Tuesday 29 September 2015

Spooky Family Fun in Carmarthenshire this October Half Term

Spooky Family Fun in Carmarthenshire this October Half Term

Families in search of a fun-filled half term escape on UK shores should head on over to Carmarthenshire this October half term, where a host of spooky spectacles and adventurous activities await. From haunted house tours with pumpkin carving and potion making on a ‘spooky nature night’, to ghoulish gold mine underground tours and farmyard fun for little ones; we’ve got something on offer to suit families of all shapes and sizes!

Check out some of the activity highlights below- with more available at www.discovercarmarthenshire.com/whats-on/october  

Haunted House Tours and Spooky Sleepovers- Dinefwr Park and Castle, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire

Fans of things that go bump in the night should head on over to Dinefwr Park this half term, where pumpkin carving, haunted house tours and spooky sleepovers are all on offer for brave souls of all ages. Taking place in the “4th most haunted” house on the National Trust’s roster, visitors between 23-25 October have the chance to explore Newton House by torchlight on a spooky evening tour. Early evening tours are perfect for little ones (7+) with magic tricks and mild spooky tales, whilst the later tours (for those 14+) promise to pack a fright, with ghoulish ghost stories told along the way. Fright fans also have the chance to spend the night in Newton House on Halloween itself- you’ll just need to pack your sleeping bag and nerves of steel- with a delicious breakfast served up the next morning to all those who make it through the night...

Details: Haunted House tours take place on 23, 24 and 25 October. There are 3 tours each evening - 7pm-8pm (ages 7+) and 8.15pm-9.15pm / 9.30pm-10.30pm (ages 14+). Prices from £5 per child (each ticket admits one free adult) and £15 per person for the later tours. Spooky sleepover takes place on 31st October at 7:50pm- tickets priced at £55pp including dinner and breakfast. Over 18s only.  For more information visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/dinefwr or call 01558 824512.

Bat Spotting and Potion Making- Spooky Nature Nights at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire
For intrepid young adventurers wanting to explore the spooky side of wetland wildlife, the WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre is hosting special ‘Spooky Nature Nights’ on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October. There will be bat detecting, torch-lit pond explorations, potion making, owl-pellet dissecting and even skull handling on offer; with hot chocolate and treats served up after a busy evening of ghoulish animal activities. Young ones can also take part in a spooky magic school, where they can make magic wands, conduct experiments, learn tricks and even receive a magic school graduation scroll. Be sure to come in costume too - a prize will be awarded for the best effort! Plus, WWT Llanelli will be hosting a family fun week throughout half term, with minibeast hunting, pond dipping, bird-watching and craft workshops all on offer.

Details: Spooky Nature Nights take place on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October, starting at 5pm and lasting for 2 hours. Tickets are available from £10 per child with accompanying adult allowed entry free of charge- additional adult costs £4 each. Price includes all activities, hot chocolate and treats. Booking essential.  Visit www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/llanelli or call 01554 741 087.

Ghastly Gold Mines and Dolaucothi’s Dreadful Past - Dolaucothi Gold Mines, Pumsaint,  Carmarthenshire
Step back in time at the oldest known Roman gold mine in the UK this Halloween, where young visitors have the opportunity to venture into the deep, dark depths of the mine with a ghoulish underground tour. Taking place in the evening of 31st October,  brave underground explorers will don their hard hats, switch on their miners’ lamps and embark on a journey to the centre of the Earth - finding out all about the mine’s horrible history, including Judge John’s infamous murder. Warm refreshments will be offered afterwards at the nearby Dolaucothi Arms, a cosy pub with its own historical connections to the infamous murder...

Details: The Ghastly Gold Mine Tour takes place on 31st October, with tours from 7pm-8pm and 8pm-9pm. Tickets are available from £16 per person, including a bowl of soup and a cup of punch at the nearby Dolaucothi Arms. All children (aged 14+) must be accompanied by an adult. Visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/dolaucothi-gold-mines or call 01558 650177.

