Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Dinner Ice Cream for Pooches Launched for Festive Season

Carmarthenshire confectionery launches dog-friendly Yuletide dessert

Peckish pooches needn’t miss out on dessert on Christmas Day thanks to the efforts of a Carmarthenshire confectionery, which has launched a special ‘Christmas Dinner’ flavoured ice cream for dogs as a speciality for the festive season.

Created by Heavenly, a confectionery and dessert specialists found in the boutique town of Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, the Christmas Dinner ice cream offers the flavour combination of turkey, peas, carrots, sage and gravy all in one scoop; with an almond milk base ensuring its pet friendly for your pooch. No more longing eyes staring up at your bulging plate of Christmas pudding - this ice cream will ensure your canine has an indulgent Christmas dessert of his very own.

Heavenly is no stranger to weird and wonderful ice cream flavours. Boasting its own on-site ‘Ice Cream Lab’, the store makes all of its own artisan ice creams using Welsh organic milk and cream (for human consumption), and is able to make any flavour your heart desires at request (as long as they’re given  48 hours notice).

Previous unusual ice cream flavours concocted by Heavenly include Lobster and Fries, Brussels Sprouts, Baked Beans and Worcester Sauce and Chip Butty ice cream. There is, of course, a whole host of more mainstream delicious flavours on offer too- including Lemon Meringue Pie, Jammy Dodger, Fig and Mascarpone and, for those after a true taste of Wales, Bara Brith flavour. Heavenly are also offering a ‘Christmas Pudding’ flavour ice cream for the festive season.

“So much of what we eat on Christmas Day is a no go zone for our dogs, including chocolates and Christmas pudding - it seems it’s just not their day for scraps!” explained Tracey Kindred, owner of Heavenly and maker of the Canine Christmas Dinner Ice Cream. “In fact, many people don’t realise that raisins and grapes are actually toxic to dogs. We wanted to give the poor pooches a break this year and give them their very own Christmas Dinner dessert. Ice cream is the perfect way to give them a treat and making it with almond milk means it’s both lactose-free and low in sugar- as dogs need. Packing in flavours of turkey, gravy and veg, we’re sure this will give them the flavourful festive treat they deserve, and clean bowls all round!”

The Canine Christmas Dinner Ice Cream for Dogs is made to order for collection, available by pre-order only by contacting the store on or by calling 01558 822800. To visit the Heavenly website, go to:

For more information on Carmarthenshire food, establishments and events in the county please visit

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Do you have at least one child aged between 8 – 13? 

Do you go out on family bike rides, or are you interested in doing more leisure cycling with your family?

If you answered yes to the above questions please complete our survey to tell us how you currently use traffic free cycle routes with your family for leisure journeys. Your answers will help to inform an exciting new activity-based Smart Phone app that we’re producing for families, which will aim to enrich daytrips on six popular traffic-free cycle routes in Wales.
You can also help shape the design, features and functionalities of our new app by taking part in one of our focus groups in Cardiff and Port Talbot with your family. To thank you for participating in a focus group, you will receive a free tailored cycling pack with useful maps and resources for your family and a goodie bag for the children.
Click here to complete the questionnaire and to find out how to get involved in the focus groups.


A oes gennych chi o leiaf un plentyn rhwng 8 a 13 oed? 

A fyddwch chi’n mynd allan ar deithiau beic fel teulu, neu a oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud mwy o feicio hamdden gyda’r teulu?
Os gwnaethoch ateb yn gadarnhaol i’r cwestiynau uchod a fyddech cystal â llenwi’r holiadur hwn er mwyn dweud wrthym sut yr ydych ar hyn o bryd yn defnyddio llwybrau beicio di-draffig gyda’ch teulu ar gyfer teithiau hamdden. Bydd eich atebion yn helpu i lywio ap Ffôn Clyfar cyffrous newydd seiliedig ar weithgaredd yr ydym yn ei greu ar gyfer teuluoedd, gyda’r nod o gyfoethogi teithiau dydd ar chwe llwybr beicio di-draffig yng Nghymru.

Gallwch hefyd helpu i siapio dyluniad, nodweddion ac ymarferoldeb ein ap newydd drwy gymryd rhan yn un o’n grwpiau ffocws yng Nghaerdydd a Port Talbot gyda’ch teulu. Er mwyn diolch i chi am gymryd rhan mewn gr?p ffocws, byddwch yn derbyn pecyn beicio wedi ei deilwra am ddim gyda mapiau ac adnoddau defnyddiol ar gyfer eich teulu a bag o nwyddau ar gyfer y plant.

Cliciwch yma i lenwi’r holiadur ac i gael gwybod mwy am sut i gymryd rhan yn y grwpiau ffocws.