Friday 21 December 2012

Digwyddiadau Ionawr 2013 January events

  Ensure your guests know what events are on in January, by  downloading the County Council's monthly "What's On" PDF which is available on the link below. (To print, open the link, right click, and select the print option)

January 2013 events list

The what's on and events pages on are among the top two most visited pages of the website and are updated daily with a comprehensive listing.

CultureGrantGwnewch yn siwr bod eich gwesteion yn gwybod pa ddigwyddiadau sydd ymlaen ym mis Ionawr, drwy lwytho i lawr "Beth Sy Ymlaen '' misol y Cyngor Sir. Mae'r PDF ar gael ar y ddolen isod. (I argraffu, agorwch y ddolen, cliciwch dde, a dewiswch yr opsiwn print)

Rhestr ddigwyddiadau Ionawr 2013

Mae'r thudalennau "beth sydd ymlaen" a digwyddiadau ar ymysg y ddwy dudalen mwyaf poblogaidd y wefan ac yn cael eu diweddaru bob dydd gyda rhestr gynhwysfawr.

Tourism and Marketing team contact details.

Huw, Rhys Anthony, Phil, Donna, Sarah, Michelle & Hywel have all relocated today to Llanelli Town Hall from Delta Lakes. Our address is Marketing & Tourism, Carmarthenshire County Council, Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire SA15 3AH  Tel 01554 744376

Elinos, Lowri, Heather continue to work from Castle House in Carmarthen. Two more staff will be appointed shortly to work from this location including the CADW project officer and a Modern Apprentice who will assist Elinos on town centre marketing.  The address is Castle House, The old County lock up, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA31 1AD Tel 01267 231557

Tuesday 4 December 2012

November Website Stats 2012

If you wish to know how many leads were generated from the Discover Carmarthenshire website to your website, please e-mail 
To receive these figures you will need to show us where on your website, the link to Discover Carmarthenshire is located.

During NOVEMBER, 36% (up 11%) of the visits were from mobile devices (mainly iPad and iPhone)
During NOVEMBER, 32% (up 4%) of the visits were return visits

Top 5 most popular sections of the website were -
(1) What's On (52%) - Fireworks !
(2) Activities (5%)
(3) Heritage (5%)
(4) Family (4%)
(5) Accommodation (3%)
Top 5 visiting countries (outside UK)
(1) United States - 328
(2) Germany - 74
(3) Australia - 64
(4) Ireland - 54
(5) Netherlands - 42

Top 5 referring sites (excluding Corporate site, search engines)
(1) - 120