Cream Tea Delights Aboard a Vintage Steam Train - Gwili Railway, North of Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire

Families are invited to sample a taste of the golden age of railway this October half term at Gwili Railway, where they’re able to hop on board an authentic 1950’s steam hauled service and explore the spectacular surrounding countryside from the comfort of an elegant carriage. A delicious strawberry cream tea will be served up to satisfy your sweet tooth whilst on board- including fresh warm scones, welsh butter, clotted cream and local preserves- making this the perfect afternoon treat for little ones and big kids alike. Plus, visitors to the railway throughout the half term week will have a host of activities on offer to keep them entertained- from meeting Ben the steam locomotive who pulls the Miniature Railway and visiting the Travelling Post Office, to pulling the signals and ringing the bells in the museum.

Details: Afternoon Cream Tea service available on Thursday 29th October at 12:20, 13:50 and 15:15. Prices from £14.50 per adult and £9 per child, including train fare.  For more information visit www.gwili-railway.co.uk

Family Farm Fun- Junior Farmer’s Morning at Cwmcrwth Farm- Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire
Don your wellies and get stuck in with all the fun of the farm at this Junior Farmer’s morning at Cwmcrwth rare breed farm; ideal for mini farmers in the making. Little ones will join Farmer Rob to help him do the rounds of his friendly farm animals- helping feed the pigs, collect eggs from the hens, brush Eddie the miniature Shetland and meet Dominic and Millie; the resident donkeys. Snacks and drinks are included- with parents invited to lend a hand too!

Details: Junior Farmers morning runs from 9am- 12:30pm on 27th and 29th October. Prices from £20 for one child and one adult, or £50 for a family ticket (up to 3 children and 2 adults). To book, visit www.cwmcrwthfarm.co.uk  or call 01558-669-160

In addition, the National Botanic Garden of Wales is inviting families to go Bonkers for Conkers this October half-term; inviting conker-lovers from across the country to come and show off their skills in the Great Carmarthenshire Conker Contest. The contest will take place daily from Saturday 24th October- Sunday 1st November, with free entry for under 16s all week. For more information, go to www.gardenofwales.org.uk  or call 01558 667149.

We also have a host of fantastic family-friendly accommodation across the county with availability remaining for the half term week. Check out more information here: www.discovercarmarthenshire.com/staying


Hwyl Ofnadwy i’r Teulu yn Sir Gaerfyrddin yn ystod Hanner Tymor yr Hydref

Os yw eich teulu chi yn chwilio am hwyl yr hanner tymor hwn, dewch draw i Sir Gaerfyrddin, ble bydd gwledd o anturiaethau arswydus a digwyddiadau dychrynllyd yn aros amdanoch. O deithiau mewn tŷ bwganod a cherfio pwmpenni ar ‘noson natur arswydus’, i deithiau dychrynllyd tanddaearol a hwyl ar y fferm i’r rhai bach. Mae gennym rywbeth at ddant pob aelod o’r teulu!

Cymrwch gip ar rai o uchafbwyntiau’r gweithgareddau isod – ac mae mwy i’w gweld ar y wefan: www.discovercarmarthenshire.com/whats-on/october  

Teithiau Tŷ Bwganod a Chysgu’r Nos – Parc a Chastell Dinefwr, Llandeilo, Sir Gaerfyrddin
Os ydych  yn hoff o bethau sy’n codi blew eich gwar, dewch draw i Barc Dinefwr yn ystod wythnos hanner tymor yr hydref, lle bydd cyfle i bobl ddewr o bob oed gerfio pwmpen, mynd ar daith dywys mewn tŷ llawn bwganod, a chael cysgu’r nos hyd yn oed. Plas Dinefwr yw’r 4ydd tŷ mwyaf arswydus ar restr yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, a rhwng 23 a 25 Hydref, caiff ymwelwyr gyfle i grwydro drwy’r tŷ yng ngolau tortsh ar daith ddychrynllyd gyda’r nos. Bydd teithiau’n gynnar gyda’r nos yn berffaith i rai bach (7+) gyda thriciau hud a lledrith a straeon arswydus ysgafn, a bydd y teithiau hwyrach (i rai 14+) gryn dipyn yn fwy arswydus, wrth i straeon am ysbrydion gael eu hadrodd ar hyd y ffordd. Bydd cyfle hefyd i rai sy’n hoff o hela arswyd dreulio’r nos ym Mhlas Dinefwr ar nos Galan Gaeaf ei hun. Dewch a sach gysgu a digon o nerfau i’ch cynnal, a chaiff brecwast blasus ei weini i’r rhai a lwyddodd i oroesi’r nos...

