithgareddau sy'n awyddus i feithrin cysylltiadau cryfach gyda darparwyr llety Sir Gaerfyrddin - cael sgwrs i weld sut y gallwch chi weithio gyda'i gilydd!

Mae pob Sioeau ar Daith yn rhedeg o 11:00-15:00. Galwch mewn ar unrhyw adeg, neu cysylltwch â Lowri ar 01269 598140 neu os hoffech archebu 1 i 1 apwyntiad gyda unrhyw un o'r arddangoswyr.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Discover Carmarthenshire attends UK's leading event! Darganfod Sir Gaerfyrddin yn mynychu digwyddiad mwyaf blaenllaw yn y DU

Carmarthenshire is proud to announce that  it will be exhibiting at BOBI:- Best of Britain and Ireland show. BOBI has established itself as the ultimate business event in the UK for the domestic tourism and venues industry. The team will be exhibiting in the Visit Wales Pavillion stand B83, at the NEC in Birmingham on 11th & 12th March 2015 and will be showcasing Carmarthenshire as a destination to visit to over 3000 visitors who are looking for help planning holidays, trips, tours, breaks, conferences, meetings and events. Alongside the exhibition runs a comprehensive seminar program and unrivalled networking opportunities, something the discover Carmarthenshire team will be exploiting. For more information on BOBI please contact Sarah Owen on

Mae Sir Gaerfyrddin yn falch o gyhoeddi y byddwn yn arddangos yn Bobi: - “Best of Britain and Ireland show”  Mae BOBI wedi sefydlu ei hun fel y digwyddiad busnes blaenllaw yn y DU ar gyfer y diwydiant twristiaeth a lleoliadau cartref. Bydd y tîm yn arddangos yn y Pafiliwn Croeso Cymru stondin B83, yn yr NEC yn Birmingham ar 11 & 12 Mawrth, 2015 Byddwn yn  arddangos Sir Gaerfyrddin fel cyrchfan I dros 3000 o ymwelwyr sy'n chwilio am wyliau cynllunio gymorth, teithiau, teithiau, gwyliau, cynadleddau, cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau. Ochr yn ochr â'r arddangosfa yn rhedeg rhaglen gynhwysfawr seminar a chyfleoedd rhwydweithio heb ei ail, rhywbeth y bydd y tîm Darganfod Sir Gaerfyrddin yn cael eu ymelwa. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Bobi cysylltwch â Sarah Owen ar