Tuesday 21 August 2012

Benefit from the new Visit Wales promotional campaign

The latest Visit Wales promotional campaign is due to commence in September 2012 and the Marketing & Tourism section of Carmarthenshire County Council wants to ensure as many Carmarthenshire businesses benefit from the Welsh Governments spend. From autumn 2012 to next spring, Visit Wales has identified a target of 160,000 responses & has numerous opportunities to generate leads for Carmarthenshire.

In order to generate the brochure & online requests for Wales and Carmarthenshire, 6 million inserts will go in newspapers & magazines (inc the Guardian, Observer, The Times, Sunday Times, The Telegraph, Stella, Mail on Sunday, Heritage Today, Caravan Club and the Lonely Planet) with online promotions with The Telegraph, Facebook, & Ebay, 350,000 people on the Visit Wales database will be contacted by post with a further 300,000 emailed.

Both the autumn & spring campaigns will focus on +45 couples, ABC1 'Personal Explorers' who are interested in heritage and culture (theatres, art galleries, museums) & walking. In order to ensure you maximise this opportunity, contact Sarah Owen by emailing marketing@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

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