Manylion: Bydd Teithiau Tywys y Tŷ Bwganod yn cael eu cynnal ar 23, 24 a 25 Hydref. Bydd 3 taith bob nos - 7pm-8pm (7+ oed); a 8.15pm-9.15pm / 9.30pm-10.30pm (14+ oed). Prisiau o £5 y plentyn (bydd pob tocyn yn caniatáu un oedolyn am ddim) a £15 y pen ar gyfer y teithiau hwyrach. Caiff Sesiwn Cysgu’r Nos ei chynnal ar 31ain Hydref am 7:50pm – pris y tocynnau yw £55 y pen, gan gynnwys swper a brecwast. Rhai dros 18 oed yn unig.  I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i www.nationaltrust.org.uk/dinefwr neu ffoniwch 01558 824512.

Canfod Ystlumod a Hud a Lledrith – Nosweithiau Natur Arswydus yng Nghanolfan Gwlyptir Llanelli, Sir Gaerfyrddin
I’r anturwyr ifanc a dewr yn eich plith a fyddai’n mwynhau agweddau arswydus ar fywyd gwyllt y gwlyptir, mae Canolfan Gwlyptir Llanelli yn cynnal ‘Nosweithiau Natur Arswydus’ ar nos Wener 30 a nos Sadwrn 31 Hydref. Bydd cyfle i ganfod ystlumod, chwilio yn y pyllau â golau tortsh, archwilio peledi tylluanod, a thrafod penglogau hyd yn oed; a chewch siocled twym a danteithion i ddilyn y noson brysur o weithgareddau arswydus gyda’r anifeiliaid. Caiff y rhai iau gyfle hefyd i gymryd rhan mewn ysgol hud a lledrith, gan greu ffon hud, cynnal arbrofion, dysgu triciau a derbyn tystysgrif raddio o’r ysgol hud! Da chi, dewch yn eich gwisg ffansi hefyd – bydd gwobr am yr ymdrechion gorau! Bydd Ymddiriedolaeth Adar y Gwlyptir, Llanelli, hefyd yn cynnal wythnos o hwyl i’r teulu yn ystod hanner tymor, gyda chyfle i hel bwystfilod bach, gwylio adar a chymryd rhan mewn gweithdai crefft.

Manylion: Caiff y Nosweithiau Natur Arswydus eu cynnal ar nos Wener 30 a nos Sadwrn 31 Hydref, gan gychwyn am 5pm a phara 2 awr. Mae tocynnau ar gael o £10 y plentyn, gydag oedolyn yn cael mynd am ddim gyda’r plentyn. £4 yr un am bob oedolyn ychwanegol. Mae’r prisiau’n cynnwys pob gweithgaredd, siocled twym a danteithion. Mae’n hanfodol archebu lle.  Ewch i www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/llanelli neu ffoniwch 01554 741 087.

Taith Aur-swydus a Hanes Dychrynllyd Dolaucothi – Gwaith Aur Dolaucothi, Pumsaint,  Sir Gaerfyrddin
Galan Gaeaf eleni, ewch ar daith yn ôl mewn amser yn y gwaith aur Rhufeinig hynaf y gwyddom amdano yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Caiff ymwelwyr ifanc gyfle i fentro i lwybrau dwfn a thywyll y pwll ar daith dywys ddychrynllyd. Ar noson y 31ain Hydref, caiff yr anturiaethwyr tanddaearol dewr wisgo eu helmedau, cynnau eu lampau a chychwyn ar daith i grombil y ddaear, a chael dysgu llawer am hanes ych-a-fi y pwll, gan gynnwys llofruddiaeth ofnadwy y Barnwr John. Caiff lluniaeth gynnes ei gweini wedyn yn y Dolaucothi Arms – tafarn glyd sydd â’i chysylltiadau hanesyddol ei hun â’r llofruddiaeth ofnadwy...

Manylion: Caiff y Daith Aur-swydus ei chynnal ar 31ain Hydref, gyda theithiau o 7pm-8pm ac 8pm-9pm. Mae tocynnau ar gael o £16 y pen, ac yn cynnwys powlen o gawl a chwpaned o bwnsh yn y Dolaucothi Arms gerllaw. Rhaid i bob plentyn (14+ oed) fod yng nghwmni oedolyn. Ewch i www.nationaltrust.org.uk/dolaucothi-gold-mines neu ffoniwch 01558 650177.

Hwyl a The Prynhawn ar Fwrdd Trên Stêm – Rheilffordd Gwili, i’r gogledd o Gaerfyrddin
Caiff teuluoedd eu gwahodd i gael blas ar oes aur y rheilffordd yn ystod hanner tymor yr hydref ar Reilffordd Gwili. Camwch ar fwrdd trên stêm gwreiddiol o’r 1950au, gan ymlwybro drwy gefn gwlad godidog y sir yng nghlydwch y cerbyd crand. Caiff te prynhawn blasus ei weini, at eich dant melys, ar fwrdd y trên, gan gynnwys sgons ffres a chynnes, menyn Cymreig, hufen tolch, a jamiau lleol. Felly dyma’r prynhawn perffaith i rai bach a’r rhai hŷn fel ei gilydd. A bydd llu o weithgareddau ar gael i ymwelwyr â’r rheilffordd drwy gydol yr wythnos hanner tymor i’w diddanu, gyda chyfle i gwrdd â Ben yr Injan, ymweld â’r Swyddfa Bost Deithiol, a thynnu’r signalau a chanu’r clychau yn yr amgueddfa.

Manylion: Mae’r Gwasanaeth Te Prynhawn ar gael ar ddydd Iau 29ain Hydref am 12:20, 13:50 a 15:15. Prisiau o £14.50 yr un i oedolion, a £9 yr un i blant, ac mae hynny’n cynnwys tocyn trên.  I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i www.gwili-railway.co.uk

Hwyl i’r Teulu ar y Fferm – Bore’r Ffermwyr Iau ar Fferm Cwmcrwth, Llandeilo, Sir Gaerfyrddin
Gwisgwch eich welis a bant â chi i gael hwyl ar y fferm ym More’r Ffermwyr Iau ar Fferm Bridiau Prin Cwmcrwth. Profiad delfrydol i’r darpar-ffermwyr yn eich plith! Caiff y rhai bach ymuno â Ffermwr Rob i’w helpu i ofalu am ei anifeiliaid fferm cyfeillgar – bwydo’r moch, casglu wyau’r ieir, brwsio Eddie y Shetland bach, a chwrdd â’r asynnod, Dominic a Millie. Mae’r pris yn cynnwys byrbrydau a diodydd, ac mae croeso i’r rhieni roi help llaw hefyd!

Manylion: Caiff Bore’r Ffermwyr Iau ei gynnal rhwng 9am a 12:30pm ar 27ain a 29ain Hydref. Prisiau o £20 am un plentyn ac un oedolyn, neu £50 am docyn teulu (hyd at 3 o blant a 2 oedolyn). I archebu lle, ewch i www.cwmcrwthfarm.co.uk  neu ffoniwch 01558-669-160

Hefyd, mae Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru yn gwahodd teuluoedd i fynd yn Boncyrs am Goncyrs yn ystod hanner tymor yr hydref, gan wahodd chwaraewyr concyrs o bob cwr o’r wlad i ddangos eu sgiliau yng Nghystadleuaeth Concyrs Fawr Sir Gaerfyrddin. Caiff y gystadleuaeth ei chynnal o ddydd Sadwrn 24ain Hydref hyd at ddydd Sul 1af Tachwedd, a bydd mynediad am ddim i bawb dan 16 oed drwy gydol yr wythnos. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i www.gardenofwales.org.uk  neu ffoniwch 01558 667149.

Mae hefyd gennym ddigonedd o lety addas i deuluoedd ledled y sir, ac mae lle ar gael o hyd ar gyfer wythnos hanner tymor. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i: http://www.discovercarmarthenshire.com/cymraeg/aros/index.html